Interface CwmStructuralFeature

All Superinterfaces:
CwmElement, CwmFeature, CwmModelElement, RefBaseObject, RefFeatured, RefObject
All Known Subinterfaces:
CwmAttribute, CwmColumn, CwmUnionMember, FemAbstractAttribute, FemAbstractColumn, FemSqltypeAttribute, FemStoredColumn, FemViewColumn
All Known Implementing Classes:
CwmAttribute$Hib, CwmColumn$Hib, CwmUnionMember$Hib, FemSqltypeAttribute$Hib, FemStoredColumn$Hib, FemViewColumn$Hib

public interface CwmStructuralFeature
extends CwmFeature

StructuralFeature object instance interface. A structural feature refers to a static feature of a model element. In the metamodel, a StructuralFeature declares a structural aspect of a Classifier that is typed, such as an attribute. For example, it specifies the multiplicity and changeability of the StructuralFeature. StructuralFeature is an abstract metaclass.

Note: This type should not be subclassed, implemented or directly instantiated by clients. It is generated from a MOF metamodel and implemented by Enki or MDR.

Method Summary
 ChangeableKind getChangeability()
          Returns the value of attribute changeability.
 CwmMultiplicity getMultiplicity()
          Returns the value of attribute multiplicity.
 OrderingKind getOrdering()
          Returns the value of attribute ordering.
 ScopeKind getTargetScope()
          Returns the value of attribute targetScope.
 CwmClassifier getType()
          Returns the value of reference type.
 void setChangeability(ChangeableKind newValue)
          Sets the value of changeability attribute.
 void setMultiplicity(CwmMultiplicity newValue)
          Sets the value of multiplicity attribute.
 void setOrdering(OrderingKind newValue)
          Sets the value of ordering attribute.
 void setTargetScope(ScopeKind newValue)
          Sets the value of targetScope attribute.
 void setType(CwmClassifier newValue)
          Sets the value of type reference.
Methods inherited from interface net.sf.farrago.cwm.core.CwmFeature
getOwner, getOwnerScope, setOwner, setOwnerScope
Methods inherited from interface net.sf.farrago.cwm.core.CwmModelElement
getClientDependency, getConstraint, getImporter, getName, getNamespace, getVisibility, setName, setNamespace, setVisibility
Methods inherited from interface javax.jmi.reflect.RefObject
refClass, refDelete, refImmediateComposite, refIsInstanceOf, refOutermostComposite
Methods inherited from interface javax.jmi.reflect.RefFeatured
refGetValue, refGetValue, refInvokeOperation, refInvokeOperation, refSetValue, refSetValue
Methods inherited from interface javax.jmi.reflect.RefBaseObject
equals, hashCode, refImmediatePackage, refMetaObject, refMofId, refOutermostPackage, refVerifyConstraints

Method Detail


ChangeableKind getChangeability()
Returns the value of attribute changeability. Specifies whether the value may be modified after the object is created.

Value of attribute changeability.


void setChangeability(ChangeableKind newValue)
Sets the value of changeability attribute. See getChangeability() for description on the attribute.

newValue - New value to be set.


CwmMultiplicity getMultiplicity()
Returns the value of attribute multiplicity. The possible number of data values for the feature that may be held by an instance. The cardinality of the set of values is an implicit part of the feature. In the common case in which the multiplicity is 1..1, then the feature is a scalar (i.e., it holds exactly one value).

Value of attribute multiplicity.


void setMultiplicity(CwmMultiplicity newValue)
Sets the value of multiplicity attribute. See getMultiplicity() for description on the attribute.

newValue - New value to be set.


OrderingKind getOrdering()
Returns the value of attribute ordering. Specifies whether the set of instances is ordered. The ordering must be determined and maintained by Operations that add values to the feature. This property is only relevant if the multiplicity is greater than one.

Value of attribute ordering.


void setOrdering(OrderingKind newValue)
Sets the value of ordering attribute. See getOrdering() for description on the attribute.

newValue - New value to be set.


ScopeKind getTargetScope()
Returns the value of attribute targetScope. Specifies whether the targets are ordinary Instances or are Classifiers.

Value of attribute targetScope.


void setTargetScope(ScopeKind newValue)
Sets the value of targetScope attribute. See getTargetScope() for description on the attribute.

newValue - New value to be set.


CwmClassifier getType()
Returns the value of reference type.

Value of reference type.


void setType(CwmClassifier newValue)
Sets the value of type reference. See getType() for description on the attribute.

newValue - New value to be set.