Class Summary | |
SqlAbstractTimeFunction | Base class for time functions such as "LOCALTIME", "LOCALTIME(n)". |
SqlAvgAggFunction | Avg is an aggregator which returns the average of the values
which go into it. |
SqlBetweenOperator | Defines the BETWEEN operator. |
SqlBetweenOperator.AndFinder | Finds an AND operator in an expression. |
SqlCase | A SqlCase is a node of a parse tree which represents a case
statement. |
SqlCaseOperator | An operator describing a CASE , NULLIF or
COALESCE expression. |
SqlCastFunction | SqlCastFunction. |
SqlCeilFunction | Support for the CEIL/CEILING builtin function. |
SqlCoalesceFunction | The COALESCE function. |
SqlCollectionTableOperator | SqlCollectionTableOperator is the "table function derived table" operator. |
SqlColumnListConstructor | SqlColumnListConstructor defines the non-standard constructor used to pass a COLUMN_LIST parameter to a UDX. |
SqlConvertFunction | Common base for the CONVERT and TRANSLATE
functions. |
SqlCountAggFunction | Definition of the SQL COUNT aggregation function. |
SqlCurrentDateFunction | The CURRENT_DATE function. |
SqlCursorConstructor | SqlCursorConstructor defines the non-standard CURSOR(<query>) constructor. |
SqlDatetimeSubtractionOperator | A special operator for the subtraction of two DATETIMEs. |
SqlExtractFunction | The SQL EXTRACT operator. |
SqlFirstLastValueAggFunction | FIRST_VALUE and LAST_VALUE aggregate functions
return the first or the last value in a list of values that are input to the
function. |
SqlFloorFunction | Definition of the "FLOOR" builtin SQL function. |
SqlHistogramAggFunction | HistogramAgg is base operator which supports the Histogram
MIN/MAX aggregatoin functions. |
SqlInOperator | Definition of the SQL IN operator, which tests for a value's
membership in a subquery or a list of values. |
SqlLikeOperator | An operator describing the LIKE and SIMILAR
operators. |
SqlLiteralChainOperator | Internal operator, by which the parser represents a continued string literal. |
SqlMinMaxAggFunction | Definition of the MIN and MAX aggregate functions,
returning the returns the smallest/largest of the values which go into it. |
SqlMonotonicBinaryOperator | Base class for binary operators such as addition, subtraction, and
multiplication which are monotonic for the patterns m op c and
c op m where m is any monotonic expression and c is a constant. |
SqlMonotonicUnaryFunction | Base class for unary operators such as FLOOR/CEIL which are monotonic for monotonic inputs. |
SqlMultisetMemberOfOperator | Multiset MEMBER OF. |
SqlMultisetQueryConstructor | Definition of the SQL:2003 standard MULTISET query constructor,
MULTISET (<query>) . |
SqlMultisetSetOperator | An operator which performs set operations on multisets, such as "MULTISET UNION ALL". |
SqlMultisetValueConstructor | Definition of the SQL:2003 standard MULTISET constructor, MULTISET
[<expr>, ...] . |
SqlNewOperator | SqlNewOperator represents an SQL new specification such as
NEW UDT(1, 2) . |
SqlNullifFunction | The NULLIF function. |
SqlOverlapsOperator | SqlOverlapsOperator represents the SQL:1999 standard OVERLAPS function Determins if two anchored time intervals overlaps. |
SqlOverlayFunction | The OVERLAY function. |
SqlPositionFunction | The POSITION function. |
SqlRowOperator | SqlRowOperator represents the special ROW constructor. |
SqlSingleValueAggFunction | SINGLE_VALUE aggregate function returns the input value if there
is only one value in the input; Otherwise it triggers a run-time error. |
SqlStdOperatorTable | Implementation of SqlOperatorTable containing the
standard operators and functions. |
SqlStringContextVariable | Base class for functions such as "USER", "CURRENT_ROLE", and "CURRENT_PATH". |
SqlSubstringFunction | Definition of the "SUBSTRING" builtin SQL function. |
SqlSumAggFunction | Sum is an aggregator which returns the sum of the values which
go into it. |
SqlSumEmptyIsZeroAggFunction | Sum0 is an aggregator which returns the sum of the values which
go into it like Sum . |
SqlThrowOperator | An internal operator that throws an exception. The exception is thrown with a (localized) error message which is the only input paramter to the operator. The return type is defined as a BOOLEAN to facilitate the use of
it in constructs like the following: |
SqlTrimFunction | Definition of the "TRIM" builtin SQL function. |
Enum Summary | |
SqlBetweenOperator.Flag | Defines the "SYMMETRIC" and "ASYMMETRIC" keywords. |
SqlTrimFunction.Flag | Defines the enumerated values "LEADING", "TRAILING", "BOTH". |
Exception Summary | |
SqlBetweenOperator.AndFinder.Found |
Defines the set of standard SQL row-level functions and operators.
Revision | $Id: //open/dev/farrago/src/org/eigenbase/sql/fun/package.html#7 $ |
Copyright | Copyright (C) 2005-2009 The Eigenbase Project
Copyright (C) 2004-2009 SQLstream, Inc. Copyright (C) 2005-2009 LucidEra, Inc. |
Author | Julian Hyde |
The standard set of row-level functions and operators are declared in class
. Anonymous inner classes
within that table are allowed only for specifying an operator's test
function; if other custom code is needed for an operator, it should
be implemented in a top-level class within this package instead.
Operators which are not row-level (e.g. select and join) should be defined
in package org.eigenbase.sql