Class SqlLikeOperator

  extended by org.eigenbase.sql.SqlOperator
      extended by org.eigenbase.sql.SqlSpecialOperator
          extended by

public class SqlLikeOperator
extends SqlSpecialOperator

An operator describing the LIKE and SIMILAR operators.

Syntax of the two operators:

NOTE If the NOT clause is present the parser will generate a eqvivalent to NOT (src LIKE pattern ...)

Jan 21, 2004
$Id: //open/dev/farrago/src/org/eigenbase/sql/fun/ $
Wael Chatila

Field Summary
private  boolean negated
Fields inherited from class org.eigenbase.sql.SqlOperator
MaxPrec, NL
Constructor Summary
SqlLikeOperator(String name, SqlKind kind, boolean negated)
          Creates a SqlLikeOperator.
Method Summary
 boolean checkOperandTypes(SqlCallBinding callBinding, boolean throwOnFailure)
          Checks that the operand values in a SqlCall to this operator are valid.
 SqlOperandCountRange getOperandCountRange()
          Returns a constraint on the number of operands expected by this operator.
 boolean isNegated()
          Returns whether this is the 'NOT LIKE' operator.
 int reduceExpr(int opOrdinal, List<Object> list)
          Reduces a list of operators and arguments according to the rules of precedence and associativity.
 void unparse(SqlWriter writer, SqlNode[] operands, int leftPrec, int rightPrec)
          Writes a SQL representation of a call to this operator to a writer, including parentheses if the operators on either side are of greater precedence.
Methods inherited from class org.eigenbase.sql.SqlSpecialOperator
Methods inherited from class org.eigenbase.sql.SqlOperator
acceptCall, acceptCall, adjustType, argumentMustBeScalar, checkOperandCount, createCall, createCall, createCall, createCall, deriveType, equals, getAllowedSignatures, getAllowedSignatures, getKind, getLeftPrec, getMonotonicity, getName, getOperandTypeChecker, getOperandTypeInference, getReturnTypeInference, getRightPrec, getSignatureTemplate, hashCode, inferReturnType, inferReturnType, isAggregator, isDeterministic, isDynamicFunction, isName, leftPrec, preValidateCall, requiresDecimalExpansion, rewriteCall, rightPrec, toString, unparseListClause, unparseListClause, validateCall, validateOperands
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, finalize, getClass, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


private final boolean negated
Constructor Detail


SqlLikeOperator(String name,
                SqlKind kind,
                boolean negated)
Creates a SqlLikeOperator.

name - Operator name
kind - Kind
negated - Whether this is 'NOT LIKE'
Method Detail


public boolean isNegated()
Returns whether this is the 'NOT LIKE' operator.

whether this is 'NOT LIKE'


public SqlOperandCountRange getOperandCountRange()
Description copied from class: SqlOperator
Returns a constraint on the number of operands expected by this operator. Subclasses may override this method; when they don't, the range is derived from the SqlOperandTypeChecker associated with this operator.

getOperandCountRange in class SqlOperator
acceptable range


public boolean checkOperandTypes(SqlCallBinding callBinding,
                                 boolean throwOnFailure)
Description copied from class: SqlOperator
Checks that the operand values in a SqlCall to this operator are valid. Subclasses must either override this method or supply an instance of SqlOperandTypeChecker to the constructor.

checkOperandTypes in class SqlOperator
callBinding - description of call
throwOnFailure - whether to throw an exception if check fails (otherwise returns false in that case)
whether check succeeded


public void unparse(SqlWriter writer,
                    SqlNode[] operands,
                    int leftPrec,
                    int rightPrec)
Description copied from class: SqlOperator
Writes a SQL representation of a call to this operator to a writer, including parentheses if the operators on either side are of greater precedence.

The default implementation of this method delegates to SqlSyntax.unparse(org.eigenbase.sql.SqlWriter, org.eigenbase.sql.SqlOperator, org.eigenbase.sql.SqlNode[], int, int).

unparse in class SqlSpecialOperator


public int reduceExpr(int opOrdinal,
                      List<Object> list)
Description copied from class: SqlSpecialOperator
Reduces a list of operators and arguments according to the rules of precedence and associativity. Returns the ordinal of the node which replaced the expression.

The default implementation throws UnsupportedOperationException.

reduceExpr in class SqlSpecialOperator
opOrdinal - indicating the ordinal of the current operator in the list on which a possible reduction can be made
list - List of alternating SqlParserUtil.ToTreeListItem and SqlNode
ordinal of the node which replaced the expression