Class SqlColumnListConstructor

  extended by org.eigenbase.sql.SqlOperator
      extended by org.eigenbase.sql.SqlSpecialOperator
          extended by

public class SqlColumnListConstructor
extends SqlSpecialOperator

SqlColumnListConstructor defines the non-standard constructor used to pass a COLUMN_LIST parameter to a UDX.

$Id: //open/dev/farrago/src/org/eigenbase/sql/fun/ $
Zelaine Fong

Field Summary
Fields inherited from class org.eigenbase.sql.SqlOperator
MaxPrec, NL
Constructor Summary
Method Summary
 void unparse(SqlWriter writer, SqlNode[] operands, int leftPrec, int rightPrec)
          Writes a SQL representation of a call to this operator to a writer, including parentheses if the operators on either side are of greater precedence.
Methods inherited from class org.eigenbase.sql.SqlSpecialOperator
getSyntax, reduceExpr
Methods inherited from class org.eigenbase.sql.SqlOperator
acceptCall, acceptCall, adjustType, argumentMustBeScalar, checkOperandCount, checkOperandTypes, createCall, createCall, createCall, createCall, deriveType, equals, getAllowedSignatures, getAllowedSignatures, getKind, getLeftPrec, getMonotonicity, getName, getOperandCountRange, getOperandTypeChecker, getOperandTypeInference, getReturnTypeInference, getRightPrec, getSignatureTemplate, hashCode, inferReturnType, inferReturnType, isAggregator, isDeterministic, isDynamicFunction, isName, leftPrec, preValidateCall, requiresDecimalExpansion, rewriteCall, rightPrec, toString, unparseListClause, unparseListClause, validateCall, validateOperands
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, finalize, getClass, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public SqlColumnListConstructor()
Method Detail


public void unparse(SqlWriter writer,
                    SqlNode[] operands,
                    int leftPrec,
                    int rightPrec)
Description copied from class: SqlOperator
Writes a SQL representation of a call to this operator to a writer, including parentheses if the operators on either side are of greater precedence.

The default implementation of this method delegates to SqlSyntax.unparse(org.eigenbase.sql.SqlWriter, org.eigenbase.sql.SqlOperator, org.eigenbase.sql.SqlNode[], int, int).

unparse in class SqlSpecialOperator