Package org.eigenbase.runtime

Defines classes used by generated Eigenbase classes at runtime.


Interface Summary
AbstractIterResultSet.ColumnGetter A ColumnGetter retrieves a column from an input row based upon its 1-based ordinal.
Iterable An object is Iterable if it has an Iterable.iterator() method to create an Iterator over its elements.
RestartableIterator RestartableIterator extends the Iterator interface with a method for restarting to the beginning of the collection.
TupleIter TupleIter provides an Iterator-like interface for reading tuple data.

Class Summary
AbstractIterResultSet AbstractIterResultSet provides functionality common to all ResultSet implementations that convert from iterator convention.
AbstractIterResultSet.FieldGetter A FieldGetter retrieves each public field as a separate column.
AbstractIterResultSet.SingletonColumnGetter A SingletonColumnGetter retrieves the object itself.
AbstractIterResultSet.SyntheticColumnGetter A SyntheticColumnGetter retrieves columns from a synthetic object.
AbstractTupleIter A base class for implementations of TupleIter, with default implementations of some of its methods.
BufferedIterator BufferedIterator converts a regular iterator into one which implements Iterable (and Enumeration for good measure).
BufferedIterator.Clonerator Reads from an iterator, duplicating elements into a list as it does so.
CalcTupleIter CalcTupleIter is an abstract base for iterator implementations generated by IterCalcRel .
CompoundIterator CompoundIterator creates an iterator out of several.
CompoundParallelTupleIter CompoundParallelTupleIter creates one TupleIter out of several.
CompoundTupleIter CompoundTupleIter creates an iterator out of several iterators.
Dummy Dummy is the default context for code calling the net.sf.saffron.oj.stmt.OJStatement.execute() method.
EnumerationIterator EnumerationIterator is an adapter which converts an Enumeration into an Iterator.
ExclusivePipe A synchronization primitive which allows producer and a consumer to use the same Buffer without treading on each other's feet.
Holder A set of classes for holding primitive objects.
Interlock A synchronization primitive which allows a producer and a consumer to use the same resources without treading on each other's feet.
IteratorResultSet A IteratorResultSet is an adapter which converts a Iterator into a ResultSet.
NestedLoopCalcTupleIter NestedLoopCalcTupleIter is a specialization of CalcTupleIter for use in implementing nested loop inner joins over iterators.
QueueIterator Adapter that exposes a 'push' producer as an Iterator.
QueueIterator.EndOfQueue Sentinel object.
QueueIterator.WrappedNull A null masquerading as a real object.
QueueIteratorTest Test case for QueueIteratorTest.TestingTimeoutQueueIterator and its subclasses ThreadIterator and QueueIteratorTest.TestingTimeoutQueueIterator.
QueueIteratorTest.TestingTimeoutQueueIterator A TimeoutQueueIterator that exposes its inner QueueIterator for direct reading.
QueueIteratorTest.TickIterator Iterator which returns an element from an array on a regular basis.
RestartableCollectionIterator RestartableCollectionIterator implements the RestartableIterator interface in terms of an underlying Collection.
RestartableCollectionTupleIter RestartableCollectionTupleIter implements the TupleIter interface in terms of an underlying Collection.
RestartableIteratorTupleIter RestartableIteratorTupleIter adapts an underlying RestartableIterator as a TupleIter.
ResultSetIterator A ResultSetIterator is an adapter which converts a ResultSet to a Iterator.
ResultSetTupleIter A ResultSetTupleIter is an adapter which converts a ResultSet to a TupleIter.
Row When a relational expression obeys the result set calling convention, and does not explicitly specify a row type, the results are object of type Row.
Semaphore A counting semaphore.
SyntheticObject SyntheticObject is a base class for all objects built 'on the fly' by the saffron system.
ThreadIterator ThreadIterator converts 'push' code to 'pull'.
TimeoutQueueIterator Adapter which allows you to iterate over an Iterator with a timeout.
TimeoutQueueTupleIter Adapter which allows you to iterate over an TupleIter with a timeout.
TimeoutQueueTupleIterTest Test case for TimeoutQueueTupleIter.
TimeoutQueueTupleIterTest.TickIterator Iterator which returns an element from an array on a regular basis.
VarDecl An array of VarDecls is returned from the dummy() method which is generated to implement a variable declaration, or a list of statements which contain variable declarations.

Enum Summary
TupleIter.NoDataReason NoDataReason provides a reason why no data was returned by a call to TupleIter.fetchNext().

Exception Summary
AbstractIterResultSet.SqlTimeoutException Indicates that an operation timed out.
QueueIterator.TimeoutException Thrown by QueueIterator.hasNext(long) and to indicate that operation timed out before rows were available.
TupleIter.TimeoutException One way to indicate that TupleIter.fetchNext() timed-out.

Package org.eigenbase.runtime Description

Defines classes used by generated Eigenbase classes at runtime.


Revision $Id: //open/dev/farrago/src/org/eigenbase/runtime/package.html#6 $
Copyright Copyright (C) 2005-2009 The Eigenbase Project
Copyright (C) 2004-2009 SQLstream, Inc.
Copyright (C) 2005-2009 LucidEra, Inc.
Author Julian Hyde