Interface Summary | |
AbstractIterResultSet.ColumnGetter | A ColumnGetter retrieves a column from an input row based
upon its 1-based ordinal. |
Iterable | An object is Iterable if it has an Iterable.iterator() method to
create an Iterator over its elements. |
RestartableIterator | RestartableIterator extends the Iterator interface with a method for restarting to the beginning of the collection. |
TupleIter | TupleIter provides an Iterator-like interface for reading tuple data. |
Class Summary | |
AbstractIterResultSet | AbstractIterResultSet provides functionality common to all ResultSet implementations that convert from iterator convention. |
AbstractIterResultSet.FieldGetter | A FieldGetter retrieves each public field as a separate
column. |
AbstractIterResultSet.SingletonColumnGetter | A SingletonColumnGetter retrieves the object itself. |
AbstractIterResultSet.SyntheticColumnGetter | A SyntheticColumnGetter retrieves columns from a synthetic
object. |
AbstractTupleIter | A base class for implementations of TupleIter , with default
implementations of some of its methods. |
BufferedIterator | BufferedIterator converts a regular iterator into one which
implements Iterable (and Enumeration for good measure). |
BufferedIterator.Clonerator | Reads from an iterator, duplicating elements into a list as it does so. |
BufferedIterator.Test | |
CalcTupleIter | CalcTupleIter is an abstract base for iterator implementations
generated by IterCalcRel . |
CompoundIterator | CompoundIterator creates an iterator out of several. |
CompoundIterator.Test | |
CompoundIterator.Test.Box | |
CompoundIterator.Test.BoxIterator | |
CompoundParallelTupleIter | CompoundParallelTupleIter creates one TupleIter out of several. |
CompoundParallelTupleIter.Test | |
CompoundTupleIter | CompoundTupleIter creates an iterator out of several iterators. |
CompoundTupleIter.Test | |
CompoundTupleIter.Test.Box | |
CompoundTupleIter.Test.BoxTupleIter | |
Dummy | Dummy is the default context for code calling the
net.sf.saffron.oj.stmt.OJStatement.execute() method. |
EnumerationIterator | EnumerationIterator is an adapter which converts an Enumeration into an Iterator . |
ExclusivePipe | A synchronization primitive which allows producer and a consumer to use the
same Buffer without treading on each other's feet. |
Holder | A set of classes for holding primitive objects. |
Holder.int_Holder | |
Interlock | A synchronization primitive which allows a producer and a consumer to use the same resources without treading on each other's feet. |
IteratorResultSet | A IteratorResultSet is an adapter which converts a Iterator into a ResultSet . |
NestedLoopCalcTupleIter | NestedLoopCalcTupleIter is a specialization of CalcTupleIter for use in implementing nested loop inner joins over
iterators. |
QueueIterator | Adapter that exposes a 'push' producer as an Iterator . |
QueueIterator.EndOfQueue | Sentinel object. |
QueueIterator.WrappedNull | A null masquerading as a real object. |
QueueIteratorTest | Test case for QueueIteratorTest.TestingTimeoutQueueIterator and its subclasses ThreadIterator
and QueueIteratorTest.TestingTimeoutQueueIterator . |
QueueIteratorTest.TestingTimeoutQueueIterator | A TimeoutQueueIterator that exposes its inner QueueIterator for direct reading. |
QueueIteratorTest.TickIterator | Iterator which returns an element from an array on a regular basis. |
RestartableCollectionIterator | RestartableCollectionIterator implements the RestartableIterator interface in terms of an underlying Collection . |
RestartableCollectionTupleIter | RestartableCollectionTupleIter implements the TupleIter
interface in terms of an underlying Collection . |
RestartableIteratorTupleIter | RestartableIteratorTupleIter adapts an underlying RestartableIterator as a TupleIter . |
ResultSetIterator | A ResultSetIterator is an adapter which converts a ResultSet to a Iterator . |
ResultSetTupleIter | A ResultSetTupleIter is an adapter which converts a ResultSet to a TupleIter . |
Row | When a relational expression obeys the result set calling
convention , and does not explicitly specify a row type, the results are
object of type Row . |
Semaphore | A counting semaphore. |
SyntheticObject | SyntheticObject is a base class for all objects built 'on the
fly' by the saffron system. |
ThreadIterator | ThreadIterator converts 'push' code to 'pull'. |
TimeoutQueueIterator | Adapter which allows you to iterate over an Iterator with a timeout. |
TimeoutQueueTupleIter | Adapter which allows you to iterate over an TupleIter with a timeout. |
TimeoutQueueTupleIter.Fencepost | |
TimeoutQueueTupleIterTest | Test case for TimeoutQueueTupleIter . |
TimeoutQueueTupleIterTest.TickIterator | Iterator which returns an element from an array on a regular basis. |
TupleIterResultSet | |
VarDecl | An array of VarDecl s is returned from the dummy()
method which is generated to implement a variable declaration, or a list of
statements which contain variable declarations. |
Enum Summary | |
TupleIter.NoDataReason | NoDataReason provides a reason why no data was returned by a call to
TupleIter.fetchNext() . |
Exception Summary | |
AbstractIterResultSet.SqlTimeoutException | Indicates that an operation timed out. |
QueueIterator.TimeoutException | Thrown by QueueIterator.hasNext(long) and QueueIterator.next(long) to indicate that operation timed out before
rows were available. |
TupleIter.TimeoutException | One way to indicate that TupleIter.fetchNext() timed-out. |
Defines classes used by generated Eigenbase classes at runtime.
Revision | $Id: //open/dev/farrago/src/org/eigenbase/runtime/package.html#6 $ |
Copyright | Copyright (C) 2005-2009 The Eigenbase Project
Copyright (C) 2004-2009 SQLstream, Inc. Copyright (C) 2005-2009 LucidEra, Inc. |
Author | Julian Hyde |