Class AbstractTupleIter

  extended by org.eigenbase.runtime.AbstractTupleIter
All Implemented Interfaces:
TupleIter, ClosableAllocation
Direct Known Subclasses:
CompoundParallelTupleIter, CompoundTupleIter.Test.BoxTupleIter, FennelAbstractTupleIter, MedMockTupleIter, RestartableCollectionTupleIter, RestartableIteratorTupleIter, ResultSetTupleIter, TimeoutQueueTupleIterTest.TickIterator

public abstract class AbstractTupleIter
extends Object
implements TupleIter

A base class for implementations of TupleIter, with default implementations of some of its methods.

$Id: //open/dev/farrago/src/org/eigenbase/runtime/ $
Marc Berkowitz

Nested Class Summary
Nested classes/interfaces inherited from interface org.eigenbase.runtime.TupleIter
TupleIter.NoDataReason, TupleIter.TimeoutException
Field Summary
Fields inherited from interface org.eigenbase.runtime.TupleIter
Constructor Summary
Method Summary
 void restart()
          Restarts this iterator, so that a subsequent call to TupleIter.fetchNext() returns the first element in the collection being iterated.
 boolean setTimeout(long timeout, boolean asUnderflow)
          Sets a timeout for TupleIter.fetchNext(); (optional operation).
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface org.eigenbase.runtime.TupleIter
Methods inherited from interface org.eigenbase.util.ClosableAllocation

Constructor Detail


public AbstractTupleIter()
Method Detail


public boolean setTimeout(long timeout,
                          boolean asUnderflow)
Description copied from interface: TupleIter
Sets a timeout for TupleIter.fetchNext(); (optional operation). Not all implementing classes support a timeout. For those that do, this method provides a common interface, For those that do not, the adapter TimeoutQueueTupleIter puts a timeout queue on top.

Specified by:
setTimeout in interface TupleIter
timeout - in milliseconds. 0 means poll, infinity means block.
asUnderflow - true means indicate timeout by returning TupleIter.NoDataReason.UNDERFLOW; false means throw TupleIter.TimeoutException on a timeout.
true if the timeout was set, false if the implementing class does not support a timeout.


public void restart()
Description copied from interface: TupleIter
Restarts this iterator, so that a subsequent call to TupleIter.fetchNext() returns the first element in the collection being iterated.

Specified by:
restart in interface TupleIter