Class TimeoutQueueIterator

  extended by org.eigenbase.runtime.TimeoutQueueIterator
Direct Known Subclasses:

public class TimeoutQueueIterator
extends Object

Adapter which allows you to iterate over an Iterator with a timeout.

The interface is similar to an Iterator: the hasNext(long) method tests whether there are more rows, and the next(long) method gets the next row. Each has a timeout parameter, and throws a QueueIterator.TimeoutException if the timeout is exceeded. There is also a close(long) method, which you must call.

The class is implemented using a thread which reads from the underlying iterator and places the results into a QueueIterator. If a method call times out, the underlying thread will wait for the result of the call until it completes.

There is no facility to cancel the fetch from the underlying iterator.

Jun 20, 2004
$Id: //open/dev/farrago/src/org/eigenbase/runtime/ $
"JUnit testcase:"

Field Summary
private  Iterator producer
protected  QueueIterator queueIterator
private  Thread thread
Constructor Summary
TimeoutQueueIterator(Iterator producer)
Method Summary
 void close(long timeoutMillis)
          Releases the resources used by this iterator, including killing the underlying thread.
private  void doWork()
          Reads objects from the producer and writes them into the QueueIterator.
 boolean hasNext(long timeoutMillis)
          Returns whether the producer has another row, if that can be determined within the timeout interval.
 Object next(long timeoutMillis)
          Returns the next row from the producer, if it can be fetched within the timeout interval.
 void start()
          Starts the thread which reads from the consumer.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


protected final QueueIterator queueIterator


private final Iterator producer


private Thread thread
Constructor Detail


public TimeoutQueueIterator(Iterator producer)
Method Detail


public boolean hasNext(long timeoutMillis)
                throws QueueIterator.TimeoutException
Returns whether the producer has another row, if that can be determined within the timeout interval.

timeoutMillis - Millisonds to wait; less than or equal to zero means don't wait
QueueIterator.TimeoutException - if producer does not answer within the timeout interval


public Object next(long timeoutMillis)
            throws QueueIterator.TimeoutException
Returns the next row from the producer, if it can be fetched within the timeout interval.

QueueIterator.TimeoutException - if producer does not answer within the timeout interval


public void start()
Starts the thread which reads from the consumer.

thread == null // not previously started


public void close(long timeoutMillis)
Releases the resources used by this iterator, including killing the underlying thread.

timeoutMillis - Timeout while waiting for the underlying thread to die. Zero means wait forever.


private void doWork()
Reads objects from the producer and writes them into the QueueIterator. This is the method called by the thread when you call start(). Never throws an exception.