Package net.sf.farrago.runtime

Provides runtime support for Farrago query execution.


Interface Summary
FarragoTransform A piece of generated code must implement this interface if it is to be callable from a Fennel JavaTransformExecStream wrapper.
FennelTupleReader FennelTupleReader defines an interface for unmarshalling tuples returned by Fennel.

Class Summary
FarragoGeneratedCodeExamples Sandbox for experiments in code generation.
FarragoJavaUdxIterator FarragoJavaUdxIterator provides runtime support for a call to a Java UDX.
FarragoRuntimeContext FarragoRuntimeContext defines runtime support routines needed by generated code.
FarragoRuntimeContext.StreamOwner Inner class for taking care of closing streams without deallocating them.
FarragoRuntimeJdbcUtil Provides runtime support for implementing JDBC interfaces.
FarragoTransform.InputBinding InputBinding binds a JavaTransformExecStream input's streamId to the ordinal assigned to that input by the stream graph.
FarragoTransformImpl FarragoTransformImpl provides a base class for generated implementations of FarragoTransform.
FarragoTupleIterResultSet FarragoTupleIterResultSet is a refinement of TupleIterResultSet which exposes Farrago datatype semantics.
FarragoUdrInvocationFrame FarragoUdrInvocationFrame represents one entry on the routine invocation stack for a given thread.
FarragoUdrRuntime FarragoUdrRuntime exposes a runtime support interface which can be used by implementations of Farrago user-defined routines.
FennelAbstractTupleIter FennelAbstractTupleIter implements the TupleIter interface by unmarshalling Fennel tuples from a buffer.
FennelOnlyResultSet FennelOnlyResultSet is a refinement of FarragoTupleIterResultSet, where the result set consists of Fennel tuples.
FennelOnlyResultSet.FennelColumnGetter ColumnGetter that reads columns from a Fennel tuple
FennelOnlyTupleReader FennelOnlyTupleReader implements the FennelTupleReader interface for reading tuples from a query plan that can be executed exclusively in Fennel.
FennelPipeIterator FennelPipeIterator implements the RestartableIterator interface, receiving data from a producer as ByteBuffer objects, and unmarshalling them to a consumer.
FennelPipeTupleIter FennelPipeTupleIter implements the TupleIter interface, receiving data from a producer as ByteBuffer objects, and unmarshalling them to a consumer.
FennelRowCount Class for holding the number of rows returned by a DML statement.
FennelTransformTupleIter FennelTransformTupleIter implements the TupleIter interfaces by reading tuples from a Fennel JavaTransformExecStream.
FennelTupleIter FennelTupleIter implements the TupleIter interfaces by reading tuples from a Fennel ExecStream.
FennelTupleWriter FennelTupleWriter defines an interface for marshalling tuples to be sent to Fennel.
NativeRuntimeContext NativeRuntimeContext integrates Fennel with FarragoRuntimeContext.

Package net.sf.farrago.runtime Description

Provides runtime support for Farrago query execution.

Revision $Id: //open/dev/farrago/src/net/sf/farrago/runtime/package.html#8 $
Copyright Copyright (C) 2005-2009 The Eigenbase Project
Copyright (C) 2005-2009 SQLstream, Inc.
Copyright (C) 2005-2009 LucidEra, Inc.
Author John V. Sichi

Query execution code generated by classes in net.sf.farrago.query references classes defined in this package. See also net.sf.farrago.type.runtime.