Class FennelTransformTupleIter

  extended by org.eigenbase.runtime.AbstractTupleIter
      extended by net.sf.farrago.runtime.FennelAbstractTupleIter
          extended by net.sf.farrago.runtime.FennelTransformTupleIter
All Implemented Interfaces:
TupleIter, ClosableAllocation

public class FennelTransformTupleIter
extends FennelAbstractTupleIter

FennelTransformTupleIter implements the TupleIter interfaces by reading tuples from a Fennel JavaTransformExecStream.

FennelTransformTupleIter only deals with raw byte buffers; it delegates to a FennelTupleReader object the responsibility to unmarshal individual fields.

FennelTransformTupleIter's implementation of populateBuffer() does not block.

$Id: //open/dev/farrago/src/net/sf/farrago/runtime/ $
Stephan Zuercher

Nested Class Summary
Nested classes/interfaces inherited from interface org.eigenbase.runtime.TupleIter
TupleIter.NoDataReason, TupleIter.TimeoutException
Field Summary
private  int execStreamInputOrdinal
private  FennelStreamHandle inputStreamHandle
private  FennelStreamGraph streamGraph
private  FennelStreamHandle streamHandle
Fields inherited from class net.sf.farrago.runtime.FennelAbstractTupleIter
bufferAsArray, byteBuffer, tupleReader
Fields inherited from interface org.eigenbase.runtime.TupleIter
Constructor Summary
FennelTransformTupleIter(FennelTupleReader tupleReader, FennelStreamGraph streamGraph, FennelStreamHandle streamHandle, FennelStreamHandle inputStreamHandle, int inputOrdinal, int bufferSize)
          Creates a new FennelTransformTupleIter object.
Method Summary
 void closeAllocation()
          Closes this object.
protected  int populateBuffer()
          Non-blocking implementation of FennelTupleIter.populateBuffer().
 void restart()
          Restarts this iterator, so that a subsequent call to TupleIter.fetchNext() returns the first element in the collection being iterated.
Methods inherited from class net.sf.farrago.runtime.FennelAbstractTupleIter
fetchNext, getStatus, requestData, traceNext
Methods inherited from class org.eigenbase.runtime.AbstractTupleIter
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


private final int execStreamInputOrdinal


private final FennelStreamGraph streamGraph


private final FennelStreamHandle streamHandle


private final FennelStreamHandle inputStreamHandle
Constructor Detail


public FennelTransformTupleIter(FennelTupleReader tupleReader,
                                FennelStreamGraph streamGraph,
                                FennelStreamHandle streamHandle,
                                FennelStreamHandle inputStreamHandle,
                                int inputOrdinal,
                                int bufferSize)
Creates a new FennelTransformTupleIter object.

tupleReader - FennelTupleReader to use to interpret Fennel data
streamGraph - underlying FennelStreamGraph
streamHandle - handle to underlying Fennel JavaTransformExecStream
inputStreamHandle - handle to the Fennel ExecStream that this TupleIter reads from -- used only for reset
inputOrdinal - the input stream's ordinal in the underlying JavaTransformExecStream
bufferSize - number of bytes in buffer used for fetching from Fennel
Method Detail


public void restart()
Description copied from interface: TupleIter
Restarts this iterator, so that a subsequent call to TupleIter.fetchNext() returns the first element in the collection being iterated.

Specified by:
restart in interface TupleIter
restart in class FennelAbstractTupleIter


public void closeAllocation()
Description copied from interface: ClosableAllocation
Closes this object.


protected int populateBuffer()
Non-blocking implementation of FennelTupleIter.populateBuffer().

Specified by:
populateBuffer in class FennelAbstractTupleIter
number of bytes read into FennelAbstractTupleIter.byteBuffer, 0 for end of stream, less than 0 for no data available