Package net.sf.farrago.server

Defines a top-level container for Farrago running as a standalone network server.


Class Summary
FarragoAbstractServer FarragoAbstractServer is a common base for implementations of Farrago network servers.
FarragoRJConnectionServer RMI server-side implementation of Connection, also contains server-side implementations of the the extended methods of a Farrago JDBC connection defined by the interface FarragoConnection.
FarragoRJDriverServer RMI server-side implementation of Driver.
FarragoRJJdbcServer The main class for Farrago's RMI/JDBC Server.
FarragoRJMedDataWrapperServer RMI server-side implementation of FarragoMedDataWrapperInfo.
FarragoRmiJdbcServer FarragoRmiJdbcServer is a wrapper which configures an RmiJdbc server to listen for connections on behalf of a Farrago DBMS engine.
FarragoServer Deprecated. use FarragoRmiJdbcServer instead; this is hanging around for a while to avoid breaking dependencies
FarragoVjdbcServer FarragoVjdbcServer is a wrapper which configures a VJDBC server to listen for connections on behalf of a Farrago DBMS engine.

Package net.sf.farrago.server Description

Defines a top-level container for Farrago running as a standalone network server. For now, all the real work is done by RmiJdbc.

Revision $Id: //open/dev/farrago/src/net/sf/farrago/server/package.html#7 $
Copyright Copyright (C) 2005-2009 The Eigenbase Project
Copyright (C) 2005-2009 SQLstream, Inc.
Copyright (C) 2005-2009 LucidEra, Inc.
Author John V. Sichi