Interface CorePackage

All Superinterfaces:
RefBaseObject, RefPackage
All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface CorePackage
extends RefPackage

Core package interface. The Core metamodel depends on no other packages. The ObjectModel Core metamodel contains basic metamodel classes and associations used by all other CWM metamodel packages, including other ObjectModel packages OCL Representation of Core Constraints Operations The operation allFeatures results in a Set containing all Features of the Classifier itself and all its inherited Features. allFeatures : Set(Feature); allFeatures = self.feature->union(self.parent.oclAsType(Classifier).allFeatures) The operation allAttributes results in a Set containing all Attributes of the Classifier itself and all its inherited Attributes. allAttributes : set(Attribute); allAttributes = self.allFeatures->select(f | f.oclIsKindOf(Attribute)) The operation specification yields the set of Classifiers that the current Classifier realizes. specification: Set(Classifier) specification = self.clientDependency-> select(d | = "realization" and d.supplier.oclIsKindOf(Classifier)).supplier.oclAsType(Classifier) The operation parent returns a Set containing all direct parents of a Classifier. parent : Set(Classifier); parent = self.generalization.parent The operation allParents returns a Set containing all the Classifiers inherited by this Classifier (the transitive closure), excluding the Classifier itself. allParents : Set(Classifier); allParents = self.parent->union(self.parent.allParents) The operation allContents returns a Set containing all ModelElements contained in the Classifier together with the contents inherited from its parents. allContents : Set(ModelElement); allContents = self.contents->union(self.parent.allContents-> select(e | e.elementOwnership.visibility = #public or e.elementOwnership.visibility = #protected)) The operation supplier results in a Set containing all direct suppliers of the ModelElement. supplier : Set(ModelElement); supplier = self.clientDependency.supplier The operation allSuppliers results in a Set containing all the ModelElements that are suppliers of this ModelElement, including the suppliers of these Model Elements. This is the transitive closure. allSuppliers : Set(ModelElement); allSuppliers = self.supplier->union(self.supplier.allSuppliers) The operation contents results in a Set containing all ModelElements contained by the Namespace. contents : Set(ModelElement) contents = self.ownedElement -> union(self.namespace.contents) The operation allContents results in a Set containing all ModelElements contained by the Namespace. allContents : Set(ModelElement); allContents = self.contents The operation allVisibleElements results in a Set containing all ModelElements visible outside of the Namespace. allVisibleElements : Set(ModelElement) allVisibleElements = self.allContents -> select(e | e.elementOwnership.visibility = #public) The operation allSurroundingNamespaces results in a Set containing all surrounding Namespaces. allSurroundingNamespaces : Set(Namespace) allSurroundingNamespaces = self.namespace->union(self.namespace.allSurroundingNamespaces) The operation contents results in a Set containing the ModelElements owned by or imported by the Package. contents : Set(ModelElement) contents = self.ownedElement->union(self.importedElement) The operation allImportedElements results in a Set containing the ModelElements imported by the Package. allImportedElements : Set(ModelElement) allImportedElements = self.importedElement The operation allContents results in a Set containing the ModelElements owned by or imported by the Package. allContents : Set(ModelElement) allContents = self.contents Constraints [C-3-1] A Constraint cannot be applied to itself. context Constraint inv: not self.constrainedElement->includes (self) [C-3-2] A DataType cannot contain any other ModelElements. context DataType inv: self.ownedElement->isEmpty [C-3-3] Tags associated with a model element (directly via a property list or indirectly via a stereotype) must not clash with any meta attributes associated with the model element. context ModelElement inv: -- cannot be specified with OCL

Note: This type should not be subclassed, implemented or directly instantiated by clients. It is generated from a MOF metamodel and implemented by Enki or MDR.

Method Summary
 ClassifierFeature getClassifierFeature()
          Returns ClassifierFeature association proxy object.
 CwmAttributeClass getCwmAttribute()
          Returns CwmAttribute class proxy object.
 CwmBooleanExpressionClass getCwmBooleanExpression()
          Returns CwmBooleanExpression class proxy object.
 CwmClassClass getCwmClass()
          Returns CwmClass class proxy object.
 CwmClassifierClass getCwmClassifier()
          Returns CwmClassifier class proxy object.
 CwmConstraintClass getCwmConstraint()
          Returns CwmConstraint class proxy object.
 CwmDataTypeClass getCwmDataType()
          Returns CwmDataType class proxy object.
 CwmDependencyClass getCwmDependency()
          Returns CwmDependency class proxy object.
 CwmElementClass getCwmElement()
          Returns CwmElement class proxy object.
 CwmExpressionClass getCwmExpression()
          Returns CwmExpression class proxy object.
 CwmFeatureClass getCwmFeature()
          Returns CwmFeature class proxy object.
 CwmModelClass getCwmModel()
          Returns CwmModel class proxy object.
 CwmModelElementClass getCwmModelElement()
          Returns CwmModelElement class proxy object.
 CwmMultiplicityClass getCwmMultiplicity()
          Returns CwmMultiplicity class proxy object.
 CwmMultiplicityRangeClass getCwmMultiplicityRange()
          Returns CwmMultiplicityRange class proxy object.
 CwmNamespaceClass getCwmNamespace()
          Returns CwmNamespace class proxy object.
 CwmPackageClass getCwmPackage()
          Returns CwmPackage class proxy object.
 CwmProcedureExpressionClass getCwmProcedureExpression()
          Returns CwmProcedureExpression class proxy object.
 CwmStereotypeClass getCwmStereotype()
          Returns CwmStereotype class proxy object.
 CwmStructuralFeatureClass getCwmStructuralFeature()
          Returns CwmStructuralFeature class proxy object.
 CwmSubsystemClass getCwmSubsystem()
          Returns CwmSubsystem class proxy object.
 CwmTaggedValueClass getCwmTaggedValue()
          Returns CwmTaggedValue class proxy object.
 DependencyClient getDependencyClient()
          Returns DependencyClient association proxy object.
 DependencySupplier getDependencySupplier()
          Returns DependencySupplier association proxy object.
 ElementConstraint getElementConstraint()
          Returns ElementConstraint association proxy object.
 ElementOwnership getElementOwnership()
          Returns ElementOwnership association proxy object.
 ImportedElements getImportedElements()
          Returns ImportedElements association proxy object.
 RangeMultiplicity getRangeMultiplicity()
          Returns RangeMultiplicity association proxy object.
 StereotypeConstraints getStereotypeConstraints()
          Returns StereotypeConstraints association proxy object.
 StereotypedElement getStereotypedElement()
          Returns StereotypedElement association proxy object.
 StereotypeTaggedValues getStereotypeTaggedValues()
          Returns StereotypeTaggedValues association proxy object.
 StructuralFeatureType getStructuralFeatureType()
          Returns StructuralFeatureType association proxy object.
 TaggedElement getTaggedElement()
          Returns TaggedElement association proxy object.
Methods inherited from interface javax.jmi.reflect.RefPackage
refAllAssociations, refAllClasses, refAllPackages, refAssociation, refAssociation, refClass, refClass, refCreateStruct, refCreateStruct, refDelete, refGetEnum, refGetEnum, refPackage, refPackage
Methods inherited from interface javax.jmi.reflect.RefBaseObject
equals, hashCode, refImmediatePackage, refMetaObject, refMofId, refOutermostPackage, refVerifyConstraints

Method Detail


CwmElementClass getCwmElement()
Returns CwmElement class proxy object. An element is an atomic constituent of a model. In the metamodel, an Element is the top metaclass in the metaclass hierarchy. Element is an abstract metaclass.

CwmElement class proxy object.


CwmModelElementClass getCwmModelElement()
Returns CwmModelElement class proxy object. A model element is an element that is an abstraction drawn from the system being modeled. In the metamodel, a ModelElement is a named entity in a Model. It is the base for all modeling metaclasses in the CWM. All other modeling metaclasses are either direct or indirect subclasses of ModelElement.

CwmModelElement class proxy object.


CwmNamespaceClass getCwmNamespace()
Returns CwmNamespace class proxy object. A namespace is a part of a model that contains a set of ModelElements each of whose names designates a unique element within the namespace. In the metamodel, a Namespace is a ModelElement that can own other ModelElements, such as Classifiers. The name of each owned ModelElement must be unique within the Namespace. Moreover, each contained ModelElement is owned by at most one Namespace. The concrete subclasses of Namespace may have additional constraints on which kind of elements may be contained. Namespace is an abstract metaclass. Note that explicit parts of a model element, such as the features of a Classifier, are not modeled as owned elements in a namespace. A namespace is used for unstructured contents such as the contents of a package, or a class declared inside the scope of another class.

CwmNamespace class proxy object.


CwmClassifierClass getCwmClassifier()
Returns CwmClassifier class proxy object. A classifier is an element that describes structural and behavioral features; it comes in several specific forms, including class, data type, interface, component, and others that are defined in other metamodel packages. Classifier is often used as a type. In the metamodel, a Classifier may declare a collection of Features, such as Attributes, Operations and Methods. It has a name, which is unique in the Namespace enclosing the Classifier. Classifier is an abstract metaclass. Classifier is a child of Namespace. As a Namespace, a Classifier may declare other Classifiers nested in its scope. Nested Classifiers may be accessed by other Classifiers only if the nested Classifiers have adequate visibility. There are no data value or state consequences of nested Classifiers, i.e., it is not an aggregation or composition.

CwmClassifier class proxy object.


CwmClassClass getCwmClass()
Returns CwmClass class proxy object. A class is a description of a set of objects that share the same attributes, operations, methods, relationships, and semantics. A class may use a set of interfaces to specify collections of operations it provides to its environment. In the metamodel, a Class describes a set of objects sharing a collection of Features that are common to the set of objects. The purpose of a Class is to declare a collection of Features that fully describe the structure and behavior of objects. Some Classes may not be directly instantiated. These Classes are said to be abstract and exist only for other Classes to inherit and reuse the Features declared by them. No object may be a direct instance of an abstract Class, although an object may be an indirect instance of one through a subclass that is non-abstract. A Class acts as the namespace for various kinds of contained elements defined within its scope, including classes, interfaces and associations (note that this is purely a scoping construction and does not imply anything about aggregation). The contained classes can be used as ordinary classes in the container class. If a class inherits another class, the contents of the ancestor are available to its descendents if the visibility of an element is public or protected; however, if the visibility is private, then the element is not visible and therefore not available in the descendant.

CwmClass class proxy object.


CwmDataTypeClass getCwmDataType()
Returns CwmDataType class proxy object. A data type is a type whose values have no identity (i.e., they are pure values). Data types include primitive built-in types (such as integer and string) as well as definable enumeration types. In the metamodel, a DataType defines a special kind of Classifier in which operations are all pure functions (i.e., they can return data values but they cannot change data values, because they have no identity). For example, an "add" operation on a number with another number as an argument yields a third number as a result; the target and argument are unchanged. A DataType is a special kind of Classifier whose instances are primitive values, not objects. For example, integers and strings are usually treated as primitive values. A primitive value does not have an identity, so two occurrences of the same value cannot be differentiated. Usually, DataTypes are used for specification of the type of an attribute or parameter.

CwmDataType class proxy object.


CwmPackageClass getCwmPackage()
Returns CwmPackage class proxy object. A package is a grouping of model elements. In the metamodel, Package is a subclass of Namespace. A Package contains ModelElements such as Packages and Classifiers. A Package may also contain Constraints and Dependencies between ModelElements of the Package. The purpose of the package construct is to provide a general grouping mechanism. In fact, its only semantics is to define a namespace for its contents. The package construct can be used for organizing elements for any purpose; the criteria to use for grouping elements together into one package are not defined. A package owns a set of model elements, with the implication that if the package is removed from the model, so are the elements owned by the package. Elements with names, such as classifiers, that are owned by the same package must have unique names within the package, although elements in different packages may have the same name. There may be relationships between elements contained in the same package, and between an element in one package and an element in a surrounding package at any level. In other words, elements ?see? all the way out through nested levels of packages. Elements in peer packages, however, are encapsulated and are not a priori visible to each other. The same goes for elements in contained packages, i.e. packages do not see "inwards". Elements owned by a Package can be made available to other Packages by importing them. Although any ModelElement may be imported by a Package, imported ModelElements are typically other Packages. When an element is imported by a package it extends the namespace of that package. Thus the elements available in a Package consists of its owned and imported ModelElements.

CwmPackage class proxy object.


CwmSubsystemClass getCwmSubsystem()
Returns CwmSubsystem class proxy object. A subsystem is a grouping of model elements that represents a behavioral unit in a physical system. A subsystem offers interfaces and has operations. In the metamodel, Subsystem is a subclass of both Package and Classifier. As such it may have a set of Features. The purpose of the subsystem construct is to provide a grouping mechanism for specifying a behavioral unit of a physical system. Apart from defining a namespace for its contents, a subsystem serves as a specification unit for the behavior of its contained model elements. The contents of a subsystem is defined in the same way as for a package, thus it consists of owned elements and imported elements, with unique names within the subsystem.

CwmSubsystem class proxy object.


CwmModelClass getCwmModel()
Returns CwmModel class proxy object. A model captures a view of a physical system. It is an abstraction of the physical system, with a certain purpose. The model completely describes those aspects of the physical system that are relevant to the purpose of the model, at the appropriate level of detail. In the metamodel, Model is a subclass of Package. It contains a containment hierarchy of ModelElements that together describe the physical system. A Model also contains a set of ModelElements that represents the environment of the system. Different Models can be defined for the same physical system, where each model represents a view of the physical system defined by its purpose and abstraction level, e.g. an analysis model, a design model, an implementation model. Typically different models are complementary and defined from the perspectives (viewpoints) of different system stakeholders.

CwmModel class proxy object.


CwmFeatureClass getCwmFeature()
Returns CwmFeature class proxy object. A feature is a property, like attribute or operation, which is encapsulated within a Classifier. In the metamodel, a Feature declares a structural or behavioral characteristic of an instance of a Classifier or of the Classifier itself. Feature is an abstract metaclass.

CwmFeature class proxy object.


CwmStructuralFeatureClass getCwmStructuralFeature()
Returns CwmStructuralFeature class proxy object. A structural feature refers to a static feature of a model element. In the metamodel, a StructuralFeature declares a structural aspect of a Classifier that is typed, such as an attribute. For example, it specifies the multiplicity and changeability of the StructuralFeature. StructuralFeature is an abstract metaclass.

CwmStructuralFeature class proxy object.


CwmAttributeClass getCwmAttribute()
Returns CwmAttribute class proxy object. An Attribute describes a named slot within a classifier that may hold a value.

CwmAttribute class proxy object.


CwmConstraintClass getCwmConstraint()
Returns CwmConstraint class proxy object. A constraint is a semantic condition or restriction expressed in text. In the metamodel, a Constraint is a BooleanExpression on an associated ModelElement(s) which must be true for the model to be well formed. This restriction can be stated in natural language, or in different kinds of languages with well-defined semantics. Certain Constraints are predefined, others may be user defined. Note that a Constraint is an assertion, not an executable mechanism. The specification is written as an expression in a designated constraint language. The language can be specially designed for writing constraints (such as OCL), a programming language, mathematical notation, or natural language. If constraints are to be enforced by a model editor tool, then the tool must understand the syntax and semantics of the constraint language. Because the choice of language is arbitrary, constraints can be used as an extension mechanism. The constraint concept allows new semantics to be specified linguistically for a model element. In the metamodel a Constraint directly attached to a ModelElement describes semantic restrictions that this ModelElement must obey.

CwmConstraint class proxy object.


CwmDependencyClass getCwmDependency()
Returns CwmDependency class proxy object. A dependency states that the implementation or functioning of one or more elements requires the presence of one or more other elements. In the metamodel, a Dependency is a directed relationship from a client (or clients) to a supplier (or suppliers) stating that the client is dependent on the supplier (i.e., the client element requires the presence and knowledge of the supplier element). A dependency specifies that the semantics of a set of model elements requires the presence of another set of model elements. This implies that if the source is somehow modified, the dependents probably must be modified. The reason for the dependency can be specified in several different ways (e.g., using natural language or an algorithm) but is often implicit. Whenever the supplier element of a dependency changes, the client element is potentially invalidated. After such invalidation, a check should be performed followed by possible changes to the derived client element. Such a check should be performed after which action can be taken to change the derived element to validate it again.

CwmDependency class proxy object.


CwmExpressionClass getCwmExpression()
Returns CwmExpression class proxy object. In the metamodel an Expression defines a statement which will evaluate to a (possibly empty) set of instances when executed in a context. An Expression does not modify the environment in which it is evaluated. An expression contains an expression string and the name of an interpretation language with which to evaluate the string.

CwmExpression class proxy object.


CwmBooleanExpressionClass getCwmBooleanExpression()
Returns CwmBooleanExpression class proxy object. In the metamodel BooleanExpression defines a statement which will evaluate to an instance of Boolean when it is evaluated.

CwmBooleanExpression class proxy object.


CwmProcedureExpressionClass getCwmProcedureExpression()
Returns CwmProcedureExpression class proxy object. In the metamodel ProcedureExpression defines a statement which will result in a change to the values of its environment when it is evaluated.

CwmProcedureExpression class proxy object.


CwmMultiplicityClass getCwmMultiplicity()
Returns CwmMultiplicity class proxy object. In the metamodel a Multiplicity defines a non-empty set of non-negative integers. A set which only contains zero ({0}) is not considered a valid Multiplicity. Every Multiplicity has at least one corresponding String representation.

CwmMultiplicity class proxy object.


CwmMultiplicityRangeClass getCwmMultiplicityRange()
Returns CwmMultiplicityRange class proxy object. In the metamodel a MultiplicityRange defines a range of integers. The upper bound of the range cannot be below the lower bound. The lower bound must be a nonnegative integer. The upper bound must be a nonnegative integer or the special value unlimited, which indicates there is no upper bound on the range.

CwmMultiplicityRange class proxy object.


CwmStereotypeClass getCwmStereotype()
Returns CwmStereotype class proxy object. The stereotype concept provides a way of branding (classifying) model elements so that they behave as if they were instances of new virtual metamodel constructs. These model elements have the same structure (attributes, associations, operations) as similar non-stereotyped model elements of the same kind. The stereotype may specify additional constraints and required tagged values that apply to model elements. In addition, a stereotype may be used to indicate a difference in meaning or usage between two model elements with identical structure. In the metamodel the Stereotype metaclass is a subclass of ModelElement. Tagged Values and Constraints attached to a Stereotype apply to all ModelElements branded by that Stereotype. A stereotype keeps track of the base class to which it may be applied. The base class is a class in the metamodel (not a user-level modeling element) such as Class, Association, etc. If a model element is branded by an attached stereotype, then the CWM base class of the model element must be the base class specified by the stereotype or one of the subclasses of that base class.

CwmStereotype class proxy object.


CwmTaggedValueClass getCwmTaggedValue()
Returns CwmTaggedValue class proxy object. A tagged value allows information to be attached to any model element in the form of a "tagged value" pair (i.e., name = value). The interpretation of tagged value semantics is intentionally beyond the scope of CWM. It must be determined by user or tool conventions. It is expected that tools will define tags to supply information needed for their operations beyond the basic semantics of CWM. Such information could include code generation options, model management information, or user-specified semantics. Even though TaggedValues are a simple and straightforward extension technique, their use restricts semantic interchange of metadata to only those tools that share a common understanding of the specific tagged value names.

CwmTaggedValue class proxy object.


ClassifierFeature getClassifierFeature()
Returns ClassifierFeature association proxy object. The ClassifierFeature association provides a composite aggregation containment relationship between Classifiers and the Features they own. The feature end of the association is ordered allowing preservation of the ordering of Features within their owning Classifier. A Feature can be owned by at most one Classifier. The optional character of ownership is intended as a convenience to tools, allowing them to create Features prior to linking them to their owning Classifier.

ClassifierFeature association proxy object.


DependencyClient getDependencyClient()
Returns DependencyClient association proxy object. The DependencyClient association links Dependency instances with ModelElements that act as clients in the represented dependency relationship.

DependencyClient association proxy object.


DependencySupplier getDependencySupplier()
Returns DependencySupplier association proxy object. The DependencySupplier association links Dependency instances with ModelElements that act as suppliers in the represented dependency relationship.

DependencySupplier association proxy object.


ElementConstraint getElementConstraint()
Returns ElementConstraint association proxy object. The ElementConstraint association provides linkages between ModelElements and the Constraint instances that constrain their state. Note that a Constraint instance may not simultaneously participate in both the ElementConstraint and the StereotypeConstraint associations.

ElementConstraint association proxy object.


ElementOwnership getElementOwnership()
Returns ElementOwnership association proxy object. The ElementOwnership association identifies ModelElements owned by Namespaces. ModelElements may be owned by at most one Namespace. Refer to the above discussion of the Namespace class for more information on the nature of the ownership relationship between Namespaces and ModelElements.

ElementOwnership association proxy object.


ImportedElements getImportedElements()
Returns ImportedElements association proxy object. The ImportedElements association identifies ModelElements that a Package instance imports from other Namespaces. Although any ModelElement may be imported by a Package, imported ModelElements are typically other Packages or aggregate Classifiers, such as Class instances.

ImportedElements association proxy object.


RangeMultiplicity getRangeMultiplicity()
Returns RangeMultiplicity association proxy object. The RangeMultiplicity association identifies the set of MultiplicityRange instances that specify the lower and upper bounds of individual cardinality ranges defined by a Multiplicity instance. A MultiplicityRange instance must be owned by a single Multiplicity instance.

RangeMultiplicity association proxy object.


StereotypeConstraints getStereotypeConstraints()
Returns StereotypeConstraints association proxy object. The StereotypeConstraints association links Stereotypes with Constraints that further restrict the states that a stereotyped ModelElement may assume. A Constraint instance may not simultaneously participate in both the StereotypeContraints association and the ElementConstraint association.

StereotypeConstraints association proxy object.


StereotypedElement getStereotypedElement()
Returns StereotypedElement association proxy object. The StereotypedElement association links Stereotypes with the ModelElements to which they apply.

StereotypedElement association proxy object.


StereotypeTaggedValues getStereotypeTaggedValues()
Returns StereotypeTaggedValues association proxy object. The StereotypeTaggedValues association links Stereotypes with the set of TaggedValues they require. TaggedValues cannot simultaneously participate in both the TaggedElement and StereotypeTaggedValues associations.

StereotypeTaggedValues association proxy object.


StructuralFeatureType getStructuralFeatureType()
Returns StructuralFeatureType association proxy object. The StructuralFeatureType association identifies the Classifier instance that defines the type of particular StructuralFeatures. A StructuralFeature instance must have a Classifier instance that defines its type.

StructuralFeatureType association proxy object.


TaggedElement getTaggedElement()
Returns TaggedElement association proxy object. The TaggedElement association links TaggedValues with the ModelElements that own them. TaggedValues cannot simultaneously participate in both the TaggedElement and StereotypeTaggedValues associations.

TaggedElement association proxy object.