Interface CwmNamespaceClass

All Superinterfaces:
RefBaseObject, RefClass, RefFeatured
All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface CwmNamespaceClass
extends RefClass

Namespace class proxy interface. A namespace is a part of a model that contains a set of ModelElements each of whose names designates a unique element within the namespace. In the metamodel, a Namespace is a ModelElement that can own other ModelElements, such as Classifiers. The name of each owned ModelElement must be unique within the Namespace. Moreover, each contained ModelElement is owned by at most one Namespace. The concrete subclasses of Namespace may have additional constraints on which kind of elements may be contained. Namespace is an abstract metaclass. Note that explicit parts of a model element, such as the features of a Classifier, are not modeled as owned elements in a namespace. A namespace is used for unstructured contents such as the contents of a package, or a class declared inside the scope of another class.

Note: This type should not be subclassed, implemented or directly instantiated by clients. It is generated from a MOF metamodel and implemented by Enki or MDR.

Method Summary
Methods inherited from interface javax.jmi.reflect.RefClass
refAllOfClass, refAllOfType, refCreateInstance, refCreateStruct, refCreateStruct, refGetEnum, refGetEnum
Methods inherited from interface javax.jmi.reflect.RefFeatured
refGetValue, refGetValue, refInvokeOperation, refInvokeOperation, refSetValue, refSetValue
Methods inherited from interface javax.jmi.reflect.RefBaseObject
equals, hashCode, refImmediatePackage, refMetaObject, refMofId, refOutermostPackage, refVerifyConstraints