Interface CwmModelElementClass

All Superinterfaces:
RefBaseObject, RefClass, RefFeatured
All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface CwmModelElementClass
extends RefClass

ModelElement class proxy interface. A model element is an element that is an abstraction drawn from the system being modeled. In the metamodel, a ModelElement is a named entity in a Model. It is the base for all modeling metaclasses in the CWM. All other modeling metaclasses are either direct or indirect subclasses of ModelElement.

Note: This type should not be subclassed, implemented or directly instantiated by clients. It is generated from a MOF metamodel and implemented by Enki or MDR.

Method Summary
Methods inherited from interface javax.jmi.reflect.RefClass
refAllOfClass, refAllOfType, refCreateInstance, refCreateStruct, refCreateStruct, refGetEnum, refGetEnum
Methods inherited from interface javax.jmi.reflect.RefFeatured
refGetValue, refGetValue, refInvokeOperation, refInvokeOperation, refSetValue, refSetValue
Methods inherited from interface javax.jmi.reflect.RefBaseObject
equals, hashCode, refImmediatePackage, refMetaObject, refMofId, refOutermostPackage, refVerifyConstraints