Class DelegatingScope

  extended by org.eigenbase.sql.validate.DelegatingScope
All Implemented Interfaces:
Direct Known Subclasses:
AggregatingSelectScope, ListScope, OrderByScope

public abstract class DelegatingScope
extends Object
implements SqlValidatorScope

A scope which delegates all requests to its parent scope. Use this as a base class for defining nested scopes.

Mar 25, 2003
$Id: //open/dev/farrago/src/org/eigenbase/sql/validate/ $

Field Summary
protected  SqlValidatorScope parent
          Parent scope.
protected  SqlValidatorImpl validator
Constructor Summary
DelegatingScope(SqlValidatorScope parent)
          Creates a DelegatingScope.
Method Summary
 void addChild(SqlValidatorNamespace ns, String alias)
          Registers a relation in this scope.
protected  void addColumnNames(SqlValidatorNamespace ns, List<SqlMoniker> colNames)
 void findAliases(List<SqlMoniker> result)
          Collects the SqlMonikers of all table aliases (uses of tables in query FROM clauses) available in this scope.
 void findAllColumnNames(List<SqlMoniker> result)
          Collects the SqlMonikers of all possible columns in this scope.
 String findQualifyingTableName(String columnName, SqlNode ctx)
          Finds the table alias which is implicitly qualifying an unqualified column name.
 SqlIdentifier fullyQualify(SqlIdentifier identifier)
          Converts an identifier into a fully-qualified identifier.
 SqlMonotonicity getMonotonicity(SqlNode expr)
          Returns whether an expression is monotonic in this scope.
 SqlValidatorScope getOperandScope(SqlCall call)
          Returns the scope within which operands to a call are to be validated.
 SqlNodeList getOrderList()
          Returns the expressions by which the rows in this scope are sorted.
 SqlValidatorScope getParent()
          Returns the parent scope of this DelegatingScope.
 SqlValidator getValidator()
          Returns the validator which created this scope.
 SqlWindow lookupWindow(String name)
          Finds a window with a given name.
 SqlValidatorNamespace resolve(String name, SqlValidatorScope[] ancestorOut, int[] offsetOut)
          Looks up a node with a given name.
 RelDataType resolveColumn(String name, SqlNode ctx)
          Resolves a single identifier to a column, and returns the datatype of that column.
 void validateExpr(SqlNode expr)
          Performs any scope-specific validation of an expression.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface org.eigenbase.sql.validate.SqlValidatorScope

Field Detail


protected final SqlValidatorScope parent
Parent scope. This is where to look next to resolve an identifier; it is not always the parent object in the parse tree.

This is never null: at the top of the tree, it is an EmptyScope.


protected final SqlValidatorImpl validator
Constructor Detail


DelegatingScope(SqlValidatorScope parent)
Creates a DelegatingScope.

parent - Parent scope
Method Detail


public void addChild(SqlValidatorNamespace ns,
                     String alias)
Description copied from interface: SqlValidatorScope
Registers a relation in this scope.

Specified by:
addChild in interface SqlValidatorScope
ns - Namespace representing the result-columns of the relation
alias - Alias with which to reference the relation, must not be null


public SqlValidatorNamespace resolve(String name,
                                     SqlValidatorScope[] ancestorOut,
                                     int[] offsetOut)
Description copied from interface: SqlValidatorScope
Looks up a node with a given name. Returns null if none is found.

Specified by:
resolve in interface SqlValidatorScope
name - Name of node to find
ancestorOut - If not null, writes the ancestor scope here
offsetOut - If not null, writes the offset within the ancestor here


protected void addColumnNames(SqlValidatorNamespace ns,
                              List<SqlMoniker> colNames)


public void findAllColumnNames(List<SqlMoniker> result)
Description copied from interface: SqlValidatorScope
Collects the SqlMonikers of all possible columns in this scope.

Specified by:
findAllColumnNames in interface SqlValidatorScope
result - an array list of strings to add the result to


public void findAliases(List<SqlMoniker> result)
Description copied from interface: SqlValidatorScope
Collects the SqlMonikers of all table aliases (uses of tables in query FROM clauses) available in this scope.

Specified by:
findAliases in interface SqlValidatorScope
result - a list of monikers to add the result to


public String findQualifyingTableName(String columnName,
                                      SqlNode ctx)
Description copied from interface: SqlValidatorScope
Finds the table alias which is implicitly qualifying an unqualified column name. Throws an error if there is not exactly one table.

This method is only implemented in scopes (such as SelectScope) which can be the context for name-resolution. In scopes such as IdentifierNamespace, it throws UnsupportedOperationException.

Specified by:
findQualifyingTableName in interface SqlValidatorScope
columnName - Column name
ctx - Validation context, to appear in any error thrown
Table alias


public RelDataType resolveColumn(String name,
                                 SqlNode ctx)
Description copied from interface: SqlValidatorScope
Resolves a single identifier to a column, and returns the datatype of that column.

If it cannot find the column, returns null. If the column is ambiguous, throws an error with context ctx.

Specified by:
resolveColumn in interface SqlValidatorScope
name - Name of column
ctx - Context for exception
Type of column, if found and unambiguous; null if not found


public SqlValidatorScope getOperandScope(SqlCall call)
Description copied from interface: SqlValidatorScope
Returns the scope within which operands to a call are to be validated. Usually it is this scope, but when the call is to an aggregate function and this is an aggregating scope, it will be a a different scope.

Specified by:
getOperandScope in interface SqlValidatorScope
call - Call
Scope within which to validate arguments to call.


public SqlValidator getValidator()
Description copied from interface: SqlValidatorScope
Returns the validator which created this scope.

Specified by:
getValidator in interface SqlValidatorScope


public SqlIdentifier fullyQualify(SqlIdentifier identifier)
Converts an identifier into a fully-qualified identifier. For example, the "empno" in "select empno from emp natural join dept" becomes "emp.empno".

If the identifier cannot be resolved, throws. Never returns null.

Specified by:
fullyQualify in interface SqlValidatorScope


public void validateExpr(SqlNode expr)
Description copied from interface: SqlValidatorScope
Performs any scope-specific validation of an expression. For example, an aggregating scope requires that expressions are valid aggregations. The expression has already been validated.

Specified by:
validateExpr in interface SqlValidatorScope


public SqlWindow lookupWindow(String name)
Description copied from interface: SqlValidatorScope
Finds a window with a given name. Returns null if not found.

Specified by:
lookupWindow in interface SqlValidatorScope


public SqlMonotonicity getMonotonicity(SqlNode expr)
Description copied from interface: SqlValidatorScope
Returns whether an expression is monotonic in this scope. For example, if the scope has previously been sorted by columns X, Y, then X is monotonic in this scope, but Y is not.

Specified by:
getMonotonicity in interface SqlValidatorScope


public SqlNodeList getOrderList()
Description copied from interface: SqlValidatorScope
Returns the expressions by which the rows in this scope are sorted. If the rows are unsorted, returns null.

Specified by:
getOrderList in interface SqlValidatorScope


public SqlValidatorScope getParent()
Returns the parent scope of this DelegatingScope.