Class VolcanoPlanner

  extended by org.eigenbase.relopt.AbstractRelOptPlanner
      extended by org.eigenbase.relopt.volcano.VolcanoPlanner
All Implemented Interfaces:
Direct Known Subclasses:

public class VolcanoPlanner
extends AbstractRelOptPlanner

VolcanoPlanner optimizes queries by transforming expressions selectively according to a dynamic programming algorithm.

Nested Class Summary
private static class VolcanoPlanner.DeferringRuleCall
          A rule call which defers its actions.
Field Summary
private  List<RelOptRuleOperand> allOperands
          List of all operands of all rules.
(package private)  List<RelSet> allSets
          List of all sets.
protected  boolean ambitious
          If true, the planner keeps applying rules as long as they continue to reduce the cost.
protected static double CostImprovement
protected  boolean impatient
          If true, and if ambitious is true, the planner waits a finite number of iterations for the cost to improve.
(package private)  RelOptListener listener
          Listener for this planner, or null if none set.
private  Map<String,RelNode> mapDigestToRel
          Canonical map from digest to the unique relational expression with that digest.
private  IdentityHashMap<RelNode,RelSubset> mapRel2Subset
          Map each registered expression (RelNode) to its equivalence set (RelSubset).
private  int nextSetId
private  String originalRootString
          Dump of the root relational expression, as it was before any rules were applied.
private  int registerCount
          Incremented every time a relational expression is registered or two sets are merged.
private  Set<RelOptSchema> registeredSchemas
          List of all schemas which have been registered.
(package private)  Map<RelNode,Double> relImportances
          The importance of relational expressions.
protected  RelSubset root
(package private)  RuleQueue ruleQueue
          Holds rule calls waiting to be fired.
protected  Set<RelOptRule> ruleSet
          Set of all registered rules.
private  List<RelTraitDef> traitDefs
          Holds the currently registered RelTraitDefs.
Fields inherited from interface org.eigenbase.relopt.RelOptPlanner
Constructor Summary
          Creates a uninitialized VolcanoPlanner.
Method Summary
 void addListener(RelOptListener newListener)
          Adds a listener to this planner.
 boolean addRelTraitDef(RelTraitDef relTraitDef)
          Registers a rel trait definition.
 boolean addRule(RelOptRule rule)
          Registers a rule.
 boolean canConvert(RelTraitSet fromTraits, RelTraitSet toTraits)
private  RelSubset canonize(RelSubset subset)
          If a subset has one or more equivalent subsets (owing to a set having merged with another), returns the subset which is the leader of the equivalence class.
 RelNode changeTraits(RelNode rel, RelTraitSet toTraits)
          Changes a relational expression to an equivalent one with a different set of traits.
(package private)  RelNode changeTraitsUsingConverters(RelNode rel, RelTraitSet toTraits)
private  RelNode changeTraitsUsingConverters(RelNode rel, RelTraitSet toTraits, boolean allowAbstractConverters)
(package private)  void checkForSatisfiedConverters(RelSet set, RelNode rel)
 RelOptPlanner chooseDelegate()
          Negotiates an appropriate planner to deal with distributed queries.
private  void clearImportanceBoost()
          Clear all importance boosts.
 void dump(PrintWriter pw)
          Dumps the internal state of this VolcanoPlanner to a writer.
 RelNode ensureRegistered(RelNode rel, RelNode equivRel)
          Registers a relational expression if it is not already registered.
 RelNode findBestExp()
          Finds the most efficient expression to implement the query given via setRoot(RelNode).
(package private)  void fireRules(RelNode rel, boolean deferred)
          Fires all rules matched by a relational expression.
private  boolean fixupInputs(RelNode rel)
 RelOptRuleOperand[] getConversionOperands(CallingConvention toConvention)
 RelOptCost getCost(RelNode rel)
          Computes the cost of a RelNode.
 JavaRelImplementor getJavaRelImplementor(RelNode rel)
          Retrieves an implementor appropriate for the context in which this planner was created.
protected  VolcanoPlannerPhaseRuleMappingInitializer getPhaseRuleMappingInitializer()
 long getRelMetadataTimestamp(RelNode rel)
          Gets a timestamp for a given rel's metadata.
 RelNode getRoot()
          Returns the root node of this query.
 RelSet getSet(RelNode rel)
          Finds an expression's equivalence set.
 RelSubset getSubset(RelNode rel)
          Returns the subset that a relational expression belongs to.
 RelSubset getSubset(RelNode rel, RelTraitSet traits)
 RelSubset getSubset(RelNode rel, RelTraitSet traits, boolean createIfMissing)
private  void injectImportanceBoost()
          Finds RelSubsets in the plan that contain only rels of CallingConvention.NONE and boosts their importance by 25%.
 boolean isRegistered(RelNode rel)
          Determines whether a relational expression has been registered.
 RelOptCost makeCost(double dRows, double dCpu, double dIo)
          Creates a cost object.
 RelOptCost makeHugeCost()
          Creates a cost object representing an enormous non-infinite cost.
 RelOptCost makeInfiniteCost()
          Creates a cost object representing infinite cost.
 RelOptCost makeTinyCost()
          Creates a cost object representing a small positive cost.
 RelOptCost makeZeroCost()
          Creates a cost object representing zero cost.
private  void merge(RelSet set, RelSet set2)
static String normalizePlan(String plan)
          Normalizes references to subsets within the string representation of a plan.
 RelNode register(RelNode rel, RelNode equivRel)
          Registers a relational expression in the expression bank.
 void registerAbstractRelationalRules()
private  RelSubset registerImpl(RelNode rel, RelSet set)
          Registers a new expression exp and queues up rule matches.
 void registerMetadataProviders(ChainedRelMetadataProvider chain)
          Gives this planner a chance to register one or more RelMetadataProviders in the chain which will be used to answer metadata queries.
 void registerSchema(RelOptSchema schema)
          Tells this planner that a schema exists.
private  RelSubset registerSubset(RelSet set, RelSubset subset)
 boolean removeRule(RelOptRule rule)
          Removes a rule.
(package private)  void rename(RelNode rel)
          Re-computes the digest of a RelNode.
(package private)  void reregister(RelSet set, RelNode rel)
          Registers a RelNode, which has already been registered, in a new RelSet.
 void setImportance(RelNode rel, double importance)
          Sets the importance of a relational expression.
private  void setInitialImportance()
 void setRoot(RelNode rel)
          Sets the root node of this query.
protected  void validate()
          Checks internal consistency.
Methods inherited from class org.eigenbase.relopt.AbstractRelOptPlanner
checkCancel, fireRule, getListener, getRuleByDescription, isRuleExcluded, mapRuleDescription, notifyChosen, notifyDiscard, notifyEquivalence, notifyTransformation, setCancelFlag, setRuleDescExclusionFilter, unmapRuleDescription
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


protected static final double CostImprovement
See Also:
Constant Field Values


protected RelSubset root


protected boolean ambitious
If true, the planner keeps applying rules as long as they continue to reduce the cost. If false, the planner terminates as soon as it has found any implementation, no matter how expensive. The default is false due to unresolved bugs with various rules.


protected boolean impatient
If true, and if ambitious is true, the planner waits a finite number of iterations for the cost to improve.

The number of iterations K is equal to the number of iterations required to get the first finite plan. After the first finite plan, it continues to fire rules to try to improve it. The planner sets a target cost of the current best cost multiplied by CostImprovement. If it does not meet that cost target within K steps, it quits, and uses the current best plan. If it meets the cost, it sets a new, lower target, and has another K iterations to meet it. And so forth.

If false, the planner continues to fire rules until the rule queue is empty.


private final List<RelOptRuleOperand> allOperands
List of all operands of all rules. Any operand can be an 'entry point' to a rule call, when a relexp is registered which matches the.


final List<RelSet> allSets
List of all sets. Used only for debugging.


private final Map<String,RelNode> mapDigestToRel
Canonical map from digest to the unique relational expression with that digest.


private final IdentityHashMap<RelNode,RelSubset> mapRel2Subset
Map each registered expression (RelNode) to its equivalence set (RelSubset).

We use an IdentityHashMap to simplify the process of merging RelSet objects. Most RelNode objects are identified by their digest, which involves the set that their child relational expressions belong to. If those children belong to the same set, we have to be careful, otherwise it gets incestuous.


final Map<RelNode,Double> relImportances
The importance of relational expressions.

The map contains only RelNodes whose importance has been overridden using RelOptPlanner.setImportance(RelNode, double). Other RelNodes are presumed to have 'normal' importance.

If a RelNode has 0 importance, all RelOptRuleCalls using it are ignored, and future RelOptRuleCalls are not queued up.


private final Set<RelOptSchema> registeredSchemas
List of all schemas which have been registered.


final RuleQueue ruleQueue
Holds rule calls waiting to be fired.


private final List<RelTraitDef> traitDefs
Holds the currently registered RelTraitDefs.


protected final Set<RelOptRule> ruleSet
Set of all registered rules.


private int nextSetId


private int registerCount
Incremented every time a relational expression is registered or two sets are merged. Tells us whether anything is going on.


RelOptListener listener
Listener for this planner, or null if none set.


private String originalRootString
Dump of the root relational expression, as it was before any rules were applied. For debugging.

Constructor Detail


public VolcanoPlanner()
Creates a uninitialized VolcanoPlanner. To fully initialize it, the caller must register the desired set of relations, rules, and calling conventions.

Method Detail


protected VolcanoPlannerPhaseRuleMappingInitializer getPhaseRuleMappingInitializer()


public RelOptRuleOperand[] getConversionOperands(CallingConvention toConvention)


public boolean isRegistered(RelNode rel)
Description copied from interface: RelOptPlanner
Determines whether a relational expression has been registered.

rel - expression to test
whether rel has been registered


public void setRoot(RelNode rel)
Description copied from interface: RelOptPlanner
Sets the root node of this query.

rel - Relational expression


public RelNode getRoot()
Description copied from interface: RelOptPlanner
Returns the root node of this query.

Root node


public RelSet getSet(RelNode rel)
Finds an expression's equivalence set. If the expression is not registered, returns null.

rel - Relational expression
Equivalence set that expression belongs to, or null if it is not registered
rel != null


public boolean addRelTraitDef(RelTraitDef relTraitDef)
Description copied from interface: RelOptPlanner
Registers a rel trait definition. If the RelTraitDef has already been registered, does nothing.

Specified by:
addRelTraitDef in interface RelOptPlanner
addRelTraitDef in class AbstractRelOptPlanner
whether the RelTraitDef was added, as per Collection.add(E)


public boolean addRule(RelOptRule rule)
Description copied from interface: RelOptPlanner
Registers a rule. If the rule has already been registered, does nothing. This method should determine if the given rule is a ConverterRule and pass the ConverterRule to all registered RelTraitDef instances.

whether the rule was added, as per Collection.add(E)


public boolean removeRule(RelOptRule rule)
Description copied from interface: RelOptPlanner
Removes a rule.

true if the rule was present, as per Collection.remove(Object)


public boolean canConvert(RelTraitSet fromTraits,
                          RelTraitSet toTraits)


public RelNode changeTraits(RelNode rel,
                            RelTraitSet toTraits)
Description copied from interface: RelOptPlanner
Changes a relational expression to an equivalent one with a different set of traits.

rel - Relational expression, may or may not have been registered
toTraits - Trait set to convert relational expression to
Relational expression with desired traits. Never null, but may be abstract


public RelOptPlanner chooseDelegate()
Description copied from interface: RelOptPlanner
Negotiates an appropriate planner to deal with distributed queries. The idea is that the schemas decide among themselves which has the most knowledge. Right now, the local planner retains control.

Specified by:
chooseDelegate in interface RelOptPlanner
chooseDelegate in class AbstractRelOptPlanner


public RelNode findBestExp()
Finds the most efficient expression to implement the query given via setRoot(RelNode).

The algorithm executes repeatedly in a series of phases. In each phase the exact rules that may be fired varies. The mapping of phases to rule sets is maintained in the ruleQueue.

In each phase, the planner sets the initial importance of the existing RelSubSets (setInitialImportance()). The planner then iterates over the rule matches presented by the rule queue until:

  1. The rule queue becomes empty.
  2. For ambitious planners: No improvements to the plan have been made recently (specifically within a number of iterations that is 10% of the number of iterations necessary to first reach an implementable plan or 25 iterations whichever is larger).
  3. For non-ambitious planners: When an implementable plan is found.

Furthermore, after every 10 iterations without an implementable plan, RelSubSets that contain only logical RelNodes are given an importance boost via injectImportanceBoost(). Once an implementable plan is found, the artificially raised importances are cleared (clearImportanceBoost()).

the most efficient RelNode tree found for implementing the given query


private void setInitialImportance()


private void injectImportanceBoost()
Finds RelSubsets in the plan that contain only rels of CallingConvention.NONE and boosts their importance by 25%.


private void clearImportanceBoost()
Clear all importance boosts.


public RelOptCost makeCost(double dRows,
                           double dCpu,
                           double dIo)
Description copied from interface: RelOptPlanner
Creates a cost object.

Specified by:
makeCost in interface RelOptPlanner
makeCost in class AbstractRelOptPlanner


public RelOptCost makeHugeCost()
Description copied from interface: RelOptPlanner
Creates a cost object representing an enormous non-infinite cost.

Specified by:
makeHugeCost in interface RelOptPlanner
makeHugeCost in class AbstractRelOptPlanner


public RelOptCost makeInfiniteCost()
Description copied from interface: RelOptPlanner
Creates a cost object representing infinite cost.

Specified by:
makeInfiniteCost in interface RelOptPlanner
makeInfiniteCost in class AbstractRelOptPlanner


public RelOptCost makeTinyCost()
Description copied from interface: RelOptPlanner
Creates a cost object representing a small positive cost.

Specified by:
makeTinyCost in interface RelOptPlanner
makeTinyCost in class AbstractRelOptPlanner


public RelOptCost makeZeroCost()
Description copied from interface: RelOptPlanner
Creates a cost object representing zero cost.

Specified by:
makeZeroCost in interface RelOptPlanner
makeZeroCost in class AbstractRelOptPlanner


public RelNode register(RelNode rel,
                        RelNode equivRel)
Description copied from interface: RelOptPlanner
Registers a relational expression in the expression bank.

After it has been registered, you may not modify it.

The expression must not already have been registered. If you are not sure whether it has been registered, call RelOptPlanner.ensureRegistered(RelNode,RelNode).

rel - Relational expression to register (must not already be registered)
equivRel - Relational expression it is equivalent to (may be null)
the same expression, or an equivalent existing expression


public RelNode ensureRegistered(RelNode rel,
                                RelNode equivRel)
Description copied from interface: RelOptPlanner
Registers a relational expression if it is not already registered.

rel - Relational expression to register
equivRel - Relational expression it is equivalent to (may be null)
Registered relational expression


protected void validate()
Checks internal consistency.


public void registerAbstractRelationalRules()


public void registerSchema(RelOptSchema schema)
Description copied from interface: RelOptPlanner
Tells this planner that a schema exists. This is the schema's chance to tell the planner about all of the special transformation rules.

Specified by:
registerSchema in interface RelOptPlanner
registerSchema in class AbstractRelOptPlanner


public JavaRelImplementor getJavaRelImplementor(RelNode rel)
Description copied from interface: RelOptPlanner
Retrieves an implementor appropriate for the context in which this planner was created.

Specified by:
getJavaRelImplementor in interface RelOptPlanner
getJavaRelImplementor in class AbstractRelOptPlanner


public RelOptCost getCost(RelNode rel)
Description copied from interface: RelOptPlanner
Computes the cost of a RelNode. In most cases, this just dispatches to RelMetadataQuery.getCumulativeCost(org.eigenbase.rel.RelNode).

Specified by:
getCost in interface RelOptPlanner
getCost in class AbstractRelOptPlanner
rel - expression of interest
estimated cost


public RelSubset getSubset(RelNode rel)
Returns the subset that a relational expression belongs to.

rel - Relational expression
Subset it belongs to, or null if it is not registered
rel != null


public RelSubset getSubset(RelNode rel,
                           RelTraitSet traits)


public RelSubset getSubset(RelNode rel,
                           RelTraitSet traits,
                           boolean createIfMissing)


private RelNode changeTraitsUsingConverters(RelNode rel,
                                            RelTraitSet toTraits,
                                            boolean allowAbstractConverters)


RelNode changeTraitsUsingConverters(RelNode rel,
                                    RelTraitSet toTraits)


void checkForSatisfiedConverters(RelSet set,
                                 RelNode rel)


public void setImportance(RelNode rel,
                          double importance)
Description copied from interface: RelOptPlanner
Sets the importance of a relational expression.

An important use of this method is when a RelOptRule has created a relational expression which is indisputably better than the original relational expression. The rule set the original relational expression's importance to zero, to reduce the search space. Pending rule calls are cancelled, and future rules will not fire.

Specified by:
setImportance in interface RelOptPlanner
setImportance in class AbstractRelOptPlanner
rel - Relational expression
importance - Importance


public void dump(PrintWriter pw)
Dumps the internal state of this VolcanoPlanner to a writer.

pw - Print writer
See Also:


void rename(RelNode rel)
Re-computes the digest of a RelNode.

Since a relational expression's digest contains the identifiers of its children, this method needs to be called when the child has been renamed, for example if the child's set merges with another.

rel - Relational expression


void reregister(RelSet set,
                RelNode rel)
Registers a RelNode, which has already been registered, in a new RelSet.

set - Set
rel - Relational expression


private RelSubset canonize(RelSubset subset)
If a subset has one or more equivalent subsets (owing to a set having merged with another), returns the subset which is the leader of the equivalence class.

subset - Subset
Leader of subset's equivalence class


void fireRules(RelNode rel,
               boolean deferred)
Fires all rules matched by a relational expression.

rel - Relational expression which has just been created (or maybe from the queue)
deferred - If true, each time a rule matches, just add an entry to the queue.


private boolean fixupInputs(RelNode rel)


private void merge(RelSet set,
                   RelSet set2)


private RelSubset registerImpl(RelNode rel,
                               RelSet set)
Registers a new expression exp and queues up rule matches. If set is not null, makes the expression part of that equivalence set. If an identical expression is already registered, we don't need to register this one and nor should we queue up rule matches.

rel - relational expression to register. Must be either a RelSubset, or an unregistered RelNode
set - set that rel belongs to, or null
the equivalence-set
rel instanceof RelSubset || !isRegistered(rel)


private RelSubset registerSubset(RelSet set,
                                 RelSubset subset)


public void addListener(RelOptListener newListener)
Description copied from interface: RelOptPlanner
Adds a listener to this planner.

Specified by:
addListener in interface RelOptPlanner
addListener in class AbstractRelOptPlanner
newListener - new listener to be notified of events


public void registerMetadataProviders(ChainedRelMetadataProvider chain)
Description copied from interface: RelOptPlanner
Gives this planner a chance to register one or more RelMetadataProviders in the chain which will be used to answer metadata queries. Planners which use their own relational expressions internally to represent concepts such as equivalence classes will generally need to supply corresponding metadata providers.

Specified by:
registerMetadataProviders in interface RelOptPlanner
registerMetadataProviders in class AbstractRelOptPlanner
chain - receives planner's custom providers, if any


public long getRelMetadataTimestamp(RelNode rel)
Description copied from interface: RelOptPlanner
Gets a timestamp for a given rel's metadata. This timestamp is used by CachingRelMetadataProvider to decide whether cached metadata has gone stale.

Specified by:
getRelMetadataTimestamp in interface RelOptPlanner
getRelMetadataTimestamp in class AbstractRelOptPlanner
rel - rel of interest
timestamp of last change which might affect metadata derivation


public static String normalizePlan(String plan)
Normalizes references to subsets within the string representation of a plan.

This is useful when writing tests: it helps to ensure that tests don't break when an extra rule is introduced that generates a new subset and causes subsequent subset numbers to be off by one.

For example,

FennelAggRel.FENNEL_EXEC(child=Subset#17.FENNEL_EXEC,groupCount=1, EXPR$1=COUNT())
  FennelSortRel.FENNEL_EXEC(child=Subset#2.FENNEL_EXEC, key=[0], discardDuplicates=false)
    FennelCalcRel.FENNEL_EXEC( child=Subset#4.FENNEL_EXEC, expr#0..8={inputs}, expr#9=3456, DEPTNO=$t7, $f0=$t9)
      MockTableImplRel.FENNEL_EXEC( table=[CATALOG, SALES, EMP])
FennelAggRel.FENNEL_EXEC(child=Subset#{0}.FENNEL_EXEC, groupCount=1, EXPR$1=COUNT())
  FennelSortRel.FENNEL_EXEC(child=Subset#{1}.FENNEL_EXEC, key=[0], discardDuplicates=false)
    FennelCalcRel.FENNEL_EXEC( child=Subset#{2}.FENNEL_EXEC,expr#0..8={inputs},expr#9=3456,DEPTNO=$t7, $f0=$t9)
      MockTableImplRel.FENNEL_EXEC( table=[CATALOG, SALES, EMP])

plan - Plan
Normalized plan