Class RelOptRule

  extended by org.eigenbase.relopt.RelOptRule
Direct Known Subclasses:
AbstractConverter.ExpandConversionRule, AddFilterToQueryRule, AddProjectToQueryRule, AddRedundantSemiJoinRule, CoerceInputsRule, CombineUnionsRule, CommonRelSubExprRule, ConverterRule, ConvertMultiJoinRule, ExtractJoinFilterRule, FarragoAutoCalcRule, FarragoJavaUdxRule, FarragoMultisetSplitterRule, FarragoReduceExpressionsRule, FarragoReduceValuesRule, FennelAggRule, FennelBernoulliSamplingRule, FennelCartesianJoinRule, FennelCollectRule, FennelCorrelatorRule, FennelDistinctSortRule, FennelNestedLoopJoinRule, FennelRemoveRedundantSortRule, FennelRenameRule, FennelReshapeRule, FennelSortRule, FennelUncollectRule, FennelWindowRule, FilterToCalcRule, FtrsIndexBuilderRule, FtrsIndexJoinRule, FtrsRemoveRedundantSortRule, FtrsScanToSearchRule, FtrsTableModificationRule, LcsAddDeletionScanRule, LcsIndexAccessRule, LcsIndexAggRule, LcsIndexBuilderRule, LcsIndexOnlyAccessRule, LcsIndexSemiJoinRule, LcsRemoveRidExprRule, LcsSamplingRowScanRule, LcsTableAlterRule, LcsTableAppendRule, LcsTableDeleteRule, LcsTableMergeRule, LhxAggRule, LhxIntersectRule, LhxJoinRule, LhxMinusRule, LhxSemiJoinRule, LoptIterCalcRule, LoptModifyRemovableSelfJoinRule, LoptOptimizeJoinRule, LoptRemoveSelfJoinRule, MedAbstractFennelProjectionRule, MedJdbcAggPushDownRule, MedJdbcPushDownRule, MedMdrJoinRule, MedMockTableModificationRule, MedMqlPushDownRule, MergeCalcRule, MergeFilterOntoCalcRule, MergeFilterRule, MergeProjectOntoCalcRule, MergeProjectRule, NestedLoopsJoinRule, ProjectToCalcRule, PullConstantsThroughAggregatesRule, PullUpAggregateAboveUnionRule, PullUpProjectsAboveJoinRule, PushAggregateThroughUnionRule, PushAggThroughUnionAllRule, PushFilterIntoMultiJoinRule, PushFilterPastJoinRule, PushFilterPastProjectRule, PushFilterPastSetOpRule, PushProjectIntoMultiJoinRule, PushProjectPastFilterRule, PushProjectPastJoinRule, PushProjectPastSetOpRule, PushSemiJoinPastFilterRule, PushSemiJoinPastJoinRule, PushSemiJoinPastProjectRule, ReduceAggregatesRule, ReduceDecimalsRule, RelDecorrelator.AdjustProjectForCountAggregateRule, RelDecorrelator.RemoveCorrelationForScalarAggregateRule, RelDecorrelator.RemoveCorrelationForScalarProjectRule, RelDecorrelator.RemoveSingleAggregateRule, RemoveDistinctAggregateRule, RemoveDistinctRule, RemoveEmptyRule, RemoveIsNotDistinctFromRule, RemoveSemiJoinRule, RemoveTrivialCalcRule, RemoveTrivialProjectRule, SwapJoinRule, TableAccessRule, TraitMatchingRule, UnionEliminatorRule, UnionToDistinctRule, VolcanoPlannerTest.GoodRemoveSingleRule, VolcanoPlannerTest.GoodSingleRule, VolcanoPlannerTest.PhysLeafRule, VolcanoPlannerTest.PhysProjectRule, VolcanoPlannerTest.ReformedRemoveSingleRule, VolcanoPlannerTest.ReformedSingleRule, VolcanoPlannerTraitTest.IterSingleRule, VolcanoPlannerTraitTest.IterSingleRule2, VolcanoPlannerTraitTest.PhysLeafRule, WindowedAggSplitterRule

public abstract class RelOptRule
extends Object

A RelOptRule transforms an expression into another. It has a list of RelOptRuleOperands, which determine whether the rule can be applied to a particular section of the tree.

The optimizer figures out which rules are applicable, then calls onMatch(org.eigenbase.relopt.RelOptRuleCall) on each of them.

Field Summary
static RelOptRuleOperand.Dummy ANY
          Shorthand for RelOptRuleOperand.Dummy.ANY.
protected  String description
          Description of rule, must be unique within planner.
private  RelOptRuleOperand operand
          Root of operand tree.
 RelOptRuleOperand[] operands
          Flattened list of operands.
Constructor Summary
RelOptRule(RelOptRuleOperand operand)
          Creates a rule.
RelOptRule(RelOptRuleOperand operand, String description)
          Creates a rule with an explicit description.
Method Summary
private  void assignSolveOrder()
          Builds each operand's solve-order.
static RelNode convert(RelNode rel, RelTraitSet toTraits)
          Converts a relation expression to a give set of traits, if it does not already have those traits.
 boolean equals(Object obj)
protected  boolean equals(RelOptRule that)
          Returns whether this rule is equal to another rule.
private  RelOptRuleOperand[] flattenOperands(RelOptRuleOperand rootOperand)
          Creates a flattened list of this operand and its descendants in prefix order.
private  void flattenRecurse(List<RelOptRuleOperand> operandList, RelOptRuleOperand parentOperand)
          Adds the operand and its descendants to the list in prefix order.
 RelOptRuleOperand getOperand()
          Returns the root operand of this rule
 List<RelOptRuleOperand> getOperands()
          Returns a flattened list of operands of this rule.
 CallingConvention getOutConvention()
          Returns the calling convention of the result of firing this rule, null if not known.
 RelTrait getOutTrait()
          Returns the trait which will be modified as a result of firing this rule, or null if the rule is not a converter rule.
(package private) static String guessDescription(String className)
          Deduces a name for a rule by taking the name of its class and returning the segment after the last '.' or '$'.
 int hashCode()
 boolean matches(RelOptRuleCall call)
          Returns whether this rule could possibly match the given operands.
static RelNode mergeTraitsAndConvert(RelTraitSet baseTraits, RelTrait newTrait, RelNode rel)
          Creates a new RelTraitSet based on the given traits and converts the relational expression to that trait set.
static RelNode mergeTraitsAndConvert(RelTraitSet baseTraits, RelTraitSet newTraits, RelNode rel)
          Creates a new RelTraitSet based on the given traits and converts the relational expression to that trait set.
abstract  void onMatch(RelOptRuleCall call)
          Receives notification about a rule match.
 String toString()
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, finalize, getClass, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final RelOptRuleOperand.Dummy ANY
Shorthand for RelOptRuleOperand.Dummy.ANY.


protected final String description
Description of rule, must be unique within planner. Default is the name of the class sans package name, but derived classes are encouraged to override.


private final RelOptRuleOperand operand
Root of operand tree.


public RelOptRuleOperand[] operands
Flattened list of operands.

Constructor Detail


public RelOptRule(RelOptRuleOperand operand)
Creates a rule.

operand - root operand, must not be null


public RelOptRule(RelOptRuleOperand operand,
                  String description)
Creates a rule with an explicit description.

operand - root operand, must not be null
description - Description, or null to guess description
Method Detail


private RelOptRuleOperand[] flattenOperands(RelOptRuleOperand rootOperand)
Creates a flattened list of this operand and its descendants in prefix order.

rootOperand - Root operand
Flattened list of operands


private void flattenRecurse(List<RelOptRuleOperand> operandList,
                            RelOptRuleOperand parentOperand)
Adds the operand and its descendants to the list in prefix order.

operandList - Flattened list of operands
parentOperand - Parent of this operand


private void assignSolveOrder()
Builds each operand's solve-order. Start with itself, then its parent, up to the root, then the remaining operands in prefix order.


public RelOptRuleOperand getOperand()
Returns the root operand of this rule

the root operand of this rule


public List<RelOptRuleOperand> getOperands()
Returns a flattened list of operands of this rule.

flattened list of operands


public int hashCode()
hashCode in class Object


public boolean equals(Object obj)
equals in class Object


protected boolean equals(RelOptRule that)
Returns whether this rule is equal to another rule.

The base implementation checks that the rules have the same class and that the operands are equal; derived classes can override.


public boolean matches(RelOptRuleCall call)
Returns whether this rule could possibly match the given operands.

This method is an opportunity to apply side-conditions to a rule. The RelOptPlanner calls this method after matching all operands of the rule, and before calling onMatch(RelOptRuleCall).

In implementations of RelOptPlanner which may queue up a matched RelOptRuleCall for a long time before calling onMatch(RelOptRuleCall), this method is beneficial because it allows the planner to discard rules earlier in the process.

The default implementation of this method returns true. It is acceptable for any implementation of this method to give a false positives, that is, to say that the rule matches the operands but have onMatch(RelOptRuleCall) subsequently not generate any successors.

The following script is useful to identify rules which commonly produce no successors. You should override this method for these rules:

awk '
 /Apply rule/ {rule=$4; ruleCount[rule]++;}
 /generated 0 successors/ {ruleMiss[rule]++;}
 END {
   printf "%-30s %s %s\n", "Rule", "Fire", "Miss";
   for (i in ruleCount) {
     printf "%-30s %5d %5d\n", i, ruleCount[i], ruleMiss[i];
 } ' FarragoTrace.log

call - Rule call which has been determined to match all operands of this rule
whether this RelOptRule matches a given RelOptRuleCall


public abstract void onMatch(RelOptRuleCall call)
Receives notification about a rule match. At the time that this method is called, call.rels holds the set of relational expressions which match the operands to the rule; call.rels[0] is the root expression.

Typically a rule would check that the nodes are valid matches, creates a new expression, then calls back RelOptRuleCall.transformTo(org.eigenbase.rel.RelNode) to register the expression.

call - Rule call
See Also:


public CallingConvention getOutConvention()
Returns the calling convention of the result of firing this rule, null if not known.


public RelTrait getOutTrait()
Returns the trait which will be modified as a result of firing this rule, or null if the rule is not a converter rule.


public String toString()
toString in class Object


public static RelNode convert(RelNode rel,
                              RelTraitSet toTraits)
Converts a relation expression to a give set of traits, if it does not already have those traits. If the conversion is not possible, returns null.

rel - Relexp to convert
toTraits - desired traits
a relational expression with the desired traits, or null if no conversion is possible
return == null || return.getTraits().matches(toTraits)


public static RelNode mergeTraitsAndConvert(RelTraitSet baseTraits,
                                            RelTraitSet newTraits,
                                            RelNode rel)
Creates a new RelTraitSet based on the given traits and converts the relational expression to that trait set. Clones baseTraits and merges newTraits with the cloned set, then converts rel to that set. Normally, during a rule call, baseTraits are the traits of the rel's parent and newTraits are the traits that the rule wishes to guarantee.

baseTraits - base traits for converted rel
newTraits - altered traits
rel - the rel to convert
converted rel or null if conversion could not be made


public static RelNode mergeTraitsAndConvert(RelTraitSet baseTraits,
                                            RelTrait newTrait,
                                            RelNode rel)
Creates a new RelTraitSet based on the given traits and converts the relational expression to that trait set. Clones baseTraits and merges newTrait with the cloned set, then converts rel to that set. Normally, during a rule call, baseTraits are the traits of the rel's parent and newTrait is the trait that the rule wishes to guarantee.

baseTraits - base traits for converted rel
newTrait - altered trait
rel - the rel to convert
converted rel or null if conversion could not be made


static String guessDescription(String className)
Deduces a name for a rule by taking the name of its class and returning the segment after the last '.' or '$'.


className - Name of the rule's class
Last segment of the class