Class FennelNestedLoopJoinRule

  extended by org.eigenbase.relopt.RelOptRule
      extended by net.sf.farrago.fennel.rel.FennelNestedLoopJoinRule

public class FennelNestedLoopJoinRule
extends RelOptRule

FennelNestedLoopJoinRule is a rule for converting a JoinRel with a join condition into a FennelNestedLoopJoinRel. The nested loop join is executed by creating a temporary index on the right join input and using join keys from the left input to do lookups against that index.

Any sargable join predicates that aren't part of the index lookup are processed by a FennelReshapeRel. And then finally, any remaining join predicates are processed by a Calc node.

$Id: //open/dev/farrago/src/net/sf/farrago/fennel/rel/ $
Zelaine Fong

Field Summary
static FennelNestedLoopJoinRule instance
Fields inherited from class org.eigenbase.relopt.RelOptRule
ANY, description, operands
Constructor Summary
private FennelNestedLoopJoinRule()
          Creates a FennelNestedLoopJoinRule.
Method Summary
private  RelNode convertInput(RelTraitSet origTraits, RelNode inputRel)
          Converts an input so its traits include FENNEL_EXEC_CONVENTION
private  void createJoinKeyParameters(FennelRelImplementor implementor, List<Integer> joinKeys, Map<Integer,FennelRelParamId> joinKeyParamMap)
          Creates a new dynamic parameter for each new join key encountered
private  RelNode createNestedLoopRel(JoinRel origJoinRel, RelNode leftRel, RelNode rightRel, boolean swapped, List<Integer> outputProj, JoinRelType joinType, List<Integer> indexCols, List<Integer> indexOperands, CompOperatorEnum indexOp, List<Integer> filterCol, List<Integer> filterOperand, CompOperatorEnum filterOp, RexNode residualCondition)
          Creates a nested loop join tree with the appropriate inputs.
private  FennelReshapeRel createReshapeRel(RelNode leftRel, RelNode reshapeInput, Map<Integer,FennelRelParamId> joinKeyParamMap, List<Integer> filterCols, List<Integer> filterOperands, CompOperatorEnum filterOp, List<Integer> residualRefs, RexNode residualCondition, Map<Integer,Integer> residualRefMap)
          Creates a FennelReshapeRel for applying simple join filters that can't be applied as part of the temp index lookup
private  RelNode createResidualFilter(RelDataTypeField[] joinFields, int nLeftFields, RelNode filterInput, RexNode residualCondition, RelNode rightRel, Map<Integer,Integer> residualRefMap)
          Creates RelNodes to apply remaining filters
private  RelNode createSecondInput(RelNode leftRel, RelNode rightRel, List<Integer> indexCols, List<Integer> indexOperands, CompOperatorEnum indexOp, Map<Integer,FennelRelParamId> joinKeyParamMap, FennelRelParamId rootPageIdParamId, List<Integer> filterCol, List<Integer> filterOperand, CompOperatorEnum filterOp, List<Integer> residualRefs, RexNode residualCondition)
          Creates the second input into the nested loop join tree that processes the RHS input.
private  FennelTempIdxSearchRel createTempIdxLookup(RelNode rightRel, List<Integer> indexCols, List<Integer> indexOperands, CompOperatorEnum indexOp, Map<Integer,FennelRelParamId> joinKeyParamMap, FennelRelParamId rootPageIdParamId)
          Creates a temporary index lookup RelNode
private  RelNode createThirdInput(RelNode rightRel, List<Integer> indexCols, FennelRelParamId rootPageIdParamId)
          Creates the third input into the nested loop join, which builds the temporary index on the right join input
private  void findLeftInputRefs(RexNode residualCondition, int nLeftFields, List<Integer> leftInputRefs)
          Locates all references to the left input in an expression representing the portion of the join condition that must be processed by a Calc node
 CallingConvention getOutConvention()
          Returns the calling convention of the result of firing this rule, null if not known.
private  RexNode getPredicates(RelNode[] joinInputs, RexNode joinCondition, List<Integer> indexCols, List<Integer> indexOperands, List<CompOperatorEnum> indexOp, List<Integer> filterCol, List<Integer> filterOperand, List<CompOperatorEnum> filterOp, List<Integer> outputProj)
          Locates from the join condition all equi-join predicates and a single range predicate for use with a temporary index and then if possible, an additional range predicate for a FennelReshapeRel
private  void mapSqlOpToCompOp(List<SqlOperator> sqlOpList, List<CompOperatorEnum> compOpList)
 void onMatch(RelOptRuleCall call)
          Receives notification about a rule match.
Methods inherited from class org.eigenbase.relopt.RelOptRule
convert, equals, equals, getOperand, getOperands, getOutTrait, hashCode, matches, mergeTraitsAndConvert, mergeTraitsAndConvert, toString
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, finalize, getClass, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final FennelNestedLoopJoinRule instance
Constructor Detail


private FennelNestedLoopJoinRule()
Creates a FennelNestedLoopJoinRule.

Method Detail


public CallingConvention getOutConvention()
Description copied from class: RelOptRule
Returns the calling convention of the result of firing this rule, null if not known.

getOutConvention in class RelOptRule


public void onMatch(RelOptRuleCall call)
Description copied from class: RelOptRule
Receives notification about a rule match. At the time that this method is called, call.rels holds the set of relational expressions which match the operands to the rule; call.rels[0] is the root expression.

Typically a rule would check that the nodes are valid matches, creates a new expression, then calls back RelOptRuleCall.transformTo(org.eigenbase.rel.RelNode) to register the expression.

Specified by:
onMatch in class RelOptRule
call - Rule call
See Also:


private RelNode createNestedLoopRel(JoinRel origJoinRel,
                                    RelNode leftRel,
                                    RelNode rightRel,
                                    boolean swapped,
                                    List<Integer> outputProj,
                                    JoinRelType joinType,
                                    List<Integer> indexCols,
                                    List<Integer> indexOperands,
                                    CompOperatorEnum indexOp,
                                    List<Integer> filterCol,
                                    List<Integer> filterOperand,
                                    CompOperatorEnum filterOp,
                                    RexNode residualCondition)
Creates a nested loop join tree with the appropriate inputs.

In the new tree, the first input is the left join input. The left join input is assumed to have been casted, as needed, to match the right join input.

The right input does all the necessary lookups and filtering on the right input by reading dynamic parameters corresponding to the left input.

An optional third input creates the temporary index used in join lookups if a temporary index is to be used

origJoinRel - original join tree
leftRel - left input into the new join
rightRel - right input into the new join
swapped - true if the original inputs were swapped
outputProj - required projection of join result (post-swap, if inputs have been swapped)
joinType - join type
indexCols - list of column offsets from the RHS input that are to be indexed
indexOperands - list of column offsets from the LHS input that will be used as index lookup keys
indexOp - the operator to be used in the index lookup
filterCol - the column offset from the RHS input that can be applied in FennelReshapeRel
filterOperand - the LHS input that filterCol is compared against
filterOp - comparison operator that will be applied in FennelReshapeRel
residualCondition - remaining filter that must be applied in a Calc node
created nested loop join tree


private RexNode getPredicates(RelNode[] joinInputs,
                              RexNode joinCondition,
                              List<Integer> indexCols,
                              List<Integer> indexOperands,
                              List<CompOperatorEnum> indexOp,
                              List<Integer> filterCol,
                              List<Integer> filterOperand,
                              List<CompOperatorEnum> filterOp,
                              List<Integer> outputProj)
Locates from the join condition all equi-join predicates and a single range predicate for use with a temporary index and then if possible, an additional range predicate for a FennelReshapeRel

joinInputs - join inputs
joinCondition - the join condition
indexCols - returns list of column offsets from the right join input that are to be indexed
indexOperands - returns list of column offsets from the left join input that will be used as index lookup keys
indexOp - returns the operator to be used in the index lookup
filterCol - returns the column offset corresponding to RHS input that can be filtered in FennelReshapeRel
filterOperand - returns the column offset corresponding to LHS input that filterCol is compared against
filterOp - returns the comparison operator that will be applied in FennelReshapeRel
excess predicates that cannot be processed by the index or FennelReshapeRel


private void mapSqlOpToCompOp(List<SqlOperator> sqlOpList,
                              List<CompOperatorEnum> compOpList)


private RelNode convertInput(RelTraitSet origTraits,
                             RelNode inputRel)
Converts an input so its traits include FENNEL_EXEC_CONVENTION

origTraits - traits of the original input
inputRel - the input
a new RelNode with the merged traits


private void createJoinKeyParameters(FennelRelImplementor implementor,
                                     List<Integer> joinKeys,
                                     Map<Integer,FennelRelParamId> joinKeyParamMap)
Creates a new dynamic parameter for each new join key encountered

implementor - FennelRelImplementor
joinKeys - list of join keys for which we want to create dynamic parameters; if a dynamic parameter has already been created for a key, don't create another one
joinKeyParamMap - mapping from join keys to dynamic parameters; used to keep track of which keys already have corresponding dynamic parameters


private void findLeftInputRefs(RexNode residualCondition,
                               int nLeftFields,
                               List<Integer> leftInputRefs)
Locates all references to the left input in an expression representing the portion of the join condition that must be processed by a Calc node

residualCondition - remaining join condition to be processed by Calc node
nLeftFields - number of fields in the left join input
leftInputRefs - list of column offsets corresponding to left input references


private RelNode createSecondInput(RelNode leftRel,
                                  RelNode rightRel,
                                  List<Integer> indexCols,
                                  List<Integer> indexOperands,
                                  CompOperatorEnum indexOp,
                                  Map<Integer,FennelRelParamId> joinKeyParamMap,
                                  FennelRelParamId rootPageIdParamId,
                                  List<Integer> filterCol,
                                  List<Integer> filterOperand,
                                  CompOperatorEnum filterOp,
                                  List<Integer> residualRefs,
                                  RexNode residualCondition)
Creates the second input into the nested loop join tree that processes the RHS input. If a temporary index is used in the join lookup, create an index lookup RelNode. The output from either that (or the RHS input, if no temp index lookup is required) is then optionally fed into a FennelReshapeRel and/or a Calc node for additional join filtering.

leftRel - left input into the new join
rightRel - right input into the new join
indexCols - list of column offsets from the RHS input that are to be indexed
indexOperands - list of column offsets from the LHS input that will be used as index lookup keys
indexOp - the operator to be used in the index lookup
joinKeyParamMap - mapping from LHS inputs to dynamic parameters
rootPageIdParamId - dynamic parameter corresponding to the rootPageId of the temp index
filterCol - the column offset from the RHS input that can be applied in FennelReshapeRel
filterOperand - the LHS input that filterCol is compared against
filterOp - comparison operator that will be applied in FennelReshapeRel
residualRefs - LHS inputs that must be processed in the Calc node
residualCondition - remaining filter that must be applied in a Calc node
RelNode tree corresponding to the nested loop join's second input or null if traits couldn't be converted


private FennelTempIdxSearchRel createTempIdxLookup(RelNode rightRel,
                                                   List<Integer> indexCols,
                                                   List<Integer> indexOperands,
                                                   CompOperatorEnum indexOp,
                                                   Map<Integer,FennelRelParamId> joinKeyParamMap,
                                                   FennelRelParamId rootPageIdParamId)
Creates a temporary index lookup RelNode

rightRel - right input into the new join
indexCols - list of column offsets from the RHS input that are to be indexed
indexOperands - list of column offsets from the LHS input that will be used as index lookup keys
indexOp - the operator to be used in the index lookup
joinKeyParamMap - mapping from LHS inputs to dynamic parameters
rootPageIdParamId - dynamic parameter corresponding to the rootPageId of the temp index
temporary index lookup RelNode


private FennelReshapeRel createReshapeRel(RelNode leftRel,
                                          RelNode reshapeInput,
                                          Map<Integer,FennelRelParamId> joinKeyParamMap,
                                          List<Integer> filterCols,
                                          List<Integer> filterOperands,
                                          CompOperatorEnum filterOp,
                                          List<Integer> residualRefs,
                                          RexNode residualCondition,
                                          Map<Integer,Integer> residualRefMap)
Creates a FennelReshapeRel for applying simple join filters that can't be applied as part of the temp index lookup

leftRel - left join input
reshapeInput - input into FennelReshapeRel
joinKeyParamMap - mapping from LHS inputs to dynamic parameters
filterCols - the column offset from the RHS input that can be applied in FennelReshapeRel
filterOperands - the LHS input that filterCol is compared against
filterOp - comparison operator that will be applied in FennelReshapeRel
residualRefs - LHS inputs that must be processed in Calc node
residualCondition - remaining filter that must be applied in a Calc node
residualRefMap - map used to keep track of where each residual reference will appear in the output for the ReshapeRel; the map is populated within this method


private RelNode createResidualFilter(RelDataTypeField[] joinFields,
                                     int nLeftFields,
                                     RelNode filterInput,
                                     RexNode residualCondition,
                                     RelNode rightRel,
                                     Map<Integer,Integer> residualRefMap)
Creates RelNodes to apply remaining filters

joinFields - fields from join of the left and right inputs
nLeftFields - number of fields in the left input
filterInput - input to be filtered
residualCondition - filter to be applied
rightRel - right join input
residualRefMap - map used to keep track of where each residual reference will appear in the output for the ReshapeRel
filtering RelNodes


private RelNode createThirdInput(RelNode rightRel,
                                 List<Integer> indexCols,
                                 FennelRelParamId rootPageIdParamId)
Creates the third input into the nested loop join, which builds the temporary index on the right join input

rightRel - right join input
indexCols - columns to be indexed
rootPageIdParamId - dynamic parameter corresponding to the root of the temporary index
RelNodes corresponding to the third input