Class ReduceDecimalsRule.RexExpander

  extended by org.eigenbase.rel.rules.ReduceDecimalsRule.RexExpander
Direct Known Subclasses:
ReduceDecimalsRule.BinaryArithmeticExpander, ReduceDecimalsRule.CaseExpander, ReduceDecimalsRule.CastArgAsTypeExpander, ReduceDecimalsRule.CastExpander, ReduceDecimalsRule.CeilExpander, ReduceDecimalsRule.FloorExpander, ReduceDecimalsRule.PassThroughExpander, ReduceDecimalsRule.ReinterpretExpander
Enclosing class:

public abstract class ReduceDecimalsRule.RexExpander
extends Object

Rewrites a decimal expression for a specific set of SqlOperator's. In general, most expressions are rewritten in such a way that SqlOperator's do not have to deal with decimals. Decimals are represented by their unscaled integer representations, similar to BigDecimal.unscaledValue() (i.e. 10^scale). Once decimals are decoded, SqlOperators can then operate on the integer representations. The value can later be recoded as a decimal.

For example, suppose one casts 2.0 as a decima(10,4). The value is decoded (20), multiplied by a scale factor (1000), for a result of (20000) which is encoded as a decimal(10,4), in this case 2.0000

To avoid the lengthy coding of RexNode expressions, this base class provides succinct methods for building expressions used in rewrites.

Field Summary
(package private)  RexBuilder builder
          Factory for constructing new relational expressions
(package private)  RelDataType int8
          Type for the internal representation of decimals.
(package private)  RelDataType real8
          Type for doubles.
Constructor Summary
ReduceDecimalsRule.RexExpander(RexBuilder builder)
          Constructs a RexExpander
Method Summary
protected  RexNode accessValue(RexNode node)
          Retrieves the primitive value of a numeric node.
 boolean canExpand(RexCall call)
          This defaults to the utility method, RexUtil.requiresDecimalExpansion(RexNode, boolean) which checks general guidelines on whether a rewrite should be considered at all.
protected  RexNode decodeValue(RexNode decimalNode)
          Retrieves a decimal node's integer representation
protected  RexNode encodeValue(RexNode value, RelDataType decimalType)
          Casts a decimal's integer representation to a decimal node.
protected  RexNode encodeValue(RexNode value, RelDataType decimalType, boolean checkOverflow)
          Casts a decimal's integer representation to a decimal node.
protected  RexNode ensureScale(RexNode value, int scale, int required)
          Ensures a value is of a required scale.
protected  RexNode ensureType(RelDataType type, RexNode node)
          Ensures expression is interpreted as a specified type.
protected  RexNode ensureType(RelDataType type, RexNode node, boolean matchNullability)
          Ensures expression is interpreted as a specified type.
abstract  RexNode expand(RexCall call)
          Rewrites an expression containing decimals.
protected  RexNode makeApproxLiteral(BigDecimal bd)
          Makes an approximate literal of double precision
protected  RexNode makeApproxScaleFactor(int scale)
          Makes an approximate literal to be used for scaling
protected  RexNode makeCase(RexNode condition, RexNode thenClause, RexNode elseClause)
protected  RexNode makeCase(RexNode whenA, RexNode thenA, RexNode whenB, RexNode thenB, RexNode elseClause)
protected  RexNode makeDivide(RexNode a, RexNode b)
protected  RexNode makeExactLiteral(long l)
          Makes an exact, non-nullable literal of Bigint type
protected  RexNode makeIsNegative(RexNode a)
protected  RexNode makeIsPositive(RexNode a)
protected  RexNode makeMinus(RexNode a, RexNode b)
protected  RexNode makeMultiply(RexNode a, RexNode b)
protected  RexNode makePlus(RexNode a, RexNode b)
protected  RexNode makeRoundFactor(int scale)
          Makes an exact numeric value to be used for rounding.
protected  RexNode makeScaleFactor(int scale)
          Makes an exact numeric literal to be used for scaling
protected  RelDataType matchNullability(RelDataType type, RexNode value)
          Ensure's type's nullability matches a value's nullability
protected  long powerOfTen(int scale)
          Calculates a power of ten, as a long value
protected  RexNode scaleDown(RexNode value, int scale)
          Scales down a decimal value, and returns the scaled value as an exact numeric.
protected  RexNode scaleDownDouble(RexNode value, int scale)
          Scales down a decimal value and returns the scaled value as a an double precision approximate value.
protected  RexNode scaleUp(RexNode value, int scale)
          Scales up a decimal value and returns the scaled value as an exact number.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


RexBuilder builder
Factory for constructing new relational expressions


RelDataType int8
Type for the internal representation of decimals. This type is a non-nullable type and requires extra work to make it nullable.


RelDataType real8
Type for doubles. This type is a non-nullable type and requires extra work to make it nullable.

Constructor Detail


public ReduceDecimalsRule.RexExpander(RexBuilder builder)
Constructs a RexExpander

Method Detail


public boolean canExpand(RexCall call)
This defaults to the utility method, RexUtil.requiresDecimalExpansion(RexNode, boolean) which checks general guidelines on whether a rewrite should be considered at all. In general, it is helpful to update the utility method since that method is often used to filter the somewhat expensive rewrite process.

However, this method provides another place for implementations of RexExpander to make a more detailed analysis before deciding on whether to perform a rewrite.


public abstract RexNode expand(RexCall call)
Rewrites an expression containing decimals. Normally, this method always performs a rewrite, but implementations may choose to return the original expression if no change was required.


protected RexNode makeScaleFactor(int scale)
Makes an exact numeric literal to be used for scaling

scale - a scale from one to max precision - 1
10^scale as an exact numeric value


protected RexNode makeApproxScaleFactor(int scale)
Makes an approximate literal to be used for scaling

scale - a scale from -99 to 99
10^scale as an approximate value


protected RexNode makeRoundFactor(int scale)
Makes an exact numeric value to be used for rounding.

scale - a scale from 1 to max precision - 1
10^scale / 2 as an exact numeric value


protected long powerOfTen(int scale)
Calculates a power of ten, as a long value


protected RexNode makeExactLiteral(long l)
Makes an exact, non-nullable literal of Bigint type


protected RexNode makeApproxLiteral(BigDecimal bd)
Makes an approximate literal of double precision


protected RexNode scaleUp(RexNode value,
                          int scale)
Scales up a decimal value and returns the scaled value as an exact number.

value - the integer representation of a decimal
scale - a value from zero to max precision - 1
value * 10^scale as an exact numeric value


protected RexNode scaleDown(RexNode value,
                            int scale)
Scales down a decimal value, and returns the scaled value as an exact numeric. with the rounding convention BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_UP. (Values midway between two points are rounded away from zero.)

value - the integer representation of a decimal
scale - a value from zero to max precision
value/10^scale, rounded away from zero and returned as an exact numeric value


protected RexNode scaleDownDouble(RexNode value,
                                  int scale)
Scales down a decimal value and returns the scaled value as a an double precision approximate value. Scaling is implemented with double precision arithmetic.

value - the integer representation of a decimal
scale - a value from zero to MAX_NUMERIC_PRECISION
value/10^scale as a double precision value


protected RexNode ensureScale(RexNode value,
                              int scale,
                              int required)
Ensures a value is of a required scale. If it is not, then the value is multiplied by a scale factor. Scaling up an exact value is limited to max precision - 1, because we cannot represent the result of larger scales internally. Scaling up a floating point value is more flexible since the value may be very small despite having a scale of zero and the scaling may still produce a reasonable result

value - integer representation of decimal, or a floating point number
scale - current scale, 0 for floating point numbers
required - required scale, must be at least the current scale; the scale difference may not be greater than max precision - 1 for exact numerics
value * 10^scale, returned as an exact or approximate value corresponding to the input value


protected RexNode decodeValue(RexNode decimalNode)
Retrieves a decimal node's integer representation

decimalNode - the decimal value as an opaque type
an integer representation of the decimal value


protected RexNode accessValue(RexNode node)
Retrieves the primitive value of a numeric node. If the node is a decimal, then it must first be decoded. Otherwise the original node may be returned.

node - a numeric node, possibly a decimal
the primitive value of the numeric node


protected RexNode encodeValue(RexNode value,
                              RelDataType decimalType)
Casts a decimal's integer representation to a decimal node. If the expression is not the expected integer type, then it is casted first.

This method does not request an overflow check.

value - integer representation of decimal
decimalType - type integer will be reinterpreted as
the integer representation reinterpreted as a decimal type


protected RexNode encodeValue(RexNode value,
                              RelDataType decimalType,
                              boolean checkOverflow)
Casts a decimal's integer representation to a decimal node. If the expression is not the expected integer type, then it is casted first.

An overflow check may be requested to ensure the internal value does not exceed the maximum value of the decimal type.

value - integer representation of decimal
decimalType - type integer will be reinterpreted as
checkOverflow - indicates whether an overflow check is required when reinterpreting this particular value as the decimal type. A check usually not required for arithmetic, but is often required for rounding and explicit casts.
the integer reinterpreted as an opaque decimal type


protected RexNode ensureType(RelDataType type,
                             RexNode node)
Ensures expression is interpreted as a specified type. The returned expression may be wrapped with a cast.

This method corrects the nullability of the specified type to match the nullability of the expression.

type - desired type
node - expression
a casted expression or the original expression


protected RexNode ensureType(RelDataType type,
                             RexNode node,
                             boolean matchNullability)
Ensures expression is interpreted as a specified type. The returned expression may be wrapped with a cast.

type - desired type
node - expression
matchNullability - whether to correct nullability of specified type to match the expression; this usually should be true, except for explicit casts which can override default nullability
a casted expression or the original expression


protected RelDataType matchNullability(RelDataType type,
                                       RexNode value)
Ensure's type's nullability matches a value's nullability


protected RexNode makeCase(RexNode condition,
                           RexNode thenClause,
                           RexNode elseClause)


protected RexNode makeCase(RexNode whenA,
                           RexNode thenA,
                           RexNode whenB,
                           RexNode thenB,
                           RexNode elseClause)


protected RexNode makePlus(RexNode a,
                           RexNode b)


protected RexNode makeMinus(RexNode a,
                            RexNode b)


protected RexNode makeDivide(RexNode a,
                             RexNode b)


protected RexNode makeMultiply(RexNode a,
                               RexNode b)


protected RexNode makeIsPositive(RexNode a)


protected RexNode makeIsNegative(RexNode a)