Class ReduceDecimalsRule.CaseExpander

  extended by org.eigenbase.rel.rules.ReduceDecimalsRule.RexExpander
      extended by org.eigenbase.rel.rules.ReduceDecimalsRule.CaseExpander
Enclosing class:

private class ReduceDecimalsRule.CaseExpander
extends ReduceDecimalsRule.RexExpander

Expander that rewrites case expressions, in place. Starting from:

(when $cond then $val)+ else $default
this expander casts all values to the return type. If the target type is a decimal, then the values are then decoded. The result of expansion is that the case operator no longer deals with decimals args. (The return value is encoded if necessary.)

Note: a decimal type is returned iff arguments have decimals

Field Summary
Fields inherited from class org.eigenbase.rel.rules.ReduceDecimalsRule.RexExpander
builder, int8, real8
Constructor Summary
private ReduceDecimalsRule.CaseExpander(RexBuilder rexBuilder)
Method Summary
 RexNode expand(RexCall call)
          Rewrites an expression containing decimals.
Methods inherited from class org.eigenbase.rel.rules.ReduceDecimalsRule.RexExpander
accessValue, canExpand, decodeValue, encodeValue, encodeValue, ensureScale, ensureType, ensureType, makeApproxLiteral, makeApproxScaleFactor, makeCase, makeCase, makeDivide, makeExactLiteral, makeIsNegative, makeIsPositive, makeMinus, makeMultiply, makePlus, makeRoundFactor, makeScaleFactor, matchNullability, powerOfTen, scaleDown, scaleDownDouble, scaleUp
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


private ReduceDecimalsRule.CaseExpander(RexBuilder rexBuilder)
Method Detail


public RexNode expand(RexCall call)
Description copied from class: ReduceDecimalsRule.RexExpander
Rewrites an expression containing decimals. Normally, this method always performs a rewrite, but implementations may choose to return the original expression if no change was required.

Specified by:
expand in class ReduceDecimalsRule.RexExpander