Interface Summary | |
Aggregation | An Aggregation aggregates a set of values into one value. |
ProjectRelBase.Flags | |
RelCollation | Description of the physical ordering of a relational expression. |
RelNode | A RelNode is a relational expression. |
Class Summary | |
AbstractRelNode | Base class for every relational expression (RelNode ). |
AggregateCall | Call to an aggregation function within an AggregateRel . |
AggregateRel | AggregateRel is a relational operator which eliminates
duplicates and computes totals. |
AggregateRelBase | AggregateRelBase is an abstract base class for implementations
of AggregateRel . |
AggregateRelBase.AggCallBinding | Implementation of the SqlOperatorBinding interface for an aggregate call applied to a set of operands in the context
of a AggregateRel . |
CalcRel | A relational expression which computes project expressions and also filters. |
CalcRelBase | CalcRelBase is an abstract base class for implementations of
CalcRel . |
CollectRel | A relational expression which collapses multiple rows into one. |
CorrelatorRel | A CorrelatorRel behaves like a kind of JoinRel , but
works by setting variables in its environment and restarting its right-hand
input. |
CorrelatorRel.Correlation | Describes the neccessary parameters for an implementation in order to identify and set dynamic variables |
EmptyRel | EmptyRel represents a relational expression with zero rows. |
FilterRel | A FilterRel is a relational expression which iterates over its
input, and returns elements for which condition evaluates to
true . |
FilterRelBase | FilterRelBase is an abstract base class for implementations of
FilterRel . |
IntersectRel | IntersectRel returns the intersection of the rows of its inputs. |
JoinRel | A JoinRel represents two relational expressions joined according to some condition. |
JoinRelBase | JoinRelBase is an abstract base class for implementations of
JoinRel . |
MinusRel | MinusRel returns the rows of its first input minus any matching
rows from its other inputs. |
OneRowRel | OneRowRel always returns one row, one column (containing the
value 0). |
OneRowRelBase | OneRowRelBase is an abstract base class for implementations of
OneRowRel . |
ProjectRel | ProjectRel is a relational expression which computes a set of
'select expressions' from its input relational expression. |
ProjectRelBase | ProjectRelBase is an abstract base class for implementations of
ProjectRel . |
ProjectRelBase.Checker | Visitor which walks over a program and checks validity. |
RelCollationImpl | Simple implementation of RelCollation . |
RelFieldCollation | RelFieldCollation defines the ordering for one field of a RelNode whose output is to be sorted. |
RelVisitor | A RelVisitor is a Visitor role in the visitor pattern and visits RelNode objects as the role of Element. |
SamplingRel | SamplingRel represents the TABLESAMPLE BERNOULLI or SYSTEM keyword applied to a table, view or subquery. |
SetOpRel | SetOpRel is an abstract base for relational set operators such
as union, minus, and intersect. |
SingleRel | A SingleRel is a base class single-input relational expressions. |
SortRel | Relational expression which imposes a particular sort order on its input without otherwise changing its content. |
TableAccessRel | A TableAccessRel reads all the rows from a RelOptTable . |
TableAccessRelBase | TableAccessRelBase is an abstract base class for implementations
of TableAccessRel . |
TableFunctionRel | TableFunctionRel represents a call to a function which returns a
result set. |
TableFunctionRelBase | TableFunctionRelBase is an abstract base class for
implementations of TableFunctionRel . |
TableModificationRel | TableModificationRel is like TableAccessRel, but represents a request to modify a table rather than read from it. |
TableModificationRelBase | TableModificationRelBase is an abstract base class for
implementations of TableModificationRel . |
UncollectRel | A relational expression which unnests its input's sole column into a relation. |
UnionRel | UnionRel returns the union of the rows of its inputs, optionally
eliminating duplicates. |
UnionRelBase | UnionRelBase is an abstract base class for implementations of
UnionRel . |
ValuesRel | ValuesRel represents a sequence of zero or more literal row
values. |
ValuesRelBase | ValuesRelBase is an abstract base class for implementations of
ValuesRel . |
WindowedAggregateRel | A relational expression representing a set of window aggregates. |
Enum Summary | |
JoinRelType | Enumeration of join types. |
RelFieldCollation.Direction | Direction that a field is ordered in. |
TableModificationRelBase.Operation | Enumeration of supported modification operations. |
Defines relational expressions.
Revision | $Id: //open/dev/farrago/src/org/eigenbase/rel/package.html#6 $ |
Copyright | Copyright (C) 2005-2009 The Eigenbase Project
Copyright (C) 2003-2009 SQLstream, Inc. Copyright (C) 2005-2009 LucidEra, Inc. |
Author | Julian Hyde |
is an object model for SQL expressions org.eigenbase.rex
is an object model for relational row expressions org.eigenbase.relopt
provides an
optimizer interface.