Class CalcRelBase

  extended by org.eigenbase.rel.AbstractRelNode
      extended by org.eigenbase.rel.SingleRel
          extended by org.eigenbase.rel.CalcRelBase
All Implemented Interfaces:
Cloneable, RelNode
Direct Known Subclasses:

public abstract class CalcRelBase
extends SingleRel

CalcRelBase is an abstract base class for implementations of CalcRel.

$Id: //open/dev/farrago/src/org/eigenbase/rel/ $
John V. Sichi

Field Summary
private  List<RelCollation> collationList
protected  RexProgram program
Fields inherited from class org.eigenbase.rel.AbstractRelNode
digest, id, nextId, rowType, traits
Fields inherited from interface org.eigenbase.rel.RelNode
Constructor Summary
protected CalcRelBase(RelOptCluster cluster, RelTraitSet traits, RelNode child, RelDataType rowType, RexProgram program, List<RelCollation> collationList)
Method Summary
 RelOptCost computeSelfCost(RelOptPlanner planner)
          Returns the cost of this plan (not including children).
 void explain(RelOptPlanWriter pw)
 RexNode[] getChildExps()
          Returns an array of this relational expression's child expressions (not including the inputs returned by RelNode.getInputs().
 List<RelCollation> getCollationList()
          Returns a description of the physical ordering (or orderings) of this relational expression.
 RexProgram getProgram()
 double getRows()
          Returns an estimate of the number of rows this relational expression will return.
 boolean isValid(boolean fail)
          Returns whether this relational expression is valid.
Methods inherited from class org.eigenbase.rel.SingleRel
childrenAccept, deriveRowType, getChild, getInputs, replaceInput
Methods inherited from class org.eigenbase.rel.AbstractRelNode
clone, cloneTraits, collectVariablesSet, collectVariablesUsed, computeDigest, getCluster, getConvention, getCorrelVariable, getDescription, getDigest, getExpectedInputRowType, getId, getInput, getOrCreateCorrelVariable, getQuery, getRelTypeName, getRowType, getTable, getTraits, getVariablesStopped, inheritTraitsFrom, isAccessTo, isDistinct, onRegister, recomputeDigest, register, registerCorrelVariable, setCorrelVariable, toString
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


protected final RexProgram program


private final List<RelCollation> collationList
Constructor Detail


protected CalcRelBase(RelOptCluster cluster,
                      RelTraitSet traits,
                      RelNode child,
                      RelDataType rowType,
                      RexProgram program,
                      List<RelCollation> collationList)
Method Detail


public boolean isValid(boolean fail)
Description copied from interface: RelNode
Returns whether this relational expression is valid.

If assertions are enabled, this method is typically called with fail = true, as follows:

assert rel.isValid(true)
This signals that the method can throw an AssertionError if it is not valid.

Specified by:
isValid in interface RelNode
isValid in class AbstractRelNode
fail - Whether to fail if invalid
Whether relational expression is valid


public RexProgram getProgram()


public double getRows()
Description copied from interface: RelNode
Returns an estimate of the number of rows this relational expression will return.

NOTE jvs 29-Mar-2006: Don't call this method directly. Instead, use RelMetadataQuery.getRowCount(org.eigenbase.rel.RelNode), which gives plugins a chance to override the rel's default ideas about row count.

Specified by:
getRows in interface RelNode
getRows in class SingleRel


public List<RelCollation> getCollationList()
Description copied from interface: RelNode
Returns a description of the physical ordering (or orderings) of this relational expression.

Specified by:
getCollationList in interface RelNode
getCollationList in class AbstractRelNode


public RelOptCost computeSelfCost(RelOptPlanner planner)
Description copied from interface: RelNode
Returns the cost of this plan (not including children). The base implementation throws an error; derived classes should override.

NOTE jvs 29-Mar-2006: Don't call this method directly. Instead, use RelMetadataQuery.getNonCumulativeCost(org.eigenbase.rel.RelNode), which gives plugins a chance to override the rel's default ideas about cost.

Specified by:
computeSelfCost in interface RelNode
computeSelfCost in class AbstractRelNode


public RexNode[] getChildExps()
Description copied from interface: RelNode
Returns an array of this relational expression's child expressions (not including the inputs returned by RelNode.getInputs(). If there are no child expressions, returns an empty array, not null.

Specified by:
getChildExps in interface RelNode
getChildExps in class AbstractRelNode


public void explain(RelOptPlanWriter pw)
Specified by:
explain in interface RelNode
explain in class SingleRel