Class Summary | |
LoptIterCalcRule | LoptIterCalcRule decorates an IterCalcRel with an error handling tag, according to the LucidDb requirements. |
LoptIterCalcRule.CartesianJoinRule | A rule for tagging a calculator on top of a cartesian product join. |
LoptIterCalcRule.DefaultRule | A default rule for tagging any calculator |
LoptIterCalcRule.HashJoinRule | A rule for tagging a calculator on top of a hash join. |
LoptIterCalcRule.JavaUdxRule | A rule for tagging a calculator on top of a Java UDX |
LoptIterCalcRule.JdbcQueryRule | A rule for tagging a calculator on top of a JDBC query |
LoptIterCalcRule.LcsRowScanRule | A rule for tagging a calculator on top of a column store row scan. |
LoptIterCalcRule.NestedLoopJoinRule | A rule for tagging a calculator on top of a nested loop join. |
LoptIterCalcRule.TableAccessRule | A rule for tagging a calculator on top of a table scan. |
LoptIterCalcRule.TableAppendRule | A rule for tagging a calculator beneath a table modification. |
LoptIterCalcRule.TableDeleteRule | A rule for tagging a calculator beneath a table modification. |
LoptIterCalcRule.TableMergeRule | A rule for tagging a calculator beneath a table modification. |
LoptJoinTree | LoptJoinTree implements a utility class used to store a JoinRel tree and the factors that make up the tree. |
LoptMetadataProvider | LoptMetadataProvider supplies relational expression metadata specific to LucidDB. |
LoptMetadataQuery | LoptMetadataQuery defines the relational expression metadata queries which are custom to LucidDB's optimizer. |
LoptModifyRemovableSelfJoinRule | LoptModifyRemovableSelfJoinRule implements a rule that modifies the inputs
into a removable self-join so that they are in a standard format that will be
recognized by LoptRemoveSelfJoinRule . |
LoptMultiJoin | LoptMultiJoin is a utility class used to keep track of the join factors that make up a MultiJoinRel. |
LoptOptimizeJoinRule | LoptOptimizeJoinRule implements the heuristic planner for determining optimal join orderings. |
LoptRemoveSelfJoinRule | LoptRemoveSelfJoinRule implements a rule that converts removable self-joins into a scan on the common underlying row scan table. |
LoptSemiJoinOptimizer | LoptSemiJoinOptimizer implements the logic for determining the optimal semijoins to be used in processing joins in a query. |
Defines the heuristic optimizer to determine optimal join ordering and to insert semijoins into a query tree.
Revision | $Id: //open/dev/farrago/src/com/lucidera/opt/package.html#3 $ |
Copyright | Copyright (C) 2005-2009 LucidEra, Inc.
Copyright (C) 2005-2009 The Eigenbase Project |
Author | Zelaine Fong |