Package com.lucidera.opt

Defines the heuristic optimizer to determine optimal join ordering and to insert semijoins into a query tree.


Class Summary
LoptIterCalcRule LoptIterCalcRule decorates an IterCalcRel with an error handling tag, according to the LucidDb requirements.
LoptIterCalcRule.CartesianJoinRule A rule for tagging a calculator on top of a cartesian product join.
LoptIterCalcRule.DefaultRule A default rule for tagging any calculator
LoptIterCalcRule.HashJoinRule A rule for tagging a calculator on top of a hash join.
LoptIterCalcRule.JavaUdxRule A rule for tagging a calculator on top of a Java UDX
LoptIterCalcRule.JdbcQueryRule A rule for tagging a calculator on top of a JDBC query
LoptIterCalcRule.LcsRowScanRule A rule for tagging a calculator on top of a column store row scan.
LoptIterCalcRule.NestedLoopJoinRule A rule for tagging a calculator on top of a nested loop join.
LoptIterCalcRule.TableAccessRule A rule for tagging a calculator on top of a table scan.
LoptIterCalcRule.TableAppendRule A rule for tagging a calculator beneath a table modification.
LoptIterCalcRule.TableDeleteRule A rule for tagging a calculator beneath a table modification.
LoptIterCalcRule.TableMergeRule A rule for tagging a calculator beneath a table modification.
LoptJoinTree LoptJoinTree implements a utility class used to store a JoinRel tree and the factors that make up the tree.
LoptMetadataProvider LoptMetadataProvider supplies relational expression metadata specific to LucidDB.
LoptMetadataQuery LoptMetadataQuery defines the relational expression metadata queries which are custom to LucidDB's optimizer.
LoptModifyRemovableSelfJoinRule LoptModifyRemovableSelfJoinRule implements a rule that modifies the inputs into a removable self-join so that they are in a standard format that will be recognized by LoptRemoveSelfJoinRule.
LoptMultiJoin LoptMultiJoin is a utility class used to keep track of the join factors that make up a MultiJoinRel.
LoptOptimizeJoinRule LoptOptimizeJoinRule implements the heuristic planner for determining optimal join orderings.
LoptRemoveSelfJoinRule LoptRemoveSelfJoinRule implements a rule that converts removable self-joins into a scan on the common underlying row scan table.
LoptSemiJoinOptimizer LoptSemiJoinOptimizer implements the logic for determining the optimal semijoins to be used in processing joins in a query.

Package com.lucidera.opt Description

Defines the heuristic optimizer to determine optimal join ordering and to insert semijoins into a query tree.

Revision $Id: //open/dev/farrago/src/com/lucidera/opt/package.html#3 $
Copyright Copyright (C) 2005-2009 LucidEra, Inc.
Copyright (C) 2005-2009 The Eigenbase Project
Author Zelaine Fong