Class LoptJoinTree

  extended by com.lucidera.opt.LoptJoinTree

public class LoptJoinTree
extends Object

LoptJoinTree implements a utility class used to store a JoinRel tree and the factors that make up the tree. Because RelNodes can be duplicated in a query when you have a self-join, factor ids are needed to distinguish between the different join inputs that correspond to identical tables. The class associates factor ids with a join tree, matching the order of the factor ids with the order of those factors in the join tree.

$Id: //open/dev/farrago/src/com/lucidera/opt/ $
Zelaine Fong

Nested Class Summary
protected  class LoptJoinTree.BinaryTree
          Simple binary tree class that stores an id in the leaf nodes and keeps track of the parent LoptJoinTree object associated with the binary tree.
Field Summary
private  LoptJoinTree.BinaryTree factorTree
private  RelNode joinTree
private  boolean removableSelfJoin
Constructor Summary
LoptJoinTree(RelNode joinTree, int factorId)
          Creates a jointree consisting of a single node
LoptJoinTree(RelNode joinTree, LoptJoinTree.BinaryTree factorTree, boolean removableSelfJoin)
          Associates the factor ids with a jointree
LoptJoinTree(RelNode joinTree, LoptJoinTree.BinaryTree leftFactorTree, LoptJoinTree.BinaryTree rightFactorTree)
          Associates the factor ids with a jointree given the factors corresponding to the left and right subtrees of the join
LoptJoinTree(RelNode joinTree, LoptJoinTree.BinaryTree leftFactorTree, LoptJoinTree.BinaryTree rightFactorTree, boolean removableSelfJoin)
          Associates the factor ids with a jointree given the factors corresponding to the left and right subtrees of the join.
Method Summary
 LoptJoinTree.BinaryTree getFactorTree()
 RelNode getJoinTree()
 LoptJoinTree getLeft()
 LoptJoinTree getRight()
 void getTreeOrder(List<Integer> treeOrder)
 boolean isRemovableSelfJoin()
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


private LoptJoinTree.BinaryTree factorTree


private RelNode joinTree


private boolean removableSelfJoin
Constructor Detail


public LoptJoinTree(RelNode joinTree,
                    int factorId)
Creates a jointree consisting of a single node

joinTree - RelNode corresponding to the single node
factorId - factor id of the node


public LoptJoinTree(RelNode joinTree,
                    LoptJoinTree.BinaryTree factorTree,
                    boolean removableSelfJoin)
Associates the factor ids with a jointree

joinTree - RelNodes corresponding to the join tree
factorTree - tree of the factor ids
removableSelfJoin - whether the join corresponds to a removable self-join


public LoptJoinTree(RelNode joinTree,
                    LoptJoinTree.BinaryTree leftFactorTree,
                    LoptJoinTree.BinaryTree rightFactorTree)
Associates the factor ids with a jointree given the factors corresponding to the left and right subtrees of the join

joinTree - RelNodes corresponding to the join tree
leftFactorTree - tree of the factor ids for left subtree
rightFactorTree - tree of the factor ids for the right subtree


public LoptJoinTree(RelNode joinTree,
                    LoptJoinTree.BinaryTree leftFactorTree,
                    LoptJoinTree.BinaryTree rightFactorTree,
                    boolean removableSelfJoin)
Associates the factor ids with a jointree given the factors corresponding to the left and right subtrees of the join. Also indicates whether the join is a removable self-join.

joinTree - RelNodes corresponding to the join tree
leftFactorTree - tree of the factor ids for left subtree
rightFactorTree - tree of the factor ids for the right subtree
removableSelfJoin - true if the join is a removable self-join
Method Detail


public RelNode getJoinTree()


public LoptJoinTree getLeft()


public LoptJoinTree getRight()


public LoptJoinTree.BinaryTree getFactorTree()


public void getTreeOrder(List<Integer> treeOrder)


public boolean isRemovableSelfJoin()