Class EigenbaseResource

  extended by java.util.ResourceBundle
      extended by org.eigenbase.resgen.ShadowResourceBundle
          extended by org.eigenbase.resource.EigenbaseResource
Direct Known Subclasses:

public class EigenbaseResource
extends org.eigenbase.resgen.ShadowResourceBundle

This class was generated by class org.eigenbase.resgen.ResourceGen from /home/pub/open/dev/farrago/src/org/eigenbase/resource/EigenbaseResource.xml on Mon Jun 22 04:05:01 PDT 2009. It contains a list of messages, and methods to retrieve and format those messages.

Nested Class Summary
 class EigenbaseResource._Def0
          Definition for resources which take arguments 'Number p0, Number p1'.
 class EigenbaseResource._Def1
          Definition for resources which return a EigenbaseException exception and take arguments 'String p0, String p1, String p2'.
 class EigenbaseResource._Def10
          Definition for resources which return a SqlValidatorException exception and take arguments 'String p0, Number p1'.
 class EigenbaseResource._Def11
          Definition for resources which return a EigenbaseContextException exception and take arguments 'Number p0, Number p1'.
 class EigenbaseResource._Def12
          Definition for resources which return a EigenbaseContextException exception and take arguments 'Number p0, Number p1, Number p2, Number p3'.
 class EigenbaseResource._Def13
          Definition for resources which return a SqlValidatorException exception and take arguments 'String p0, String p1'.
 class EigenbaseResource._Def14
          Definition for resources which return a SqlValidatorException exception and take arguments 'String p0, String p1, String p2'.
 class EigenbaseResource._Def15
          Definition for resources which return a SqlValidatorException exception and take arguments 'Number p0, Number p1'.
 class EigenbaseResource._Def16
          Definition for resources which return a SqlValidatorException exception and take arguments 'String p0, String p1, String p2, String p3'.
 class EigenbaseResource._Def17
          Definition for resources which return a SqlValidatorException exception and take arguments 'String p0, Number p1, String p2'.
 class EigenbaseResource._Def18
          Definition for resources which return a EigenbaseException exception and take arguments 'String p0, String p1, String p2, String p3'.
 class EigenbaseResource._Def19
          Definition for resources which return a SqlValidatorException exception and take arguments 'Number p0, String p1, Number p2'.
 class EigenbaseResource._Def2
          Definition for resources which return a EigenbaseException exception and take arguments 'String p0, Number p1'.
 class EigenbaseResource._Def20
          Definition for resources which return a SqlValidatorException exception and take arguments 'Number p0, String p1'.
 class EigenbaseResource._Def3
          Definition for resources which take arguments 'String p0'.
 class EigenbaseResource._Def4
          Definition for resources which return a SqlValidatorException exception and take arguments ''.
 class EigenbaseResource._Def5
          Definition for resources which return a EigenbaseException exception and take arguments 'String p0, String p1'.
 class EigenbaseResource._Def6
          Definition for resources which return a EigenbaseException exception and take arguments ''.
 class EigenbaseResource._Def7
          Definition for resources which return a EigenbaseException exception and take arguments 'String p0'.
 class EigenbaseResource._Def8
          Definition for resources which return a EigenbaseException exception and take arguments 'Number p0'.
 class EigenbaseResource._Def9
          Definition for resources which return a SqlValidatorException exception and take arguments 'String p0'.
Field Summary
 EigenbaseResource._Def13 AccessNotAllowed
          AccessNotAllowed is 'Not allowed to perform {0} on {1}'
 EigenbaseResource._Def9 AggregateIllegalInClause
          AggregateIllegalInClause is 'Aggregate expression is illegal in {0} clause'
 EigenbaseResource._Def4 AggregateIllegalInGroupBy
          AggregateIllegalInGroupBy is 'Aggregate expression is illegal in GROUP BY clause'
 EigenbaseResource._Def4 AggregateIllegalInOrderBy
          AggregateIllegalInOrderBy is 'Aggregate expression is illegal in ORDER BY clause of non-aggregating SELECT'
 EigenbaseResource._Def19 AliasListDegree
          AliasListDegree is 'List of column aliases must have same degree as table; table has {0,number,#} columns {1}, whereas alias list has {2,number,#} columns'
 EigenbaseResource._Def9 AliasListDuplicate
          AliasListDuplicate is 'Duplicate name ''{0}'' in column alias list'
 EigenbaseResource._Def4 AliasMustBeSimpleIdentifier
          AliasMustBeSimpleIdentifier is 'Table or column alias must be a simple identifier'
 EigenbaseResource._Def9 ArgumentMustBeLiteral
          ArgumentMustBeLiteral is 'Argument to function ''{0}'' must be a literal'
 EigenbaseResource._Def9 ArgumentMustBePositiveInteger
          ArgumentMustBePositiveInteger is 'Argument to function ''{0}'' must be a positive integer literal'
 EigenbaseResource._Def14 ArgumentMustBeValidPrecision
          ArgumentMustBeValidPrecision is 'Argument to function ''{0}'' must be a valid precision between ''{1}'' and ''{2}'''
 EigenbaseResource._Def7 ArgumentMustHaveScaleZero
          ArgumentMustHaveScaleZero is 'Argument to function ''{0}'' must have a scale of 0'
 EigenbaseResource._Def9 ArgumentMustNotBeNull
          ArgumentMustNotBeNull is 'Argument to function ''{0}'' must not be NULL'
 EigenbaseResource._Def3 BadFormat
          BadFormat is 'not in format ''{0}'''
 EigenbaseResource._Def4 BadLowerBoundary
          BadLowerBoundary is 'UNBOUNDED FOLLOWING cannot be specified for the lower frame boundary'
 EigenbaseResource._Def4 BadUpperBoundary
          BadUpperBoundary is 'UNBOUNDED PRECEDING cannot be specified for the upper frame boundary'
private static String baseName
 EigenbaseResource._Def4 BetweenWithoutAnd
          BetweenWithoutAnd is 'BETWEEN operator has no terminating AND'
 EigenbaseResource._Def4 BinaryLiteralInvalid
          BinaryLiteralInvalid is 'Binary literal string must contain only characters ''0'' - ''9'', ''A'' - ''F'''
 EigenbaseResource._Def4 BinaryLiteralOdd
          BinaryLiteralOdd is 'Binary literal string must contain an even number of hexits'
 EigenbaseResource._Def14 CanNotApplyOp2Type
          CanNotApplyOp2Type is 'Cannot apply ''{0}'' to arguments of type {1}.
 EigenbaseResource._Def13 CannotCastValue
          CannotCastValue is 'Cast function cannot convert value of type {0} to type {1}'
 EigenbaseResource._Def4 CannotOverrideWindowAttribute
          CannotOverrideWindowAttribute is 'Cannot override window attribute'
 EigenbaseResource._Def4 CannotUseDisallowPartialWithRange
          CannotUseDisallowPartialWithRange is 'Cannot use DISALLOW PARTIAL with window based on RANGE'
 EigenbaseResource._Def5 CharsetEncoding
          CharsetEncoding is 'Failed to encode ''{0}'' in character set ''{1}'''
 EigenbaseResource._Def9 ColumnAmbiguous
          ColumnAmbiguous is 'Column ''{0}'' is ambiguous'
 EigenbaseResource._Def9 ColumnCountMismatchInSetop
          ColumnCountMismatchInSetop is 'Column count mismatch in {0}'
 EigenbaseResource._Def9 ColumnInUsingNotUnique
          ColumnInUsingNotUnique is 'Column name ''{0}'' in USING clause is not unique on one side of join'
 EigenbaseResource._Def9 ColumnNotFound
          ColumnNotFound is 'Column ''{0}'' not found in any table'
 EigenbaseResource._Def13 ColumnNotFoundInTable
          ColumnNotFoundInTable is 'Column ''{0}'' not found in table ''{1}'''
 EigenbaseResource._Def20 ColumnTypeMismatchInSetop
          ColumnTypeMismatchInSetop is 'Type mismatch in column {0,number} of {1}'
 EigenbaseResource._Def4 CompoundOrderByProhibitsRange
          CompoundOrderByProhibitsRange is 'RANGE clause cannot be used with compound ORDER BY clause'
 EigenbaseResource._Def9 CondMustBeBoolean
          CondMustBeBoolean is '{0} clause must be a condition'
 EigenbaseResource._Def4 CrossJoinDisallowsCondition
          CrossJoinDisallowsCondition is 'Cannot specify condition (NATURAL keyword, or ON or USING clause) following CROSS JOIN'
 EigenbaseResource._Def4 CurrentRowFollowingError
          CurrentRowFollowingError is 'Upper frame boundary cannot be CURRENT ROW when lower boundary is FOLLOWING'
 EigenbaseResource._Def4 CurrentRowPrecedingError
          CurrentRowPrecedingError is 'Upper frame boundary cannot be PRECEDING when lower boundary is CURRENT ROW'
 EigenbaseResource._Def9 DateLiteralOutOfRange
          DateLiteralOutOfRange is 'Date literal ''{0}'' out of range'
 EigenbaseResource._Def4 DateRequiresInterval
          DateRequiresInterval is 'Window ORDER BY expression of type DATE requires range of type INTERVAL'
 EigenbaseResource._Def5 DifferentCollations
          DifferentCollations is 'Invalid syntax.
 EigenbaseResource._Def9 DuplicateColumnName
          DuplicateColumnName is 'Duplicate column name ''{0}'' in output'
 EigenbaseResource._Def9 DuplicateTargetColumn
          DuplicateTargetColumn is 'Target column ''{0}'' is assigned more than once'
 EigenbaseResource._Def4 DuplicateWindowName
          DuplicateWindowName is 'Duplicate window names not allowed'
 EigenbaseResource._Def4 DupWindowSpec
          DupWindowSpec is 'Duplicate window specification not allowed in the same window clause'
 EigenbaseResource._Def4 DynamicParamIllegal
          DynamicParamIllegal is 'Illegal use of dynamic parameter'
 EigenbaseResource._Def4 EmptyWindowSpec
          EmptyWindowSpec is 'Empty window specification not allowed'
 EigenbaseResource._Def4 ExpectedBoolean
          ExpectedBoolean is 'Expected a boolean type'
 EigenbaseResource._Def4 FollowingBeforePrecedingError
          FollowingBeforePrecedingError is 'Upper frame boundary cannot be PRECEDING when lower boundary is FOLLOWING'
 EigenbaseResource._Def9 FromAliasDuplicate
          FromAliasDuplicate is 'Duplicate relation name ''{0}'' in FROM clause'
 EigenbaseResource._Def4 FuncNeedsOrderBy
          FuncNeedsOrderBy is 'RANK or DENSE_RANK functions require ORDER BY clause in window specification'
 EigenbaseResource._Def9 FunctionQuantifierNotAllowed
          FunctionQuantifierNotAllowed is 'DISTINCT/ALL not allowed with {0} function'
 EigenbaseResource._Def9 FunctionUndefined
          FunctionUndefined is 'Function ''{0}'' is not defined'
 EigenbaseResource._Def4 HavingMustBeBoolean
          HavingMustBeBoolean is 'HAVING clause must be a condition'
 EigenbaseResource._Def2 IdentifierTooLong
          IdentifierTooLong is 'Length of identifier ''{0}'' must be less than or equal to {1,number,#} characters'
 EigenbaseResource._Def7 IllegalBinaryString
          IllegalBinaryString is 'Illegal binary string {0}'
 EigenbaseResource._Def6 IllegalCursorExpression
          IllegalCursorExpression is 'CURSOR expression encountered in illegal context'
 EigenbaseResource._Def6 IllegalFromEmpty
          IllegalFromEmpty is '''FROM'' without operands preceding it is illegal'
 EigenbaseResource._Def5 IllegalIntervalLiteral
          IllegalIntervalLiteral is 'Illegal INTERVAL literal {0}; at {1}'
 EigenbaseResource._Def1 IllegalLiteral
          IllegalLiteral is 'Illegal {0} literal {1}: {2}'
 EigenbaseResource._Def6 IllegalMinusDate
          IllegalMinusDate is 'Illegal expression.
 EigenbaseResource._Def4 IllegalMixingOfTypes
          IllegalMixingOfTypes is 'Illegal mixing of types in CASE or COALESCE statement'
 EigenbaseResource._Def6 IllegalNonQueryExpression
          IllegalNonQueryExpression is 'Non-query expression encountered in illegal context'
 EigenbaseResource._Def6 IllegalOrderBy
          IllegalOrderBy is 'ORDER BY unexpected'
 EigenbaseResource._Def6 IllegalOverlaps
          IllegalOverlaps is 'Illegal overlaps expression.
 EigenbaseResource._Def6 IllegalQueryExpression
          IllegalQueryExpression is 'Query expression encountered in illegal context'
 EigenbaseResource._Def6 IllegalRowExpression
          IllegalRowExpression is 'ROW expression encountered in illegal context'
 EigenbaseResource._Def14 IncompatibleCharset
          IncompatibleCharset is 'Cannot apply {0} to the two different charsets {1} and {2}'
 EigenbaseResource._Def4 IncompatibleTypesInList
          IncompatibleTypesInList is 'Values in expression list must have compatible types'
 EigenbaseResource._Def9 IncompatibleValueType
          IncompatibleValueType is 'Values passed to {0} operator must have compatible types'
 EigenbaseResource._Def7 InsertIntoAlwaysGenerated
          InsertIntoAlwaysGenerated is 'Cannot explicitly insert value into IDENTITY column ''{0}'' which is ALWAYS GENERATED'
 EigenbaseResource._Def7 Internal
          Internal is 'Internal error: {0}'
 EigenbaseResource._Def13 IntervalFractionalSecondPrecisionOutOfRange
          IntervalFractionalSecondPrecisionOutOfRange is 'Interval fractional second precision ''{0}'' out of range for {1}'
 EigenbaseResource._Def13 IntervalStartPrecisionOutOfRange
          IntervalStartPrecisionOutOfRange is 'Interval leading field precision ''{0}'' out of range for {1}'
 EigenbaseResource._Def10 InvalidArgCount
          InvalidArgCount is 'Invalid number of arguments to function ''{0}''.
 EigenbaseResource._Def7 InvalidBoolean
          InvalidBoolean is '''{0}'' is not a valid boolean value'
 EigenbaseResource._Def18 InvalidCompare
          InvalidCompare is 'Invalid compare.
 EigenbaseResource._Def7 InvalidDatetimeFormat
          InvalidDatetimeFormat is '''{0}'' is not a valid datetime format'
 EigenbaseResource._Def4 InvalidOrderByPos
          InvalidOrderByPos is 'ORDER BY is only allowed on top-level SELECT'
 EigenbaseResource._Def6 InvalidSampleSize
          InvalidSampleSize is 'TABLESAMPLE percentage must be between 0 and 100, inclusive'
 EigenbaseResource._Def4 JoinRequiresCondition
          JoinRequiresCondition is 'INNER, LEFT, RIGHT or FULL join requires a condition (NATURAL keyword or ON or USING clause)'
 EigenbaseResource._Def13 MinMaxBadType
          MinMaxBadType is 'The {0} function does not support the {1} data type.'
 EigenbaseResource._Def4 MustNotNullInElse
          MustNotNullInElse is 'ELSE clause or at least one THEN clause must be non-NULL'
 EigenbaseResource._Def4 NaturalDisallowsOnOrUsing
          NaturalDisallowsOnOrUsing is 'Cannot specify NATURAL keyword with ON or USING clause'
 EigenbaseResource._Def14 NaturalOrUsingColumnNotCompatible
          NaturalOrUsingColumnNotCompatible is 'Column ''{0}'' matched using NATURAL keyword or USING clause has incompatible types: cannot compare ''{1}'' to ''{2}'''
 EigenbaseResource._Def9 NeedQueryOp
          NeedQueryOp is 'Operand {0} must be a query'
 EigenbaseResource._Def4 NeedSameTypeParameter
          NeedSameTypeParameter is 'Parameters must be of the same type'
 EigenbaseResource._Def4 NestedAggIllegal
          NestedAggIllegal is 'Aggregate expressions cannot be nested'
 EigenbaseResource._Def9 NotGroupExpr
          NotGroupExpr is 'Expression ''{0}'' is not being grouped'
 EigenbaseResource._Def9 NotSelectDistinctExpr
          NotSelectDistinctExpr is 'Expression ''{0}'' is not in the select clause'
 EigenbaseResource._Def4 NullIllegal
          NullIllegal is 'Illegal use of ''NULL'''
 EigenbaseResource._Def9 NumberLiteralOutOfRange
          NumberLiteralOutOfRange is 'Numeric literal ''{0}'' out of range'
 EigenbaseResource._Def4 OnlyScalarSubqueryAllowed
          OnlyScalarSubqueryAllowed is 'Only scalar subqueries allowed in select list.'
 EigenbaseResource._Def9 OperandNotComparable
          OperandNotComparable is 'Operands {0} not comparable to each other'
 EigenbaseResource._Def4 OrderByDataTypeProhibitsRange
          OrderByDataTypeProhibitsRange is 'Data type of ORDER BY prohibits use of RANGE clause'
 EigenbaseResource._Def4 OrderByOrdinalOutOfRange
          OrderByOrdinalOutOfRange is 'Ordinal out of range'
 EigenbaseResource._Def4 OrderByOverlap
          OrderByOverlap is 'ORDER BY not allowed in both base and referenced windows'
 EigenbaseResource._Def4 OrderByRangeMismatch
          OrderByRangeMismatch is 'Data Type mismatch between ORDER BY and RANGE clause'
 EigenbaseResource._Def4 OverMissingOrderBy
          OverMissingOrderBy is 'Window specification must contain an ORDER BY clause'
 EigenbaseResource._Def4 OverNonAggregate
          OverNonAggregate is 'OVER must be applied to aggregate function'
 EigenbaseResource._Def0 ParserContext
          ParserContext is 'line {0,number,#}, column {1,number,#}'
 EigenbaseResource._Def7 ParserError
          ParserError is 'Parser Error: {0}'
 EigenbaseResource._Def4 PartitionNotAllowed
          PartitionNotAllowed is 'PARTITION BY not allowed with existing window reference'
 EigenbaseResource._Def6 PersonalityManagesRowCount
          PersonalityManagesRowCount is 'Personality does not maintain table''s row count in the catalog'
 EigenbaseResource._Def6 PersonalitySupportsLabels
          PersonalitySupportsLabels is 'Personality does not support labels'
 EigenbaseResource._Def6 PersonalitySupportsSnapshots
          PersonalitySupportsSnapshots is 'Personality does not support snapshot reads'
 EigenbaseResource._Def6 PreparationAborted
          PreparationAborted is 'Statement preparation aborted'
 EigenbaseResource._Def4 RangeOrRowMustBeConstant
          RangeOrRowMustBeConstant is 'Window boundary must be constant'
 EigenbaseResource._Def4 RankWithFrame
          RankWithFrame is 'ROW/RANGE not allowed with RANK or DENSE_RANK functions'
 EigenbaseResource._Def4 RefWindowWithFrame
          RefWindowWithFrame is 'Referenced window cannot have framing declarations'
 EigenbaseResource._Def4 RowMustBeNonNegativeIntegral
          RowMustBeNonNegativeIntegral is 'ROWS value must be a non-negative integral constant'
 EigenbaseResource._Def6 SharedStatementPlans
          SharedStatementPlans is 'Sharing of cached statement plans not supported'
 EigenbaseResource._Def6 SQLConformance_MultipleActiveAutocommitStatements
          SQLConformance_MultipleActiveAutocommitStatements is 'Execution of a new autocommit statement while a cursor is still open on same connection is not supported'
 EigenbaseResource._Def6 SQLConformance_OrderByDesc
          SQLConformance_OrderByDesc is 'Descending sort (ORDER BY DESC) not supported'
 EigenbaseResource._Def6 SQLFeature_E051_01
          SQLFeature_E051_01 is 'SELECT DISTINCT not supported'
 EigenbaseResource._Def6 SQLFeature_E071_03
          SQLFeature_E071_03 is 'EXCEPT not supported'
 EigenbaseResource._Def6 SQLFeature_E101_03
          SQLFeature_E101_03 is 'UPDATE not supported'
 EigenbaseResource._Def6 SQLFeature_E151
          SQLFeature_E151 is 'Transactions not supported'
 EigenbaseResource._Def6 SQLFeature_F302
          SQLFeature_F302 is 'INTERSECT not supported'
 EigenbaseResource._Def6 SQLFeature_F312
          SQLFeature_F312 is 'MERGE not supported'
 EigenbaseResource._Def6 SQLFeature_S271
          SQLFeature_S271 is 'Basic multiset not supported'
 EigenbaseResource._Def6 SQLFeature_T613
          SQLFeature_T613 is 'TABLESAMPLE not supported'
 EigenbaseResource._Def6 SQLFeatureExt_T613_Substitution
          SQLFeatureExt_T613_Substitution is 'TABLESAMPLE SUBSTITUTE not supported'
 EigenbaseResource._Def4 StringFragsOnSameLine
          StringFragsOnSameLine is 'String literal continued on same line'
 EigenbaseResource._Def9 TableNameNotFound
          TableNameNotFound is 'Table ''{0}'' not found'
 EigenbaseResource._Def16 TypeNotAssignable
          TypeNotAssignable is 'Cannot assign to target field ''{0}'' of type {1} from source field ''{2}'' of type {3}'
 EigenbaseResource._Def13 TypeNotComparable
          TypeNotComparable is '{0} is not comparable to {1}'
 EigenbaseResource._Def9 TypeNotComparableEachOther
          TypeNotComparableEachOther is 'Types {0} not comparable to each other'
 EigenbaseResource._Def13 TypeNotComparableNear
          TypeNotComparableNear is 'Cannot compare values of types ''{0}'', ''{1}'''
 EigenbaseResource._Def9 TypeNotSupported
          TypeNotSupported is 'Type ''{0}'' is not supported'
 EigenbaseResource._Def4 UnboundedFollowingWindowNotSupported
          UnboundedFollowingWindowNotSupported is 'UNBOUNDED FOLLOWING window not supported'
 EigenbaseResource._Def7 UnicodeEscapeCharIllegal
          UnicodeEscapeCharIllegal is 'UESCAPE ''{0}'' may not be hex digit, whitespace, plus sign, or double quote'
 EigenbaseResource._Def7 UnicodeEscapeCharLength
          UnicodeEscapeCharLength is 'UESCAPE ''{0}'' must be exactly one character'
 EigenbaseResource._Def8 UnicodeEscapeMalformed
          UnicodeEscapeMalformed is 'Unicode escape sequence starting at character {0,number,#} is not exactly four hex digits'
 EigenbaseResource._Def6 UnicodeEscapeUnexpected
          UnicodeEscapeUnexpected is 'UESCAPE cannot be specified without Unicode literal introducer'
 EigenbaseResource._Def7 UnknownCharacterSet
          UnknownCharacterSet is 'Unknown character set ''{0}'''
 EigenbaseResource._Def9 UnknownDatatypeName
          UnknownDatatypeName is 'Unknown datatype name ''{0}'''
 EigenbaseResource._Def9 UnknownField
          UnknownField is 'Unknown field ''{0}'''
 EigenbaseResource._Def9 UnknownIdentifier
          UnknownIdentifier is 'Unknown identifier ''{0}'''
 EigenbaseResource._Def9 UnknownTargetColumn
          UnknownTargetColumn is 'Unknown target column ''{0}'''
 EigenbaseResource._Def15 UnmatchInsertColumn
          UnmatchInsertColumn is 'Number of INSERT target columns ({0,number}) does not equal number of source items ({1,number})'
 EigenbaseResource._Def13 UnsupportedIntervalLiteral
          UnsupportedIntervalLiteral is 'Illegal interval literal format {0} for {1}'
 EigenbaseResource._Def7 ValidationError
          ValidationError is 'Validation Error: {0}'
 EigenbaseResource._Def12 ValidatorContext
          ValidatorContext is 'From line {0,number,#}, column {1,number,#} to line {2,number,#}, column {3,number,#}'
 EigenbaseResource._Def11 ValidatorContextPoint
          ValidatorContextPoint is 'At line {0,number,#}, column {1,number,#}'
 EigenbaseResource._Def9 ValidatorUnknownFunction
          ValidatorUnknownFunction is 'No match found for function signature {0}'
 EigenbaseResource._Def9 WindowedAggregateIllegalInClause
          WindowedAggregateIllegalInClause is 'Windowed aggregate expression is illegal in {0} clause'
 EigenbaseResource._Def4 WindowHasNegativeSize
          WindowHasNegativeSize is 'Window has negative size'
 EigenbaseResource._Def4 WindowNameMustBeSimple
          WindowNameMustBeSimple is 'Window name must be a simple identifier'
 EigenbaseResource._Def9 WindowNotFound
          WindowNotFound is 'Window ''{0}'' not found'
 EigenbaseResource._Def17 WrongNumberOfParam
          WrongNumberOfParam is 'Encountered {0} with {1,number} parameter(s); was expecting {2}'
 EigenbaseResource._Def4 WrongNumOfArguments
          WrongNumOfArguments is 'Wrong number of arguments to expression'
Fields inherited from class org.eigenbase.resgen.ShadowResourceBundle
Fields inherited from class java.util.ResourceBundle
Constructor Summary
Method Summary
static EigenbaseResource instance()
          Retrieves the singleton instance of EigenbaseResource.
static EigenbaseResource instance(Locale locale)
          Retrieves the instance of EigenbaseResource for the given locale.
Methods inherited from class org.eigenbase.resgen.ShadowResourceBundle
getKeys, getThreadLocale, getThreadOrDefaultLocale, handleGetObject, instance, instance, instance, setThreadLocale
Methods inherited from class java.util.ResourceBundle
getBundle, getBundle, getBundle, getLocale, getObject, getString, getStringArray, setParent
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


private static final String baseName
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public final EigenbaseResource._Def0 ParserContext
ParserContext is 'line {0,number,#}, column {1,number,#}'


public final EigenbaseResource._Def1 IllegalLiteral
IllegalLiteral is 'Illegal {0} literal {1}: {2}'


public final EigenbaseResource._Def2 IdentifierTooLong
IdentifierTooLong is 'Length of identifier ''{0}'' must be less than or equal to {1,number,#} characters'


public final EigenbaseResource._Def3 BadFormat
BadFormat is 'not in format ''{0}'''


public final EigenbaseResource._Def4 BetweenWithoutAnd
BetweenWithoutAnd is 'BETWEEN operator has no terminating AND'


public final EigenbaseResource._Def5 IllegalIntervalLiteral
IllegalIntervalLiteral is 'Illegal INTERVAL literal {0}; at {1}'


public final EigenbaseResource._Def6 IllegalMinusDate
IllegalMinusDate is 'Illegal expression. Was expecting "(DATETIME - DATETIME) INTERVALQUALIFIER"'


public final EigenbaseResource._Def6 IllegalOverlaps
IllegalOverlaps is 'Illegal overlaps expression. Was expecting expression on the form "(DATETIME, EXPRESSION) OVERLAPS (DATETIME, EXPRESSION)"'


public final EigenbaseResource._Def6 IllegalNonQueryExpression
IllegalNonQueryExpression is 'Non-query expression encountered in illegal context'


public final EigenbaseResource._Def6 IllegalQueryExpression
IllegalQueryExpression is 'Query expression encountered in illegal context'


public final EigenbaseResource._Def6 IllegalCursorExpression
IllegalCursorExpression is 'CURSOR expression encountered in illegal context'


public final EigenbaseResource._Def6 IllegalOrderBy
IllegalOrderBy is 'ORDER BY unexpected'


public final EigenbaseResource._Def7 IllegalBinaryString
IllegalBinaryString is 'Illegal binary string {0}'


public final EigenbaseResource._Def6 IllegalFromEmpty
IllegalFromEmpty is '''FROM'' without operands preceding it is illegal'


public final EigenbaseResource._Def6 IllegalRowExpression
IllegalRowExpression is 'ROW expression encountered in illegal context'


public final EigenbaseResource._Def6 InvalidSampleSize
InvalidSampleSize is 'TABLESAMPLE percentage must be between 0 and 100, inclusive'


public final EigenbaseResource._Def7 UnknownCharacterSet
UnknownCharacterSet is 'Unknown character set ''{0}'''


public final EigenbaseResource._Def5 CharsetEncoding
CharsetEncoding is 'Failed to encode ''{0}'' in character set ''{1}'''


public final EigenbaseResource._Def7 UnicodeEscapeCharLength
UnicodeEscapeCharLength is 'UESCAPE ''{0}'' must be exactly one character'


public final EigenbaseResource._Def7 UnicodeEscapeCharIllegal
UnicodeEscapeCharIllegal is 'UESCAPE ''{0}'' may not be hex digit, whitespace, plus sign, or double quote'


public final EigenbaseResource._Def6 UnicodeEscapeUnexpected
UnicodeEscapeUnexpected is 'UESCAPE cannot be specified without Unicode literal introducer'


public final EigenbaseResource._Def8 UnicodeEscapeMalformed
UnicodeEscapeMalformed is 'Unicode escape sequence starting at character {0,number,#} is not exactly four hex digits'


public final EigenbaseResource._Def9 ValidatorUnknownFunction
ValidatorUnknownFunction is 'No match found for function signature {0}'


public final EigenbaseResource._Def10 InvalidArgCount
InvalidArgCount is 'Invalid number of arguments to function ''{0}''. Was expecting {1,number,#} arguments'


public final EigenbaseResource._Def11 ValidatorContextPoint
ValidatorContextPoint is 'At line {0,number,#}, column {1,number,#}'


public final EigenbaseResource._Def12 ValidatorContext
ValidatorContext is 'From line {0,number,#}, column {1,number,#} to line {2,number,#}, column {3,number,#}'


public final EigenbaseResource._Def13 CannotCastValue
CannotCastValue is 'Cast function cannot convert value of type {0} to type {1}'


public final EigenbaseResource._Def9 UnknownDatatypeName
UnknownDatatypeName is 'Unknown datatype name ''{0}'''


public final EigenbaseResource._Def9 IncompatibleValueType
IncompatibleValueType is 'Values passed to {0} operator must have compatible types'


public final EigenbaseResource._Def4 IncompatibleTypesInList
IncompatibleTypesInList is 'Values in expression list must have compatible types'


public final EigenbaseResource._Def14 IncompatibleCharset
IncompatibleCharset is 'Cannot apply {0} to the two different charsets {1} and {2}'


public final EigenbaseResource._Def4 InvalidOrderByPos
InvalidOrderByPos is 'ORDER BY is only allowed on top-level SELECT'


public final EigenbaseResource._Def9 UnknownIdentifier
UnknownIdentifier is 'Unknown identifier ''{0}'''


public final EigenbaseResource._Def9 UnknownField
UnknownField is 'Unknown field ''{0}'''


public final EigenbaseResource._Def9 UnknownTargetColumn
UnknownTargetColumn is 'Unknown target column ''{0}'''


public final EigenbaseResource._Def9 DuplicateTargetColumn
DuplicateTargetColumn is 'Target column ''{0}'' is assigned more than once'


public final EigenbaseResource._Def15 UnmatchInsertColumn
UnmatchInsertColumn is 'Number of INSERT target columns ({0,number}) does not equal number of source items ({1,number})'


public final EigenbaseResource._Def16 TypeNotAssignable
TypeNotAssignable is 'Cannot assign to target field ''{0}'' of type {1} from source field ''{2}'' of type {3}'


public final EigenbaseResource._Def9 TableNameNotFound
TableNameNotFound is 'Table ''{0}'' not found'


public final EigenbaseResource._Def9 ColumnNotFound
ColumnNotFound is 'Column ''{0}'' not found in any table'


public final EigenbaseResource._Def13 ColumnNotFoundInTable
ColumnNotFoundInTable is 'Column ''{0}'' not found in table ''{1}'''


public final EigenbaseResource._Def9 ColumnAmbiguous
ColumnAmbiguous is 'Column ''{0}'' is ambiguous'


public final EigenbaseResource._Def9 NeedQueryOp
NeedQueryOp is 'Operand {0} must be a query'


public final EigenbaseResource._Def4 NeedSameTypeParameter
NeedSameTypeParameter is 'Parameters must be of the same type'


public final EigenbaseResource._Def14 CanNotApplyOp2Type
CanNotApplyOp2Type is 'Cannot apply ''{0}'' to arguments of type {1}. Supported form(s): {2}'


public final EigenbaseResource._Def4 ExpectedBoolean
ExpectedBoolean is 'Expected a boolean type'


public final EigenbaseResource._Def4 MustNotNullInElse
MustNotNullInElse is 'ELSE clause or at least one THEN clause must be non-NULL'


public final EigenbaseResource._Def9 FunctionUndefined
FunctionUndefined is 'Function ''{0}'' is not defined'


public final EigenbaseResource._Def17 WrongNumberOfParam
WrongNumberOfParam is 'Encountered {0} with {1,number} parameter(s); was expecting {2}'


public final EigenbaseResource._Def4 IllegalMixingOfTypes
IllegalMixingOfTypes is 'Illegal mixing of types in CASE or COALESCE statement'


public final EigenbaseResource._Def18 InvalidCompare
InvalidCompare is 'Invalid compare. Comparing (collation, coercibility): ({0}, {1} with ({2}, {3}) is illegal'


public final EigenbaseResource._Def5 DifferentCollations
DifferentCollations is 'Invalid syntax. Two explicit different collations ({0}, {1}) are illegal'


public final EigenbaseResource._Def13 TypeNotComparable
TypeNotComparable is '{0} is not comparable to {1}'


public final EigenbaseResource._Def13 TypeNotComparableNear
TypeNotComparableNear is 'Cannot compare values of types ''{0}'', ''{1}'''


public final EigenbaseResource._Def4 WrongNumOfArguments
WrongNumOfArguments is 'Wrong number of arguments to expression'


public final EigenbaseResource._Def9 OperandNotComparable
OperandNotComparable is 'Operands {0} not comparable to each other'


public final EigenbaseResource._Def9 TypeNotComparableEachOther
TypeNotComparableEachOther is 'Types {0} not comparable to each other'


public final EigenbaseResource._Def9 NumberLiteralOutOfRange
NumberLiteralOutOfRange is 'Numeric literal ''{0}'' out of range'


public final EigenbaseResource._Def9 DateLiteralOutOfRange
DateLiteralOutOfRange is 'Date literal ''{0}'' out of range'


public final EigenbaseResource._Def4 StringFragsOnSameLine
StringFragsOnSameLine is 'String literal continued on same line'


public final EigenbaseResource._Def4 AliasMustBeSimpleIdentifier
AliasMustBeSimpleIdentifier is 'Table or column alias must be a simple identifier'


public final EigenbaseResource._Def19 AliasListDegree
AliasListDegree is 'List of column aliases must have same degree as table; table has {0,number,#} columns {1}, whereas alias list has {2,number,#} columns'


public final EigenbaseResource._Def9 AliasListDuplicate
AliasListDuplicate is 'Duplicate name ''{0}'' in column alias list'


public final EigenbaseResource._Def4 JoinRequiresCondition
JoinRequiresCondition is 'INNER, LEFT, RIGHT or FULL join requires a condition (NATURAL keyword or ON or USING clause)'


public final EigenbaseResource._Def4 CrossJoinDisallowsCondition
CrossJoinDisallowsCondition is 'Cannot specify condition (NATURAL keyword, or ON or USING clause) following CROSS JOIN'


public final EigenbaseResource._Def4 NaturalDisallowsOnOrUsing
NaturalDisallowsOnOrUsing is 'Cannot specify NATURAL keyword with ON or USING clause'


public final EigenbaseResource._Def9 ColumnInUsingNotUnique
ColumnInUsingNotUnique is 'Column name ''{0}'' in USING clause is not unique on one side of join'


public final EigenbaseResource._Def14 NaturalOrUsingColumnNotCompatible
NaturalOrUsingColumnNotCompatible is 'Column ''{0}'' matched using NATURAL keyword or USING clause has incompatible types: cannot compare ''{1}'' to ''{2}'''


public final EigenbaseResource._Def9 WindowNotFound
WindowNotFound is 'Window ''{0}'' not found'


public final EigenbaseResource._Def9 NotGroupExpr
NotGroupExpr is 'Expression ''{0}'' is not being grouped'


public final EigenbaseResource._Def9 NotSelectDistinctExpr
NotSelectDistinctExpr is 'Expression ''{0}'' is not in the select clause'


public final EigenbaseResource._Def9 AggregateIllegalInClause
AggregateIllegalInClause is 'Aggregate expression is illegal in {0} clause'


public final EigenbaseResource._Def9 WindowedAggregateIllegalInClause
WindowedAggregateIllegalInClause is 'Windowed aggregate expression is illegal in {0} clause'


public final EigenbaseResource._Def4 AggregateIllegalInGroupBy
AggregateIllegalInGroupBy is 'Aggregate expression is illegal in GROUP BY clause'


public final EigenbaseResource._Def4 NestedAggIllegal
NestedAggIllegal is 'Aggregate expressions cannot be nested'


public final EigenbaseResource._Def4 AggregateIllegalInOrderBy
AggregateIllegalInOrderBy is 'Aggregate expression is illegal in ORDER BY clause of non-aggregating SELECT'


public final EigenbaseResource._Def9 CondMustBeBoolean
CondMustBeBoolean is '{0} clause must be a condition'


public final EigenbaseResource._Def4 HavingMustBeBoolean
HavingMustBeBoolean is 'HAVING clause must be a condition'


public final EigenbaseResource._Def4 OverNonAggregate
OverNonAggregate is 'OVER must be applied to aggregate function'


public final EigenbaseResource._Def4 CannotOverrideWindowAttribute
CannotOverrideWindowAttribute is 'Cannot override window attribute'


public final EigenbaseResource._Def9 ColumnCountMismatchInSetop
ColumnCountMismatchInSetop is 'Column count mismatch in {0}'


public final EigenbaseResource._Def20 ColumnTypeMismatchInSetop
ColumnTypeMismatchInSetop is 'Type mismatch in column {0,number} of {1}'


public final EigenbaseResource._Def4 BinaryLiteralOdd
BinaryLiteralOdd is 'Binary literal string must contain an even number of hexits'


public final EigenbaseResource._Def4 BinaryLiteralInvalid
BinaryLiteralInvalid is 'Binary literal string must contain only characters ''0'' - ''9'', ''A'' - ''F'''


public final EigenbaseResource._Def13 UnsupportedIntervalLiteral
UnsupportedIntervalLiteral is 'Illegal interval literal format {0} for {1}'


public final EigenbaseResource._Def4 CompoundOrderByProhibitsRange
CompoundOrderByProhibitsRange is 'RANGE clause cannot be used with compound ORDER BY clause'


public final EigenbaseResource._Def4 OrderByDataTypeProhibitsRange
OrderByDataTypeProhibitsRange is 'Data type of ORDER BY prohibits use of RANGE clause'


public final EigenbaseResource._Def4 OrderByRangeMismatch
OrderByRangeMismatch is 'Data Type mismatch between ORDER BY and RANGE clause'


public final EigenbaseResource._Def4 DateRequiresInterval
DateRequiresInterval is 'Window ORDER BY expression of type DATE requires range of type INTERVAL'


public final EigenbaseResource._Def4 RangeOrRowMustBeConstant
RangeOrRowMustBeConstant is 'Window boundary must be constant'


public final EigenbaseResource._Def4 RowMustBeNonNegativeIntegral
RowMustBeNonNegativeIntegral is 'ROWS value must be a non-negative integral constant'


public final EigenbaseResource._Def4 OverMissingOrderBy
OverMissingOrderBy is 'Window specification must contain an ORDER BY clause'


public final EigenbaseResource._Def4 BadLowerBoundary
BadLowerBoundary is 'UNBOUNDED FOLLOWING cannot be specified for the lower frame boundary'


public final EigenbaseResource._Def4 BadUpperBoundary
BadUpperBoundary is 'UNBOUNDED PRECEDING cannot be specified for the upper frame boundary'


public final EigenbaseResource._Def4 CurrentRowPrecedingError
CurrentRowPrecedingError is 'Upper frame boundary cannot be PRECEDING when lower boundary is CURRENT ROW'


public final EigenbaseResource._Def4 CurrentRowFollowingError
CurrentRowFollowingError is 'Upper frame boundary cannot be CURRENT ROW when lower boundary is FOLLOWING'


public final EigenbaseResource._Def4 FollowingBeforePrecedingError
FollowingBeforePrecedingError is 'Upper frame boundary cannot be PRECEDING when lower boundary is FOLLOWING'


public final EigenbaseResource._Def4 WindowNameMustBeSimple
WindowNameMustBeSimple is 'Window name must be a simple identifier'


public final EigenbaseResource._Def4 DuplicateWindowName
DuplicateWindowName is 'Duplicate window names not allowed'


public final EigenbaseResource._Def4 EmptyWindowSpec
EmptyWindowSpec is 'Empty window specification not allowed'


public final EigenbaseResource._Def4 DupWindowSpec
DupWindowSpec is 'Duplicate window specification not allowed in the same window clause'


public final EigenbaseResource._Def4 RankWithFrame
RankWithFrame is 'ROW/RANGE not allowed with RANK or DENSE_RANK functions'


public final EigenbaseResource._Def4 FuncNeedsOrderBy
FuncNeedsOrderBy is 'RANK or DENSE_RANK functions require ORDER BY clause in window specification'


public final EigenbaseResource._Def4 PartitionNotAllowed
PartitionNotAllowed is 'PARTITION BY not allowed with existing window reference'


public final EigenbaseResource._Def4 OrderByOverlap
OrderByOverlap is 'ORDER BY not allowed in both base and referenced windows'


public final EigenbaseResource._Def4 RefWindowWithFrame
RefWindowWithFrame is 'Referenced window cannot have framing declarations'


public final EigenbaseResource._Def9 TypeNotSupported
TypeNotSupported is 'Type ''{0}'' is not supported'


public final EigenbaseResource._Def9 FunctionQuantifierNotAllowed
FunctionQuantifierNotAllowed is 'DISTINCT/ALL not allowed with {0} function'


public final EigenbaseResource._Def13 AccessNotAllowed
AccessNotAllowed is 'Not allowed to perform {0} on {1}'


public final EigenbaseResource._Def13 MinMaxBadType
MinMaxBadType is 'The {0} function does not support the {1} data type.'


public final EigenbaseResource._Def4 OnlyScalarSubqueryAllowed
OnlyScalarSubqueryAllowed is 'Only scalar subqueries allowed in select list.'


public final EigenbaseResource._Def4 OrderByOrdinalOutOfRange
OrderByOrdinalOutOfRange is 'Ordinal out of range'


public final EigenbaseResource._Def4 WindowHasNegativeSize
WindowHasNegativeSize is 'Window has negative size'


public final EigenbaseResource._Def4 UnboundedFollowingWindowNotSupported
UnboundedFollowingWindowNotSupported is 'UNBOUNDED FOLLOWING window not supported'


public final EigenbaseResource._Def4 CannotUseDisallowPartialWithRange
CannotUseDisallowPartialWithRange is 'Cannot use DISALLOW PARTIAL with window based on RANGE'


public final EigenbaseResource._Def13 IntervalStartPrecisionOutOfRange
IntervalStartPrecisionOutOfRange is 'Interval leading field precision ''{0}'' out of range for {1}'


public final EigenbaseResource._Def13 IntervalFractionalSecondPrecisionOutOfRange
IntervalFractionalSecondPrecisionOutOfRange is 'Interval fractional second precision ''{0}'' out of range for {1}'


public final EigenbaseResource._Def9 FromAliasDuplicate
FromAliasDuplicate is 'Duplicate relation name ''{0}'' in FROM clause'


public final EigenbaseResource._Def9 DuplicateColumnName
DuplicateColumnName is 'Duplicate column name ''{0}'' in output'


public final EigenbaseResource._Def7 Internal
Internal is 'Internal error: {0}'


public final EigenbaseResource._Def9 ArgumentMustBeLiteral
ArgumentMustBeLiteral is 'Argument to function ''{0}'' must be a literal'


public final EigenbaseResource._Def9 ArgumentMustBePositiveInteger
ArgumentMustBePositiveInteger is 'Argument to function ''{0}'' must be a positive integer literal'


public final EigenbaseResource._Def7 ValidationError
ValidationError is 'Validation Error: {0}'


public final EigenbaseResource._Def7 ParserError
ParserError is 'Parser Error: {0}'


public final EigenbaseResource._Def9 ArgumentMustNotBeNull
ArgumentMustNotBeNull is 'Argument to function ''{0}'' must not be NULL'


public final EigenbaseResource._Def4 NullIllegal
NullIllegal is 'Illegal use of ''NULL'''


public final EigenbaseResource._Def4 DynamicParamIllegal
DynamicParamIllegal is 'Illegal use of dynamic parameter'


public final EigenbaseResource._Def7 InvalidBoolean
InvalidBoolean is '''{0}'' is not a valid boolean value'


public final EigenbaseResource._Def14 ArgumentMustBeValidPrecision
ArgumentMustBeValidPrecision is 'Argument to function ''{0}'' must be a valid precision between ''{1}'' and ''{2}'''


public final EigenbaseResource._Def7 InvalidDatetimeFormat
InvalidDatetimeFormat is '''{0}'' is not a valid datetime format'


public final EigenbaseResource._Def7 InsertIntoAlwaysGenerated
InsertIntoAlwaysGenerated is 'Cannot explicitly insert value into IDENTITY column ''{0}'' which is ALWAYS GENERATED'


public final EigenbaseResource._Def7 ArgumentMustHaveScaleZero
ArgumentMustHaveScaleZero is 'Argument to function ''{0}'' must have a scale of 0'


public final EigenbaseResource._Def6 PreparationAborted
PreparationAborted is 'Statement preparation aborted'


public final EigenbaseResource._Def6 SQLFeature_E051_01
SQLFeature_E051_01 is 'SELECT DISTINCT not supported'


public final EigenbaseResource._Def6 SQLFeature_E071_03
SQLFeature_E071_03 is 'EXCEPT not supported'


public final EigenbaseResource._Def6 SQLFeature_E101_03
SQLFeature_E101_03 is 'UPDATE not supported'


public final EigenbaseResource._Def6 SQLFeature_E151
SQLFeature_E151 is 'Transactions not supported'


public final EigenbaseResource._Def6 SQLFeature_F302
SQLFeature_F302 is 'INTERSECT not supported'


public final EigenbaseResource._Def6 SQLFeature_F312
SQLFeature_F312 is 'MERGE not supported'


public final EigenbaseResource._Def6 SQLFeature_S271
SQLFeature_S271 is 'Basic multiset not supported'


public final EigenbaseResource._Def6 SQLFeature_T613
SQLFeature_T613 is 'TABLESAMPLE not supported'


public final EigenbaseResource._Def6 SQLConformance_MultipleActiveAutocommitStatements
SQLConformance_MultipleActiveAutocommitStatements is 'Execution of a new autocommit statement while a cursor is still open on same connection is not supported'


public final EigenbaseResource._Def6 SQLConformance_OrderByDesc
SQLConformance_OrderByDesc is 'Descending sort (ORDER BY DESC) not supported'


public final EigenbaseResource._Def6 SharedStatementPlans
SharedStatementPlans is 'Sharing of cached statement plans not supported'


public final EigenbaseResource._Def6 SQLFeatureExt_T613_Substitution
SQLFeatureExt_T613_Substitution is 'TABLESAMPLE SUBSTITUTE not supported'


public final EigenbaseResource._Def6 PersonalityManagesRowCount
PersonalityManagesRowCount is 'Personality does not maintain table''s row count in the catalog'


public final EigenbaseResource._Def6 PersonalitySupportsSnapshots
PersonalitySupportsSnapshots is 'Personality does not support snapshot reads'


public final EigenbaseResource._Def6 PersonalitySupportsLabels
PersonalitySupportsLabels is 'Personality does not support labels'

Constructor Detail


public EigenbaseResource()
                  throws IOException
Method Detail


public static EigenbaseResource instance()
Retrieves the singleton instance of EigenbaseResource. If the application has called ShadowResourceBundle.setThreadLocale(java.util.Locale), returns the resource for the thread's locale.


public static EigenbaseResource instance(Locale locale)
Retrieves the instance of EigenbaseResource for the given locale.