Class OJTypeFactoryImpl.OJScalarType

  extended by org.eigenbase.reltype.RelDataTypeImpl
      extended by org.eigenbase.oj.OJTypeFactoryImpl.OJScalarType
All Implemented Interfaces:
RelDataType, RelDataTypeFamily
Enclosing class:

private class OJTypeFactoryImpl.OJScalarType
extends RelDataTypeImpl

Type based upon an OJClass.

Use this class only if the class is a 'pure' OJClass:

Field Summary
private  OJClass ojClass
Fields inherited from class org.eigenbase.reltype.RelDataTypeImpl
digest, fieldList, fields
Constructor Summary
OJTypeFactoryImpl.OJScalarType(OJClass ojClass)
          Creates an OJScalarType
Method Summary
protected  void generateTypeString(StringBuilder sb, boolean withDetail)
          Generates a string representation of this type.
 RelDataType getComponentType()
          Gets the component type if this type is a collection, otherwise null.
Methods inherited from class org.eigenbase.reltype.RelDataTypeImpl
computeDigest, equals, getCharset, getCollation, getComparability, getFamily, getField, getFieldCount, getFieldList, getFieldOrdinal, getFields, getFullTypeString, getIntervalQualifier, getPrecedenceList, getPrecision, getScale, getSqlIdentifier, getSqlTypeName, hashCode, isNullable, isStruct, toString
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, finalize, getClass, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


private final OJClass ojClass
Constructor Detail


OJTypeFactoryImpl.OJScalarType(OJClass ojClass)
Creates an OJScalarType

ojClass - Equivalent OJClass
ojClass != null, !OJSyntheticClass.isJoinClass(ojClass), !OJSyntheticClass.isProjectClass(ojClass)
Method Detail


public RelDataType getComponentType()
Description copied from interface: RelDataType
Gets the component type if this type is a collection, otherwise null.

Specified by:
getComponentType in interface RelDataType
getComponentType in class RelDataTypeImpl
canonical type descriptor for components


protected void generateTypeString(StringBuilder sb,
                                  boolean withDetail)
Description copied from class: RelDataTypeImpl
Generates a string representation of this type.

Specified by:
generateTypeString in class RelDataTypeImpl
sb - StringBuffer into which to generate the string
withDetail - when true, all detail information needed to compute a unique digest (and return from getFullTypeString) should be included;