Class Enum14

  extended by org.eigenbase.util14.Enum14
All Implemented Interfaces:
Direct Known Subclasses:

public class Enum14
extends Object
implements Cloneable

Enum14 is a pre-JDK1.5-enum helper class for declaring a set of symbolic constants which have names, ordinals, and possibly descriptions. The ordinals do not have to be contiguous.

Typically, for a particular set of constants, you derive a class from this interface, and declare the constants as public static final members. Give it a private constructor, and a public static final ClassName instance member to hold the singleton instance.

Nested Class Summary
static class Enum14.BasicValue
          BasicValue is an obvious implementation of Enum14.Value.
static class Enum14.SerializableValue
          SerializableValue extends BasicValue to provide better support for serializable subclasses.
static interface Enum14.Value
          A Value represents a member of an enumerated type.
Field Summary
private static String[] emptyStringArray
private  int max
          the largest ordinal value
private  int min
          the smallest ordinal value
private  Enum14.Value[] ordinalToValueMap
          An array mapping ordinals to Enum14.Values.
private  HashMap valuesByName
          map symbol names to values
Constructor Summary
          Creates a new empty, mutable enumeration.
Enum14(Enum14.Value[] values)
          Creates an enumeration, with an array of values, and freezes it.
Enum14(String[] names)
          Creates an enumeration, initialize it with an array of strings, and freezes it.
Enum14(String[] names, int[] codes)
          Create an enumeration, initializes it with arrays of code/name pairs, and freezes it.
Enum14(String[] names, int[] codes, String[] descriptions)
          Create an enumeration, initializes it with arrays of code/name pairs, and freezes it.
Method Summary
 Error badValue(int ordinal)
          Returns an error indicating that the value is illegal.
protected  Object clone()
 boolean containsName(String name)
          Returns true if this enumerationr contains name, else false.
 String getDescription(int ordinal)
          Returns the description associated with an ordinal; the return value is null if the ordinal is not a member of the enumeration.
 int getMax()
          Returns the largest ordinal defined by this enumeration.
 int getMin()
          Returns the smallest ordinal defined by this enumeration.
 Enum14 getMutableClone14()
          Creates a mutable enumeration from an existing enumeration, which may already be immutable.
 String getName(int ordinal)
          Returns the name associated with an ordinal; the return value is null if the ordinal is not a member of the enumeration.
 String[] getNames()
          Returns the names in this enumeration, in no particular order.
 int getOrdinal(String name)
          Returns the ordinal associated with a name
 int getSize()
          Returns the number of enumerated values currently contained in this enumeration
 Enum14.Value getValue(int ordinal)
          Returns the value associated with an ordinal; the return value is null if the ordinal is not a member of the enumeration.
 Enum14.Value getValue(String name)
          Returns the ordinal associated with a name.
 boolean isImmutable()
 boolean isValid(int ordinal)
          Returns whether ordinal is valid for this enumeration.
 Iterator iterator()
          Returns an iterator over the values of this enumeration.
 void makeImmutable()
          Freezes the enumeration, preventing it from being further modified.
 void register(Enum14.Value value)
          Associates a symbolic name with an ordinal value.
 Error unexpected(Enum14.Value value)
          Returns an exception indicating that we didn't expect to find this value here.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


private static final String[] emptyStringArray


private HashMap valuesByName
map symbol names to values


private Enum14.Value[] ordinalToValueMap
An array mapping ordinals to Enum14.Values. It is biased by the min value. It is built by makeImmutable().


private int max
the largest ordinal value


private int min
the smallest ordinal value

Constructor Detail


public Enum14()
Creates a new empty, mutable enumeration.


public Enum14(Enum14.Value[] values)
Creates an enumeration, with an array of values, and freezes it.


public Enum14(String[] names)
Creates an enumeration, initialize it with an array of strings, and freezes it.


public Enum14(String[] names,
              int[] codes)
Create an enumeration, initializes it with arrays of code/name pairs, and freezes it.


public Enum14(String[] names,
              int[] codes,
              String[] descriptions)
Create an enumeration, initializes it with arrays of code/name pairs, and freezes it.

Method Detail


public final String getDescription(int ordinal)
Returns the description associated with an ordinal; the return value is null if the ordinal is not a member of the enumeration.



public final boolean isImmutable()


public final int getSize()
Returns the number of enumerated values currently contained in this enumeration


public final int getMax()
Returns the largest ordinal defined by this enumeration.


public final int getMin()
Returns the smallest ordinal defined by this enumeration.


public Enum14 getMutableClone14()
Creates a mutable enumeration from an existing enumeration, which may already be immutable.


public final String getName(int ordinal)
Returns the name associated with an ordinal; the return value is null if the ordinal is not a member of the enumeration.



public final Enum14.Value getValue(int ordinal)
Returns the value associated with an ordinal; the return value is null if the ordinal is not a member of the enumeration.



public final int getOrdinal(String name)
Returns the ordinal associated with a name

Error - if the name is not a member of the enumeration


public final boolean isValid(int ordinal)
Returns whether ordinal is valid for this enumeration. This method is particularly useful in pre- and post-conditions, for example
@param axisCode Axis code, must be a {@link AxisCode} value
 @pre AxisCode.instance.isValid(axisCode)

ordinal - Suspected ordinal from this enumeration.
Whether ordinal is valid.


public Iterator iterator()
Returns an iterator over the values of this enumeration.


public String[] getNames()
Returns the names in this enumeration, in no particular order.


public Enum14.Value getValue(String name)
Returns the ordinal associated with a name.

Error - if the name is not a member of the enumeration


public boolean containsName(String name)
Returns true if this enumerationr contains name, else false.


public Error badValue(int ordinal)
Returns an error indicating that the value is illegal. (The client needs to throw the error.)


public void makeImmutable()
Freezes the enumeration, preventing it from being further modified.


public void register(Enum14.Value value)
Associates a symbolic name with an ordinal value.

value != null, !isImmutable(), value.getName() != null


public Error unexpected(Enum14.Value value)
Returns an exception indicating that we didn't expect to find this value here.

See Also:


protected Object clone()
clone in class Object