Class OptionsList.BooleanOption

  extended by org.eigenbase.util.OptionsList.Option
      extended by org.eigenbase.util.OptionsList.BooleanOption
Enclosing class:

public static class OptionsList.BooleanOption
extends OptionsList.Option

Field Summary
Fields inherited from class org.eigenbase.util.OptionsList.Option
Constructor Summary
OptionsList.BooleanOption(String flag, String option, String description, boolean required, boolean anonymous, boolean defaultValue, OptionsList.OptionHandler handler)
Method Summary
 boolean booleanValue()
protected  void readArg(String arg)
          Converts an argument to the correct value type, and acts on the value.
Methods inherited from class org.eigenbase.util.OptionsList.Option
getDescription, getName, getValue, match, set, setHandler, valueError
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public OptionsList.BooleanOption(String flag,
                                 String option,
                                 String description,
                                 boolean required,
                                 boolean anonymous,
                                 boolean defaultValue,
                                 OptionsList.OptionHandler handler)
Method Detail


public boolean booleanValue()


protected void readArg(String arg)
Description copied from class: OptionsList.Option
Converts an argument to the correct value type, and acts on the value.

What action is taken depends upon whether the value is valid for this argument type, and whether there is a handler. If there is a handler, this method calls either OptionsList.OptionHandler.set(org.eigenbase.util.OptionsList.Option, java.lang.Object, boolean) or OptionsList.OptionHandler.invalidValue(org.eigenbase.util.OptionsList.Option, java.lang.String). If there is no handler, the method should execute a reasonable default action like assigning to a field via reflection.

Specified by:
readArg in class OptionsList.Option