Interface AggregatingScope

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public interface AggregatingScope
extends SqlValidatorScope

An extension to the SqlValidatorScope interface which indicates that the scope is aggregating.

A scope which is aggregating must implement this interface. Such a scope will return the same set of identifiers as its parent scope, but some of those identifiers may not be accessible because they are not in the GROUP BY clause.

Mar 25, 2003
$Id: //open/dev/farrago/src/org/eigenbase/sql/validate/ $

Method Summary
 boolean checkAggregateExpr(SqlNode expr, boolean deep)
          Checks whether an expression is constant within the GROUP BY clause.
Methods inherited from interface org.eigenbase.sql.validate.SqlValidatorScope
addChild, findAliases, findAllColumnNames, findQualifyingTableName, fullyQualify, getMonotonicity, getNode, getOperandScope, getOrderList, getValidator, lookupWindow, resolve, resolveColumn, validateExpr

Method Detail


boolean checkAggregateExpr(SqlNode expr,
                           boolean deep)
Checks whether an expression is constant within the GROUP BY clause. If the expression completely matches an expression in the GROUP BY clause, returns true. If the expression is constant within the group, but does not exactly match, returns false. If the expression is not constant, throws an exception. Examples: