Package org.eigenbase.oj.rex

Defines OpenJava code-generating implementations for abstract row expressions.


Interface Summary
OJAggImplementor Translates a call to an Aggregation into OpenJava code.
OJRexImplementor OJRexImplementor translates a call to a particular operator to OpenJava code.
OJRexImplementorTable OJRexImplementorTable contains, for each operator, an implementor which can convert a call to that operator into OpenJava code.

Class Summary
AggToOJTranslator Converts aggregate expressions in logical format (AggregateCall) into OpenJava code.
OJRexBinaryExpressionImplementor OJRexBinaryExpressionImplementor implements OJRexImplementor for row expressions which can be translated to instances of OpenJava BinaryExpression.
OJRexCastImplementor OJRexCastImplementor implements OJRexImplementor for the CAST operator.
OJRexIgnoredCallImplementor OJRexIgnoredCallImplementor implements OJRexImplementor by completely ignoring a call and returning its one and only operand.
OJRexImplementorTableImpl OJRexImplementorTableImpl is a default implementation of OJRexImplementorTable, containing implementors for standard operators, functions, and aggregates.
OJRexImplementorTableImpl.OJSumAggImplementor Sum is an aggregator which returns the sum of the values which go into it.
OJRexUnaryExpressionImplementor OJRexUnaryExpressionImplementor implements OJRexImplementor for row expressions which can be translated to instances of OpenJava UnaryExpression.
RexToOJTranslator Converts expressions in logical format (RexNode) into OpenJava code.
RexToOJTranslator.WhichInputResult Result of call to RexToOJTranslator.whichInput(int, org.eigenbase.rel.RelNode), contains the input relational expression, its index, and the index of the field within that relational expression.

Package org.eigenbase.oj.rex Description

Defines OpenJava code-generating implementations for abstract row expressions.


Revision $Id: //open/dev/farrago/src/org/eigenbase/oj/rex/package.html#5 $
Copyright Copyright (C) 2004-2009 SQLstream, Inc. Portions Copyright (C) 2004-2009 John V. Sichi
Author John V. Sichi/td>