Class FarragoSessionRuntimeParams

  extended by net.sf.farrago.session.FarragoSessionRuntimeParams

public class FarragoSessionRuntimeParams
extends Object

FarragoSessionRuntimeParams bundles together the large number of constructor parameters needed to instantiate FarragoSessionRuntimeContext.

$Id: //open/dev/farrago/src/net/sf/farrago/session/ $
John V. Sichi

Field Summary
 FarragoObjectCache codeCache
          Cache for Fennel tuple streams.
 long currentTime
          The current time associated with the statement.
 Object[] dynamicParamValues
          Array of values bound to dynamic parameters by position.
 FennelTxnContext fennelTxnContext
          Fennel context for transactions.
 FarragoSessionIndexMap indexMap
          Map of indexes which might be accessed.
 boolean isDml
          Whether the context is for a DML statement.
 Map<String,RelDataType> iterCalcTypeMap
          Map from IterCalcRel tag to row type.
 FarragoPluginClassLoader pluginClassLoader
          If no session is available to provide the plugin classloader, use this classloader instead.
 FarragoRepos repos
          Repos storing object definitions.
 Map<String,RelDataType> resultSetTypeMap
          Map from result set name to row type.
 FarragoSession session
          Controlling session.
 FarragoSessionVariables sessionVariables
          Connection-dependent settings.
 FarragoObjectCache sharedDataWrapperCache
          FarragoObjectCache to use for caching FarragoMedDataWrapper instances.
 long stmtId
          An identifier for the executable statement id.
 FarragoStreamFactoryProvider streamFactoryProvider
          FarragoStreamFactoryProvider to use for registering stream factories.
 Map<String,FarragoObjectCache.Entry> txnCodeCache
          Txn-private cache for Fennel tuple streams, or null if streams don't need to be pinned by txn.
 FarragoWarningQueue warningQueue
          Queue on which warnings should be posted, or null if runtime context should create a private queue.
Constructor Summary
Method Summary
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public FarragoSession session
Controlling session.


public FarragoPluginClassLoader pluginClassLoader
If no session is available to provide the plugin classloader, use this classloader instead.


public FarragoRepos repos
Repos storing object definitions.


public FarragoObjectCache codeCache
Cache for Fennel tuple streams.


public Map<String,FarragoObjectCache.Entry> txnCodeCache
Txn-private cache for Fennel tuple streams, or null if streams don't need to be pinned by txn.


public FennelTxnContext fennelTxnContext
Fennel context for transactions.


public FarragoSessionIndexMap indexMap
Map of indexes which might be accessed.


public Object[] dynamicParamValues
Array of values bound to dynamic parameters by position.


public FarragoSessionVariables sessionVariables
Connection-dependent settings.


public FarragoObjectCache sharedDataWrapperCache
FarragoObjectCache to use for caching FarragoMedDataWrapper instances.


public FarragoStreamFactoryProvider streamFactoryProvider
FarragoStreamFactoryProvider to use for registering stream factories.


public boolean isDml
Whether the context is for a DML statement.


public Map<String,RelDataType> resultSetTypeMap
Map from result set name to row type.


public Map<String,RelDataType> iterCalcTypeMap
Map from IterCalcRel tag to row type. If a mapping is available, it associates the tag with the type of a table being modified. It would be possible to infer, for example, that result column 1 was being used to insert into a column called "EMPNO".


public long stmtId
An identifier for the executable statement id. This parameter assumes there will be a one to one mapping from statement to context.


public FarragoWarningQueue warningQueue
Queue on which warnings should be posted, or null if runtime context should create a private queue.


public long currentTime
The current time associated with the statement. If set to zero, this indicates that no current time has yet been set for the statement.

Constructor Detail


public FarragoSessionRuntimeParams()