Class FarragoInternalQuery

  extended by java.util.ResourceBundle
      extended by org.eigenbase.resgen.ShadowResourceBundle
          extended by net.sf.farrago.resource.FarragoInternalQuery
Direct Known Subclasses:

public class FarragoInternalQuery
extends org.eigenbase.resgen.ShadowResourceBundle

This class was generated by class org.eigenbase.resgen.ResourceGen from /home/pub/open/dev/farrago/src/net/sf/farrago/resource/FarragoInternalQuery.xml on Mon Jun 22 04:05:01 PDT 2009. It contains a list of messages, and methods to retrieve and format those messages.

Nested Class Summary
 class FarragoInternalQuery._Def0
          Definition for resources which take arguments ''.
Field Summary
private static String baseName
 FarragoInternalQuery._Def0 TestQuery
          TestQuery is 'select s from class NamedColumnSet where name=?tableName then ( follow association ElementOwnership backward as s );'
 FarragoInternalQuery._Def0 TestSecurityRoleCycleCheck
          TestSecurityRoleCycleCheck is 'select r from class Role where name=?granteeName then ( recursively ( follow origin end Grantee where action = ''INHERIT_ROLE'' then ( follow origin end Privilege as r ) ) );'
Fields inherited from class org.eigenbase.resgen.ShadowResourceBundle
Fields inherited from class java.util.ResourceBundle
Constructor Summary
Method Summary
static FarragoInternalQuery instance()
          Retrieves the singleton instance of FarragoInternalQuery.
static FarragoInternalQuery instance(Locale locale)
          Retrieves the instance of FarragoInternalQuery for the given locale.
Methods inherited from class org.eigenbase.resgen.ShadowResourceBundle
getKeys, getThreadLocale, getThreadOrDefaultLocale, handleGetObject, instance, instance, instance, setThreadLocale
Methods inherited from class java.util.ResourceBundle
getBundle, getBundle, getBundle, getLocale, getObject, getString, getStringArray, setParent
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


private static final String baseName
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public final FarragoInternalQuery._Def0 TestQuery
TestQuery is 'select s from class NamedColumnSet where name=?tableName then ( follow association ElementOwnership backward as s );'


public final FarragoInternalQuery._Def0 TestSecurityRoleCycleCheck
TestSecurityRoleCycleCheck is 'select r from class Role where name=?granteeName then ( recursively ( follow origin end Grantee where action = ''INHERIT_ROLE'' then ( follow origin end Privilege as r ) ) );'

Constructor Detail


public FarragoInternalQuery()
                     throws IOException
Method Detail


public static FarragoInternalQuery instance()
Retrieves the singleton instance of FarragoInternalQuery. If the application has called ShadowResourceBundle.setThreadLocale(java.util.Locale), returns the resource for the thread's locale.


public static FarragoInternalQuery instance(Locale locale)
Retrieves the instance of FarragoInternalQuery for the given locale.