Class FarragoReleaseProperties

  extended by java.util.Dictionary<K,V>
      extended by java.util.Hashtable<Object,Object>
          extended by java.util.Properties
              extended by net.sf.farrago.release.FarragoReleaseProperties
All Implemented Interfaces:
Serializable, Cloneable, Map<Object,Object>

public class FarragoReleaseProperties
extends Properties

Provides immutable properties burned into a particular release of Farrago. See FarragoProperties for an explanation of what NOT to define here. In addition, no site-specific property should ever be defined here.

Products and projects which embed or rebrand Farrago rely on being able to control this information in a self-contained location (typically a file named in the root of the release jar).

Note that the default values defined in this class are not appropriate for real releases; they are only defined to allow developer builds to run without a properties file.

$Id: //open/dev/farrago/src/net/sf/farrago/release/ $
John V. Sichi
See Also:
Serialized Form

Field Summary
private static FarragoReleaseProperties instance
 StringProperty jdbcDriverName
          Name of the JDBC driver as reported via java.sql.DatabaseMetaData.
 IntegerProperty jdbcDriverVersionMajor
          JDBC driver major version number as reported via java.sql.DatabaseMetaData.
 IntegerProperty jdbcDriverVersionMinor
          JDBC driver minor version number as reported via java.sql.DatabaseMetaData.
 StringProperty jdbcUrlBase
          Base string for JDBC connection URL.
 IntegerProperty jdbcUrlHttpPortDefault
          Default port to use for JDBC connections over HTTP.
 IntegerProperty jdbcUrlPortDefault
          Default port to use for JDBC connections.
 StringProperty packageName
          Base name of the released package for package management systems such as rpm and deb.
 StringProperty productName
          Name of the product (e.g.
 IntegerProperty productVersionMajor
          Major version number for the product.
 IntegerProperty productVersionMinor
          Minor version number for the product.
 IntegerProperty productVersionPoint
          Point-release version number for the product.
Fields inherited from class java.util.Properties
Constructor Summary
Method Summary
static FarragoReleaseProperties instance()
Methods inherited from class java.util.Properties
getProperty, getProperty, list, list, load, loadFromXML, propertyNames, save, setProperty, store, storeToXML, storeToXML
Methods inherited from class java.util.Hashtable
clear, clone, contains, containsKey, containsValue, elements, entrySet, equals, get, hashCode, isEmpty, keys, keySet, put, putAll, rehash, remove, size, toString, values
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
finalize, getClass, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


private static FarragoReleaseProperties instance


public final StringProperty packageName
Base name of the released package for package management systems such as rpm and deb.


public final StringProperty productName
Name of the product (e.g. as reported via java.sql.DatabaseMetaData)


public final IntegerProperty productVersionMajor
Major version number for the product.


public final IntegerProperty productVersionMinor
Minor version number for the product.


public final IntegerProperty productVersionPoint
Point-release version number for the product.


public final StringProperty jdbcDriverName
Name of the JDBC driver as reported via java.sql.DatabaseMetaData.


public final IntegerProperty jdbcDriverVersionMajor
JDBC driver major version number as reported via java.sql.DatabaseMetaData.


public final IntegerProperty jdbcDriverVersionMinor
JDBC driver minor version number as reported via java.sql.DatabaseMetaData.


public final StringProperty jdbcUrlBase
Base string for JDBC connection URL.


public final IntegerProperty jdbcUrlPortDefault
Default port to use for JDBC connections. Note that this is the release-level default; the actual port to use for a server can be overridden at each site via system parameter serverRmiRegistryPort, and for a client by explicitly including the port in the connection URL.


public final IntegerProperty jdbcUrlHttpPortDefault
Default port to use for JDBC connections over HTTP. Note that this is the release-level default; the actual port to use for a server can be overridden at each site through app server settings, and for a client by explicitly including the port in the connection URL.

Constructor Detail


public FarragoReleaseProperties()
Method Detail


public static FarragoReleaseProperties instance()
the singleton properties object