Class FtrsDataServer.FtrsColumnMetadata

  extended by net.sf.farrago.namespace.impl.MedAbstractColumnMetadata
      extended by net.sf.farrago.namespace.ftrs.FtrsDataServer.FtrsColumnMetadata
Enclosing class:

private static class FtrsDataServer.FtrsColumnMetadata
extends MedAbstractColumnMetadata

Constructor Summary
private FtrsDataServer.FtrsColumnMetadata()
Method Summary
protected  int mapColumnToField(RelNode rel, FemAbstractColumn keyCol)
          Maps a FemAbstractColumn to its corresponding field reference in the RelNode.
protected  FemAbstractColumn mapFieldToColumn(RelNode rel, int fieldNo)
          Maps a field reference to its underlying FemAbstractColumn
protected  int mapFieldToColumnOrdinal(RelNode rel, int fieldNo)
          Maps a field reference to the underlying column ordinal corresponding to the FemAbstractColumn representing the column.
Methods inherited from class net.sf.farrago.namespace.impl.MedAbstractColumnMetadata
areColumnsUnique, areColumnsUnique, areColumnsUniqueForKeys, getDistinctRowCount, getPopulationSize, getUniqueKeys, getUniqueKeys
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


private FtrsDataServer.FtrsColumnMetadata()
Method Detail


protected int mapColumnToField(RelNode rel,
                               FemAbstractColumn keyCol)
Description copied from class: MedAbstractColumnMetadata
Maps a FemAbstractColumn to its corresponding field reference in the RelNode.

Specified by:
mapColumnToField in class MedAbstractColumnMetadata
rel - RelNode corresponding to the column
keyCol - the column whose field ordinal will be returned
field ordinal relative to the RelNode; -1 if the column is not accessed by the RelNode


protected int mapFieldToColumnOrdinal(RelNode rel,
                                      int fieldNo)
Description copied from class: MedAbstractColumnMetadata
Maps a field reference to the underlying column ordinal corresponding to the FemAbstractColumn representing the column.

Specified by:
mapFieldToColumnOrdinal in class MedAbstractColumnMetadata
rel - RelNode corresponding to the column
fieldNo - the ordinal of the field reference
column ordinal of the underlying FemAbstractColumn; -1 if the column does not map to actual FemAbstractColumn


protected FemAbstractColumn mapFieldToColumn(RelNode rel,
                                             int fieldNo)
Description copied from class: MedAbstractColumnMetadata
Maps a field reference to its underlying FemAbstractColumn

Specified by:
mapFieldToColumn in class MedAbstractColumnMetadata
rel - RelNode corresponding to the field
fieldNo - the ordinal of the field reference
underlying FemAbstractColumn; null if no underlying FemAbstractColumn