Interface FennelJavaErrorTarget
- All Known Implementing Classes:
- FarragoRuntimeContext, LucidDbRuntimeContext
public interface FennelJavaErrorTarget
FennelJavaErrorTarget represents a class of java objects that can handle row
errors arising from Fennel streams.
- Version:
- $Id: //open/dev/farrago/src/net/sf/farrago/fennel/ $
- Author:
- John Pham
Object handleRowError(String source,
boolean isWarning,
String msg,
ByteBuffer byteBuffer,
int index)
- Handles a Fennel row exception
- Parameters:
- the unique Fennel stream nameisWarning
- true if the exception is only a warningmsg
- the exception stringbyteBuffer
- the Fennel format byte buffer containing an error
record for the row that failed. The error record must conform to the row
type specified for the source with FennelRelImplementor.setErrorRecordType(net.sf.farrago.query.FennelRel, net.sf.farrago.fem.fennel.FemExecutionStreamDef, org.eigenbase.reltype.RelDataType)
- position of the column whose processing caused the exception
to occur. -1 indicates that no column was culpable. 0 indicates that a
filter condition was being processed. Otherwise this parameter should be
a 1-indexed column position.