Interface FemWindowStreamDef

All Superinterfaces:
FemExecutionStreamDef, FemTupleStreamDef, RefBaseObject, RefFeatured, RefObject
All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface FemWindowStreamDef
extends FemTupleStreamDef

WindowStreamDef object instance interface.

Execution object which calculates expressions over a set of windows. An output record is made up expressions drawn from the input record and the current bucket of each window.

Note that this a window stream has a superset of the functionality of the FemCalcTupleStreamDef execution object.

Note: This type should not be subclassed, implemented or directly instantiated by clients. It is generated from a MOF metamodel and implemented by Enki or MDR.

Method Summary
 FemTupleProjection getInputOrderKeyList()
          Returns the value of attribute inputOrderKeyList.
 String getOutputProgram()
          Returns the value of attribute outputProgram.
 List<FemWindowDef> getWindow()
          Returns the value of reference Window.
 boolean isFilter()
          Returns the value of attribute filter.
 void setFilter(boolean newValue)
          Sets the value of filter attribute.
 void setInputOrderKeyList(FemTupleProjection newValue)
          Sets the value of inputOrderKeyList attribute.
 void setOutputProgram(String newValue)
          Sets the value of outputProgram attribute.
Methods inherited from interface net.sf.farrago.fem.fennel.FemExecutionStreamDef
getDynamicParamUse, getInputFlow, getName, getOutputDesc, getOutputFlow, setName, setOutputDesc
Methods inherited from interface javax.jmi.reflect.RefObject
refClass, refDelete, refImmediateComposite, refIsInstanceOf, refOutermostComposite
Methods inherited from interface javax.jmi.reflect.RefFeatured
refGetValue, refGetValue, refInvokeOperation, refInvokeOperation, refSetValue, refSetValue
Methods inherited from interface javax.jmi.reflect.RefBaseObject
equals, hashCode, refImmediatePackage, refMetaObject, refMofId, refOutermostPackage, refVerifyConstraints

Method Detail


boolean isFilter()
Returns the value of attribute filter.

If true, the output program sets a status register which determines whether to output the row.

Value of attribute filter.


void setFilter(boolean newValue)
Sets the value of filter attribute. See isFilter() for description on the attribute.

newValue - New value to be set.


String getOutputProgram()
Returns the value of attribute outputProgram.

Calculator program to generate a row of output.

Input fields to the programs are the fields of the input record, followed by the fields of the current bucket of each window.

If 'filter' is true, the program sets a status register which the XO should use to determine whether to output the row.

Value of attribute outputProgram.


void setOutputProgram(String newValue)
Sets the value of outputProgram attribute. See getOutputProgram() for description on the attribute.

newValue - New value to be set.


FemTupleProjection getInputOrderKeyList()
Returns the value of attribute inputOrderKeyList.

List of columns on which the input stream is sorted.

Value of attribute inputOrderKeyList.


void setInputOrderKeyList(FemTupleProjection newValue)
Sets the value of inputOrderKeyList attribute. See getInputOrderKeyList() for description on the attribute.

newValue - New value to be set.


List<FemWindowDef> getWindow()
Returns the value of reference Window.

Value of reference Window. Element type: FemWindowDef