Interface Summary | |
DdlMultipleTransactionStmt | DdlMultipleTransactionStmt represents a DdlStmt that requires its work to divided among multiple repository transactions to avoid holding the repository transaction lock for excessive periods of time (and thereby blocking other statements). |
Class Summary | |
DdlAlterGenericStmt | DdlAlterGenericStmt is a generic concrete extension of DdlAlterStmt. |
DdlAlterIdentityColumnStmt | Statement for altering an identity column. |
DdlAlterStmt | DdlAlterStmt represents some but not all DDL ALTER statements. |
DdlAlterTableStructureStmt | DdlAlterTableStructureStmt represents an ALTER TABLE statement which adds/drops columns or changes their datatype, implying that stored tuples may need to be reshaped. |
DdlAnalyzeStmt | DdlAnalyzeStmt is a Farrago statement for computing the statistics of a relational expression and storing them in repository. |
DdlCheckpointStmt | DdlCheckpointStmt represents a CHECKPOINT statement. |
DdlCommitStmt | DdlCommitStmt represents a COMMIT statement. |
DdlCreateStmt | DdlCreateStmt represents a DDL CREATE statement of any kind. |
DdlDeallocateOldStmt | DdlDeallocateOldStmt represents an ALTER SYSTEM DEALLOCATE OLD statement. |
DdlDropLabelStmt | DdlDropLabelStmt extends DdlDropStmt to remove obsolete label statistics. |
DdlDropStmt | DdlDropStmt represents a DDL DROP statement of any kind. |
DdlExtendCatalogStmt | DdlExtendCatalogStmt represents an ALTER SYSTEM ADD CATALOG JAR statement. |
DdlGrantPrivStmt | DdlGrantPrivStmt represents a DDL GRANT privileges statement. |
DdlGrantRoleStmt | DdlGrantRoleStmt represents a DDL GRANT ROLE statement. |
DdlGrantStmt | DdlGrantStmt represents a DDL GRANT statement. |
DdlHandler | DdlHandler is an abstract base for classes which provide implementations for
the actions taken by DdlValidator on individual objects. |
DdlImportForeignSchemaStmt | DdlImportForeignSchemaStmt represents a DDL IMPORT FOREIGN SCHEMA statement. |
DdlMedHandler | DdlMedHandler defines DDL handler methods for SQL/MED objects. |
DdlRebuildTableStmt | DdlRebuildTableStmt represents an ALTER TABLE ... |
DdlRelationalHandler | DdlRelationalHandler defines DDL handler methods for standard relational objects such as schemas, tables, indexes, and views. |
DdlRelationalHandler.ReentrantIndexBuilderStmt | |
DdlRelationalHandler.UniqueConstraintComparator | |
DdlReleaseSavepointStmt | DdlReleaseSavepointStmt represents a RELEASE SAVEPOINT statement. |
DdlReloadTableStmt | DdlReloadTableStmt is an abstract base for statements which need to self-insert data from an existing table. |
DdlReplaceCatalogStmt | DdlReplaceCatalogStmt represents an ALTER SYSTEM REPLACE CATALOG statement. |
DdlReplaceOptions | DdlReplaceOptions contains attributes of a CREATE OR REPLACE statement. |
DdlRollbackStmt | DdlRollbackStmt represents a ROLLBACK statement. |
DdlRoutineHandler | DdlRoutineHandler defines DDL handler methods for user-defined routines and related objects such as types and jars. |
DdlSavepointStmt | DdlSavepointStmt represents a SAVEPOINT statement. |
DdlSavepointTxnStmt | DdlTxnStmt is a base for all statements which operate on a savepoint (e.g. |
DdlSecurityHandler | DdlSecurityHandler defines DDL handler methods for Fem Security objects of type User, Role. |
DdlSetCatalogStmt | DdlSetCatalogStmt represents the DDL statement SET CATALOG. |
DdlSetContextStmt | DdlSetContextStmt is an abstract base class for DDL statements (such as SET SCHEMA) which modify context variables. |
DdlSetParamStmt | DdlSetParamStmt provides a common base class for DDL that alters configuration values on repository objects. |
DdlSetPathStmt | DdlSetPathStmt represents a statement (SET PATH) that establishes a default SQL-path. |
DdlSetSchemaStmt | DdlSetSchemaStmt represents the DDL statement SET SCHEMA. |
DdlSetSessionImplementationStmt | DdlSetSessionImplementationStmt represents an ALTER SESSION {SET|ADD} IMPLEMENTATION LIBRARY statement. |
DdlSetSessionParamStmt | DdlSetSessionParamStmt represents the ALTER SESSION SET ... |
DdlSetSystemParamStmt | DdlSetSystemParamStmt represents the ALTER SYSTEM SET ... |
DdlSqlj | DdlSqlj contains the system-defined implementations for the standard SQLJ system procedures such as INSTALL_JAR. |
DdlStmt | DdlStmt represents the output of DDL statement parsing. |
DdlTruncateStmt | DdlTruncateStmt represents a DDL TRUNCATE statement of any kind. |
DdlTxnStmt | DdlTxnStmt is a base for all statements which control the transaction context (e.g. |
DdlValidator | DdlValidator validates the process of applying a DDL statement to the catalog. |
DdlValidator.DeferredException | DeferredException allows an exception's creation to be deferred. |
DdlValidator.SchedulingDetail | |
DdlVisitor | DdlVisitor implements the visitor pattern for DDL statements. |
Enum Summary | |
DdlAlterStmt.ActionType | |
DdlValidator.ValidatedOp |
Defines classes representing Farrago DDL and control statements.
Revision | $Id: //open/dev/farrago/src/net/sf/farrago/ddl/package.html#7 $ |
Copyright | Copyright (C) 2005-2009 The Eigenbase Project
Copyright (C) 2005-2009 SQLstream, Inc. Copyright (C) 2005-2009 LucidEra, Inc. |
Author | John V. Sichi |