Interface CwmSubsystem

All Superinterfaces:
CwmClassifier, CwmElement, CwmModelElement, CwmNamespace, CwmPackage, RefBaseObject, RefFeatured, RefObject
All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface CwmSubsystem
extends CwmPackage, CwmClassifier

Subsystem object instance interface. A subsystem is a grouping of model elements that represents a behavioral unit in a physical system. A subsystem offers interfaces and has operations. In the metamodel, Subsystem is a subclass of both Package and Classifier. As such it may have a set of Features. The purpose of the subsystem construct is to provide a grouping mechanism for specifying a behavioral unit of a physical system. Apart from defining a namespace for its contents, a subsystem serves as a specification unit for the behavior of its contained model elements. The contents of a subsystem is defined in the same way as for a package, thus it consists of owned elements and imported elements, with unique names within the subsystem.

Note: This type should not be subclassed, implemented or directly instantiated by clients. It is generated from a MOF metamodel and implemented by Enki or MDR.

Method Summary
Methods inherited from interface net.sf.farrago.cwm.core.CwmPackage
Methods inherited from interface net.sf.farrago.cwm.core.CwmNamespace
Methods inherited from interface net.sf.farrago.cwm.core.CwmModelElement
getClientDependency, getConstraint, getImporter, getName, getNamespace, getVisibility, setName, setNamespace, setVisibility
Methods inherited from interface javax.jmi.reflect.RefObject
refClass, refDelete, refImmediateComposite, refIsInstanceOf, refOutermostComposite
Methods inherited from interface javax.jmi.reflect.RefFeatured
refGetValue, refGetValue, refInvokeOperation, refInvokeOperation, refSetValue, refSetValue
Methods inherited from interface javax.jmi.reflect.RefBaseObject
equals, hashCode, refImmediatePackage, refMetaObject, refMofId, refOutermostPackage, refVerifyConstraints
Methods inherited from interface net.sf.farrago.cwm.core.CwmClassifier
getFeature, isAbstract, setAbstract
Methods inherited from interface net.sf.farrago.cwm.core.CwmNamespace
Methods inherited from interface net.sf.farrago.cwm.core.CwmModelElement
getClientDependency, getConstraint, getImporter, getName, getNamespace, getVisibility, setName, setNamespace, setVisibility
Methods inherited from interface javax.jmi.reflect.RefObject
refClass, refDelete, refImmediateComposite, refIsInstanceOf, refOutermostComposite
Methods inherited from interface javax.jmi.reflect.RefFeatured
refGetValue, refGetValue, refInvokeOperation, refInvokeOperation, refSetValue, refSetValue
Methods inherited from interface javax.jmi.reflect.RefBaseObject
equals, hashCode, refImmediatePackage, refMetaObject, refMofId, refOutermostPackage, refVerifyConstraints