Interface CwmBehavioralFeature

All Superinterfaces:
CwmElement, CwmFeature, CwmModelElement, RefBaseObject, RefFeatured, RefObject
All Known Subinterfaces:
CwmMethod, CwmOperation, CwmProcedure, FemRoutine
All Known Implementing Classes:
CwmMethod$Hib, CwmOperation$Hib, CwmProcedure$Hib, FemRoutine$Hib

public interface CwmBehavioralFeature
extends CwmFeature

BehavioralFeature object instance interface. A behavioral feature refers to a dynamic feature of a model element, such as an operation or method. In the metamodel, BehavioralFeature specifies a behavioral aspect of a Classifier. All different kinds of behavioral aspects of a Classifier, such as Operation and Method, are subclasses of BehavioralFeature. BehavioralFeature is an abstract metaclass.

Note: This type should not be subclassed, implemented or directly instantiated by clients. It is generated from a MOF metamodel and implemented by Enki or MDR.

Method Summary
 List<CwmParameter> getParameter()
          Returns the value of reference parameter.
 boolean isQuery()
          Returns the value of attribute isQuery.
 void setQuery(boolean newValue)
          Sets the value of isQuery attribute.
Methods inherited from interface net.sf.farrago.cwm.core.CwmFeature
getOwner, getOwnerScope, setOwner, setOwnerScope
Methods inherited from interface net.sf.farrago.cwm.core.CwmModelElement
getClientDependency, getConstraint, getImporter, getName, getNamespace, getVisibility, setName, setNamespace, setVisibility
Methods inherited from interface javax.jmi.reflect.RefObject
refClass, refDelete, refImmediateComposite, refIsInstanceOf, refOutermostComposite
Methods inherited from interface javax.jmi.reflect.RefFeatured
refGetValue, refGetValue, refInvokeOperation, refInvokeOperation, refSetValue, refSetValue
Methods inherited from interface javax.jmi.reflect.RefBaseObject
equals, hashCode, refImmediatePackage, refMetaObject, refMofId, refOutermostPackage, refVerifyConstraints

Method Detail


boolean isQuery()
Returns the value of attribute isQuery. Specifies whether an execution of the BehavioralFeature leaves the state of the system unchanged. True indicates that the state is unchanged; false indicates that side-effects may occur.

Value of attribute isQuery.


void setQuery(boolean newValue)
Sets the value of isQuery attribute. See isQuery() for description on the attribute.

newValue - New value to be set.


List<CwmParameter> getParameter()
Returns the value of reference parameter.

Value of reference parameter. Element type: CwmParameter