Interface CalledOperation

All Superinterfaces:
RefAssociation, RefBaseObject
All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface CalledOperation
extends RefAssociation

CalledOperation association proxy interface. The CalledOperation association identifies the CallAction instance representing a particular invocation of an Operation.

Note: This type should not be subclassed, implemented or directly instantiated by clients. It is generated from a MOF metamodel and implemented by Enki or MDR.

Method Summary
 boolean add(CwmCallAction callAction, CwmOperation operation)
          Creates a link between the pair of instance objects in the associations link set.
 boolean exists(CwmCallAction callAction, CwmOperation operation)
          Queries whether a link currently exists between a given pair of instance objects in the associations link set.
 Collection<CwmCallAction> getCallAction(CwmOperation operation)
          Queries the instance objects that are related to a particular instance object by a link in the current associations link set.
 CwmOperation getOperation(CwmCallAction callAction)
          Queries the instance object that is related to a particular instance object by a link in the current associations link set.
 boolean remove(CwmCallAction callAction, CwmOperation operation)
          Removes a link between a pair of instance objects in the current associations link set.
Methods inherited from interface javax.jmi.reflect.RefAssociation
refAddLink, refAllLinks, refLinkExists, refQuery, refQuery, refRemoveLink
Methods inherited from interface javax.jmi.reflect.RefBaseObject
equals, hashCode, refImmediatePackage, refMetaObject, refMofId, refOutermostPackage, refVerifyConstraints

Method Detail


boolean exists(CwmCallAction callAction,
               CwmOperation operation)
Queries whether a link currently exists between a given pair of instance objects in the associations link set.

callAction - Value of the first association end.
operation - Value of the second association end.
Returns true if the queried link exists.


Collection<CwmCallAction> getCallAction(CwmOperation operation)
Queries the instance objects that are related to a particular instance object by a link in the current associations link set.

operation - Required value of the second association end.
Collection of related objects.


CwmOperation getOperation(CwmCallAction callAction)
Queries the instance object that is related to a particular instance object by a link in the current associations link set.

callAction - Required value of the first association end.
Related object or null if none exists.


boolean add(CwmCallAction callAction,
            CwmOperation operation)
Creates a link between the pair of instance objects in the associations link set.

callAction - Value of the first association end.
operation - Value of the second association end.


boolean remove(CwmCallAction callAction,
               CwmOperation operation)
Removes a link between a pair of instance objects in the current associations link set.

callAction - Value of the first association end.
operation - Value of the second association end.