Class FarragoColumnHistogram.HistogramRange

  extended by net.sf.farrago.catalog.FarragoColumnHistogram.HistogramRange
Enclosing class:

private class FarragoColumnHistogram.HistogramRange
extends Object

Histogram range represents a set of bars in a histogram

Field Summary
private  List<FemColumnHistogramBar> bars
private  boolean empty
private  int firstBar
private  SargInterval interval
private  int lastBar
private  int minBar
Constructor Summary
protected FarragoColumnHistogram.HistogramRange(List<FemColumnHistogramBar> bars, SargInterval interval, int minBar)
          Initializes a range of histogram bars spanning a search interval
Method Summary
protected  void evaluate()
          Searches through the histogram to find the first and last bars the interval may cover in the histogram.
private  int findEndBar(int min, SargEndpoint point)
          Finds the first histogram bar which does not contain the specified point.
private  int findStartBar(int min, SargEndpoint point)
          Finds the first histogram bar which may contain the specified starting search point, or points greater than the search point.
protected  int getFirstBar()
          Returns the zero based index of the first bar in the range, or -1 if the range is empty.
protected  int getLastBar()
          Returns the zero based index of the last bar in the range, or -1 if the range is empty.
protected  boolean isEmpty()
          Returns whether the range is empty
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


private List<FemColumnHistogramBar> bars


private SargInterval interval


private int minBar


private boolean empty


private int firstBar


private int lastBar
Constructor Detail


protected FarragoColumnHistogram.HistogramRange(List<FemColumnHistogramBar> bars,
                                                SargInterval interval,
                                                int minBar)
Initializes a range of histogram bars spanning a search interval

bars - histogram bars to search
interval - the search interval
minBar - the first bar to search
Method Detail


protected void evaluate()
Searches through the histogram to find the first and last bars the interval may cover in the histogram. This range may be empty.


protected boolean isEmpty()
Returns whether the range is empty


protected int getFirstBar()
Returns the zero based index of the first bar in the range, or -1 if the range is empty.


protected int getLastBar()
Returns the zero based index of the last bar in the range, or -1 if the range is empty.


private int findStartBar(int min,
                         SargEndpoint point)
Finds the first histogram bar which may contain the specified starting search point, or points greater than the search point. We can rule out histogram bars which end before the search point. However, we can never rule out the last histogram bar, because it has no definite end.

min - index of first histogram bar to search
point - start point to search for
index of first bar not containing point


private int findEndBar(int min,
                       SargEndpoint point)
Finds the first histogram bar which does not contain the specified point. A bar which does not contain the end point will have a starting value greater than the point.

If all bars may contain the search point, returns the index of the last bar + 1.

min - index of first histogram bar to search
point - point to search for
index of first bar not containing point