Interface LucidDbRuntimeContext.ErrorLogger

All Known Implementing Classes:
LucidDbRuntimeContext.DefaultErrorLogger, LucidDbRuntimeContext.ErrorLoggerBase, LucidDbRuntimeContext.ErrorQuotaLogger, LucidDbRuntimeContext.SummaryLogger
Enclosing class:

private static interface LucidDbRuntimeContext.ErrorLogger

ErrorLogger processes error records

Method Summary
 void completeDeferredException(RuntimeException ex)
          Completes defered exception during record logging
 int getErrorCount()
          Gets the number of errors processed by this logger
 String getFilename()
          Gets the name of the log file being written
 int getWarningCount()
          Gets the number of warnings processed by this logger
 void log(String[] names, Object[] values, RuntimeException ex, int columnIndex, String tag, boolean isWarning)
          Writes a record to a log file
 EigenbaseException log(String[] names, Object[] values, RuntimeException ex, int columnIndex, String tag, boolean isWarning, String errorCode, String columnName)
          Writes a record to a log file
 void log(SyntheticObject o, RuntimeException ex, int columnIndex, String tag, boolean isWarning)
          Writes a record to a log file

Method Detail


void log(SyntheticObject o,
         RuntimeException ex,
         int columnIndex,
         String tag,
         boolean isWarning)
Writes a record to a log file


void log(String[] names,
         Object[] values,
         RuntimeException ex,
         int columnIndex,
         String tag,
         boolean isWarning)
Writes a record to a log file


EigenbaseException log(String[] names,
                       Object[] values,
                       RuntimeException ex,
                       int columnIndex,
                       String tag,
                       boolean isWarning,
                       String errorCode,
                       String columnName)
Writes a record to a log file


void completeDeferredException(RuntimeException ex)
Completes defered exception during record logging


String getFilename()
Gets the name of the log file being written


int getErrorCount()
Gets the number of errors processed by this logger


int getWarningCount()
Gets the number of warnings processed by this logger