Class Summary | |
LcsAddDeletionScanRule | A rule for modifying the input into a row scan to include a scan of the deletion index. |
LcsAppendStreamDef | LcsAppendStreamDef creates an append execution stream def |
LcsColumnMetadata | LcsColumnMetadata is an implementation of MedAbstractColumnMetadata for LcsRowScanRel |
LcsCompositeStreamDef | LcsCompositeStreamDef is a composite Fem stream definition. |
LcsDataServer | LcsDataServer implements the FarragoMedDataServer interface for
LucidDB column-store data. |
LcsDataWrapper | LcsDataWrapper implements the FarragoMedDataWrapper interface for
LucidDB column-store data. |
LcsIndexAccessRule | LcsIndexAccessRule is a rule for converting FilterRel+LcsRowScanRel into LcsIndexAccessRel (when the filter has the appropriate form). |
LcsIndexAggRel | An aggregate on bitmap data. |
LcsIndexAggRule | A rule for directly aggregating off of an unclustered index scan. |
LcsIndexBitOpRel | LcsIndexBitOpRel is a base class for implementing bit operation streams with 2 or more inputs |
LcsIndexBuilderRel | LcsIndexBuilderRel is a relational expression that builds an unclustered Lcs index. |
LcsIndexBuilderRule | LcsModificationRule is a rule for converting an abstract FarragoIndexBuilderRel into a corresponding LcsIndexBuilderRel . |
LcsIndexGuide | LcsIndexGuide provides information about the mapping from catalog definitions for LCS tables and their clusters to their Fennel representation. |
LcsIndexIntersectRel | LcsIndexIntersectRel is a relation for intersecting the results of two index scans. |
LcsIndexMergeRel | LcsIndexMergeRel is a relation for merging the results of an index scan. |
LcsIndexMinusRel | LcsIndexMinusRel is a relation for "subtracting" the 2nd through Nth inputs from the first input. |
LcsIndexOnlyAccessRule | A rule for converting an LcsRowScanRel(LcsIndexSearchRel) to an LcsIndexOnlyScanRel. |
LcsIndexOnlyScanRel | A relation for performing an index only scan of a table (as opposed to performing a regular row scan). |
LcsIndexOptimizer | LcsIndexOptimizer optimizes the access path to use index based on cost. |
LcsIndexOptimizer.CandidateIndex | |
LcsIndexOptimizer.Filter2IndexMapping | |
LcsIndexOptimizer.IndexLengthComparator | |
LcsIndexOptimizer.IndexPageCountComparator | |
LcsIndexOptimizer.MappedFilterSelectivityComparator | |
LcsIndexOptimizer.RowCountComparator | RowCountComparator is used to sort RelNodes based on their rowcounts, provided the counts are known. |
LcsIndexOptimizer.SargColumnFilter | |
LcsIndexOptimizer.SargColumnFilterSelectivityComparator | |
LcsIndexSearchRel | LcsIndexSearchRel is a relation for reading from an unclustered index. |
LcsIndexSemiJoinRule | LcsIndexSemiJoinRule implements the rule for converting a semijoin expression into the actual operations used to execute the semijoin. |
LcsNormalizerRel | A relation which expands bitmap tuples of the form [keys, bitmaps] into repetitious tuples of the form [keys]. |
LcsRemoveRidExprRule | LcsRemoveRidExprRule is a rule for converting rid expressions that appear in
a ProjectRel whose child is a EmptyRel into BIGINT null
literals. |
LcsReplaceStreamDef | LcsReplaceStreamDef creates an cluster replace execution stream def |
LcsRowScanRel | |
LcsRowScanRelBase | |
LcsSamplingRowScanRel | |
LcsSamplingRowScanRule | LcsSamplingRowScanRule converts a SamplingRel applied to an LcsRowScanRel into a LcsSamplingRowScanRel . |
LcsTable | An implementation of RelOptTable for accessing data in a LucidDB column-store. |
LcsTable.ClusterComparator | Comparator that sorts clusters by cluster name. |
LcsTableAlterRule | LcsTableAlterRule is a rule for converting an abstract TableModificationRel into a corresponding LcsTableAppendRel in the
special case where it is being processed as part of an ALTER TABLE ADD COLUMN
statement. |
LcsTableAppendRel | LcsTableAppendRel is the relational expression corresponding to appending rows to all of the clusters of a column-store table. |
LcsTableAppendRule | LcsTableAppendRule is a rule for converting an abstract TableModificationRel into a corresponding LcsTableAppendRel . |
LcsTableDeleteRel | LcsTableDeleteRel is the relational expression corresponding to deletes from a column-store table. |
LcsTableDeleteRule | LcsTableDeleteRule is a rule for converting an abstract TableModificationRel into a corresponding LcsTableDeleteRel . |
LcsTableMergeRel | LcsTableMergeRel is the relational expression corresponding to merges on a column-store table. |
LcsTableMergeRule | LcsTableMergeRule is a rule for converting an abstract TableModificationRel into a corresponding LcsTableMergeRel . |
LcsTableProjectionRule | LcsTableProjectionRule implements the rule for pushing a Projection into a LcsRowScanRel. |
Enum Summary | |
LcsTableMergeRel.ReshapeProjectionType |
Defines the LucidDB column-store local data wrapper implementation.
Revision | $Id: //open/dev/farrago/src/com/lucidera/lcs/package.html#3 $ |
Copyright | Copyright (C) 2005-2009 LucidEra, Inc.
Copyright (C) 2005-2009 The Eigenbase Project |
Author | John V. Sichi |