Package com.lucidera.lcs

Defines the LucidDB column-store local data wrapper implementation.


Class Summary
LcsAddDeletionScanRule A rule for modifying the input into a row scan to include a scan of the deletion index.
LcsAppendStreamDef LcsAppendStreamDef creates an append execution stream def
LcsColumnMetadata LcsColumnMetadata is an implementation of MedAbstractColumnMetadata for LcsRowScanRel
LcsCompositeStreamDef LcsCompositeStreamDef is a composite Fem stream definition.
LcsDataServer LcsDataServer implements the FarragoMedDataServer interface for LucidDB column-store data.
LcsDataWrapper LcsDataWrapper implements the FarragoMedDataWrapper interface for LucidDB column-store data.
LcsIndexAccessRule LcsIndexAccessRule is a rule for converting FilterRel+LcsRowScanRel into LcsIndexAccessRel (when the filter has the appropriate form).
LcsIndexAggRel An aggregate on bitmap data.
LcsIndexAggRule A rule for directly aggregating off of an unclustered index scan.
LcsIndexBitOpRel LcsIndexBitOpRel is a base class for implementing bit operation streams with 2 or more inputs
LcsIndexBuilderRel LcsIndexBuilderRel is a relational expression that builds an unclustered Lcs index.
LcsIndexBuilderRule LcsModificationRule is a rule for converting an abstract FarragoIndexBuilderRel into a corresponding LcsIndexBuilderRel.
LcsIndexGuide LcsIndexGuide provides information about the mapping from catalog definitions for LCS tables and their clusters to their Fennel representation.
LcsIndexIntersectRel LcsIndexIntersectRel is a relation for intersecting the results of two index scans.
LcsIndexMergeRel LcsIndexMergeRel is a relation for merging the results of an index scan.
LcsIndexMinusRel LcsIndexMinusRel is a relation for "subtracting" the 2nd through Nth inputs from the first input.
LcsIndexOnlyAccessRule A rule for converting an LcsRowScanRel(LcsIndexSearchRel) to an LcsIndexOnlyScanRel.
LcsIndexOnlyScanRel A relation for performing an index only scan of a table (as opposed to performing a regular row scan).
LcsIndexOptimizer LcsIndexOptimizer optimizes the access path to use index based on cost.
LcsIndexOptimizer.RowCountComparator RowCountComparator is used to sort RelNodes based on their rowcounts, provided the counts are known.
LcsIndexSearchRel LcsIndexSearchRel is a relation for reading from an unclustered index.
LcsIndexSemiJoinRule LcsIndexSemiJoinRule implements the rule for converting a semijoin expression into the actual operations used to execute the semijoin.
LcsNormalizerRel A relation which expands bitmap tuples of the form [keys, bitmaps] into repetitious tuples of the form [keys].
LcsRemoveRidExprRule LcsRemoveRidExprRule is a rule for converting rid expressions that appear in a ProjectRel whose child is a EmptyRel into BIGINT null literals.
LcsReplaceStreamDef LcsReplaceStreamDef creates an cluster replace execution stream def
LcsSamplingRowScanRule LcsSamplingRowScanRule converts a SamplingRel applied to an LcsRowScanRel into a LcsSamplingRowScanRel.
LcsTable An implementation of RelOptTable for accessing data in a LucidDB column-store.
LcsTable.ClusterComparator Comparator that sorts clusters by cluster name.
LcsTableAlterRule LcsTableAlterRule is a rule for converting an abstract TableModificationRel into a corresponding LcsTableAppendRel in the special case where it is being processed as part of an ALTER TABLE ADD COLUMN statement.
LcsTableAppendRel LcsTableAppendRel is the relational expression corresponding to appending rows to all of the clusters of a column-store table.
LcsTableAppendRule LcsTableAppendRule is a rule for converting an abstract TableModificationRel into a corresponding LcsTableAppendRel.
LcsTableDeleteRel LcsTableDeleteRel is the relational expression corresponding to deletes from a column-store table.
LcsTableDeleteRule LcsTableDeleteRule is a rule for converting an abstract TableModificationRel into a corresponding LcsTableDeleteRel.
LcsTableMergeRel LcsTableMergeRel is the relational expression corresponding to merges on a column-store table.
LcsTableMergeRule LcsTableMergeRule is a rule for converting an abstract TableModificationRel into a corresponding LcsTableMergeRel.
LcsTableProjectionRule LcsTableProjectionRule implements the rule for pushing a Projection into a LcsRowScanRel.

Enum Summary

Package com.lucidera.lcs Description

Defines the LucidDB column-store local data wrapper implementation.

Revision $Id: //open/dev/farrago/src/com/lucidera/lcs/package.html#3 $
Copyright Copyright (C) 2005-2009 LucidEra, Inc.
Copyright (C) 2005-2009 The Eigenbase Project
Author John V. Sichi