HOWTO: Use Farrago SQL to Access Metadata Managed by MDR

If you are using MDR as a persistent repository, chances are good that at some point you'll want to expose your repository data as SQL views. This makes it possible to use an off-the-shelf query/reporting tool to browse your repository, generate reports, or just about anything else.

The Farrago DBMS platform makes all of this possible via its SQL/MED extensibility feature. This document describes how to make use of the MDR plugin.

Getting Started with Farrago

The first step is to get a Farrago build. See the developer jump-start page for details, or download prebuilt binaries. For very simple queries (e.g. filters, projections, and limited joins) you don't need the Fennel C++ components; pure Java can do the job. But if you want more comprehensive SQL support (e.g. ORDER BY), you'll need a build with Fennel.

After you have installed Farrago, make sure you're able to execute simple queries via iSQL-Viewer.

Farrago Talks MDR

For an example MDR repository, we will use a test btree repository which is generated by the Farrago build. (If you're using prebuilt binaries, this isn't part of the distribution, but you can get it from the Farrago-only source download and change the unitsql path below accordingly.) This repository contains just the MOF metametamodel. The first step is to tell Farrago where to find this repository. This is analogous to mounting a device in Unix in order to make it accessible via the filesystem. Execute the following command from iSQL-Viewer:

create server mof_repository
foreign data wrapper sys_mdr
    "org.netbeans.mdr.persistence.Dir" 'unitsql/ddl/mdr',
    extent_name 'MOF',
    schema_name 'MODEL'
Explanation: Once the server definition above is created, you can directly query the repository extent if you know the available class names from the model. Let's get a list of all of the metaclasses defined by MOF:

select * from mof_repository.model."Class";
NOTE: object names from MDR (like "Class") are case sensitive and have to be quoted when they aren't upper-case to begin with. The reason mof_repository and model don't have to be quoted is that they were defined by Farrago DDL, not MDR. The results should look something like this:

Number of Records :: 28
name  annotation  container  isRoot  isLeaf  isAbstract  visibility  isSingleton  mofId  mofClassName 
Tag    7D749D32-73FA-11D8-9D44-AFBC9CB2AA77:0000000000000394  false  false  false  public_vis  false  7D749D32-73FA-11D8-9D44-AFBC9CB2AA77:000000000000036B  Class 
Constant    7D749D32-73FA-11D8-9D44-AFBC9CB2AA77:0000000000000394  false  false  false  public_vis  false  7D749D32-73FA-11D8-9D44-AFBC9CB2AA77:0000000000000364  Class 
Constraint    7D749D32-73FA-11D8-9D44-AFBC9CB2AA77:0000000000000394  false  false  false  public_vis  false  7D749D32-73FA-11D8-9D44-AFBC9CB2AA77:000000000000035E  Class 
Parameter    7D749D32-73FA-11D8-9D44-AFBC9CB2AA77:0000000000000394  false  false  false  public_vis  false  7D749D32-73FA-11D8-9D44-AFBC9CB2AA77:0000000000000352  Class 
Import    7D749D32-73FA-11D8-9D44-AFBC9CB2AA77:0000000000000394  false  false  false  public_vis  false  7D749D32-73FA-11D8-9D44-AFBC9CB2AA77:000000000000034D  Class 
Package    7D749D32-73FA-11D8-9D44-AFBC9CB2AA77:0000000000000394  false  false  false  public_vis  false  7D749D32-73FA-11D8-9D44-AFBC9CB2AA77:0000000000000343  Class 
AssociationEnd    7D749D32-73FA-11D8-9D44-AFBC9CB2AA77:0000000000000394  false  false  false  public_vis  false  7D749D32-73FA-11D8-9D44-AFBC9CB2AA77:000000000000033E  Class 
Association    7D749D32-73FA-11D8-9D44-AFBC9CB2AA77:0000000000000394  false  false  false  public_vis  false  7D749D32-73FA-11D8-9D44-AFBC9CB2AA77:0000000000000331  Class 
Exception    7D749D32-73FA-11D8-9D44-AFBC9CB2AA77:0000000000000394  false  false  false  public_vis  false  7D749D32-73FA-11D8-9D44-AFBC9CB2AA77:0000000000000328  Class 
Operation    7D749D32-73FA-11D8-9D44-AFBC9CB2AA77:0000000000000394  false  false  false  public_vis  false  7D749D32-73FA-11D8-9D44-AFBC9CB2AA77:0000000000000322  Class 
BehavioralFeature    7D749D32-73FA-11D8-9D44-AFBC9CB2AA77:0000000000000394  false  false  true  public_vis  false  7D749D32-73FA-11D8-9D44-AFBC9CB2AA77:000000000000031B  Class 
Reference    7D749D32-73FA-11D8-9D44-AFBC9CB2AA77:0000000000000394  false  false  false  public_vis  false  7D749D32-73FA-11D8-9D44-AFBC9CB2AA77:0000000000000319  Class 
Attribute    7D749D32-73FA-11D8-9D44-AFBC9CB2AA77:0000000000000394  false  false  false  public_vis  false  7D749D32-73FA-11D8-9D44-AFBC9CB2AA77:000000000000030E  Class 
StructuralFeature    7D749D32-73FA-11D8-9D44-AFBC9CB2AA77:0000000000000394  false  false  true  public_vis  false  7D749D32-73FA-11D8-9D44-AFBC9CB2AA77:000000000000030A  Class 
Feature    7D749D32-73FA-11D8-9D44-AFBC9CB2AA77:0000000000000394  false  false  true  public_vis  false  7D749D32-73FA-11D8-9D44-AFBC9CB2AA77:0000000000000306  Class 
AliasType    7D749D32-73FA-11D8-9D44-AFBC9CB2AA77:0000000000000394  false  false  false  public_vis  false  7D749D32-73FA-11D8-9D44-AFBC9CB2AA77:0000000000000301  Class 
StructureField    7D749D32-73FA-11D8-9D44-AFBC9CB2AA77:0000000000000394  false  false  false  public_vis  false  7D749D32-73FA-11D8-9D44-AFBC9CB2AA77:00000000000002FF  Class 
StructureType    7D749D32-73FA-11D8-9D44-AFBC9CB2AA77:0000000000000394  false  false  false  public_vis  false  7D749D32-73FA-11D8-9D44-AFBC9CB2AA77:00000000000002FC  Class 
CollectionType    7D749D32-73FA-11D8-9D44-AFBC9CB2AA77:0000000000000394  false  false  false  public_vis  false  7D749D32-73FA-11D8-9D44-AFBC9CB2AA77:00000000000002F9  Class 
EnumerationType    7D749D32-73FA-11D8-9D44-AFBC9CB2AA77:0000000000000394  false  false  false  public_vis  false  7D749D32-73FA-11D8-9D44-AFBC9CB2AA77:00000000000002F6  Class 
PrimitiveType    7D749D32-73FA-11D8-9D44-AFBC9CB2AA77:0000000000000394  false  false  false  public_vis  false  7D749D32-73FA-11D8-9D44-AFBC9CB2AA77:00000000000002F3  Class 
DataType    7D749D32-73FA-11D8-9D44-AFBC9CB2AA77:0000000000000394  false  false  true  public_vis  false  7D749D32-73FA-11D8-9D44-AFBC9CB2AA77:00000000000002F1  Class 
Class    7D749D32-73FA-11D8-9D44-AFBC9CB2AA77:0000000000000394  false  false  false  public_vis  false  7D749D32-73FA-11D8-9D44-AFBC9CB2AA77:00000000000002E2  Class 
Classifier    7D749D32-73FA-11D8-9D44-AFBC9CB2AA77:0000000000000394  false  false  true  public_vis  false  7D749D32-73FA-11D8-9D44-AFBC9CB2AA77:00000000000002DB  Class 
TypedElement    7D749D32-73FA-11D8-9D44-AFBC9CB2AA77:0000000000000394  false  false  true  public_vis  false  7D749D32-73FA-11D8-9D44-AFBC9CB2AA77:00000000000002D9  Class 
GeneralizableElement    7D749D32-73FA-11D8-9D44-AFBC9CB2AA77:0000000000000394  false  false  true  public_vis  false  7D749D32-73FA-11D8-9D44-AFBC9CB2AA77:00000000000002D4  Class 
Namespace    7D749D32-73FA-11D8-9D44-AFBC9CB2AA77:0000000000000394  false  false  true  public_vis  false  7D749D32-73FA-11D8-9D44-AFBC9CB2AA77:00000000000002BD  Class 
ModelElement    7D749D32-73FA-11D8-9D44-AFBC9CB2AA77:0000000000000394  false  false  true  public_vis  false  7D749D32-73FA-11D8-9D44-AFBC9CB2AA77:00000000000002A1  Class 

Now we know the column names, so we can issue a more meaningful query, like finding the names of all abstract classes. Since the isAbstract column has type BOOLEAN, we can use it directly in the WHERE clause.

select "name" from mof_repository.model."Class" where "isAbstract";
Expected results:

Number of Records :: 9

Result Set Details

In the first result set above, notice the hexadecimal string ID's for the container and mofId columns. These are MOFID values, which are essentially object identifiers. The mofId attribute represents the ID for the object represented by the row in question (so in the above example, they are ID's for Class instances). The association between Namespace and ModelElement gives rise to the container column in the Class result set; it's really a foreign key referencing the mofId column of the Namespace result set. MDR takes care of the object-oriented aspects, so we can query for Package instances, which are a subset of all Namespace instances:

select "name","mofId" from mof_repository.model."Package";
Expected results:

Number of Records :: 3
name  mofId 
CorbaIdlTypes  7D749D32-73FA-11D8-9D44-AFBC9CB2AA77:00000000000003A3 
Model  7D749D32-73FA-11D8-9D44-AFBC9CB2AA77:0000000000000394 
PrimitiveTypes  7D749D32-73FA-11D8-9D44-AFBC9CB2AA77:0000000000000272 

Notice that the mofId for the row with name=Model is the same as the container ID for all of the classes in the first result set. So this means all MOF classes are defined in the Model package. You can use a join to navigate the association; try the query below:

    n."name" as container_name,
    e."name" as element_name
    mof_repository.model."Package" n
inner join
    mof_repository.model."ModelElement" e
on n."mofId" = e."container";

Some other result set details:

Local Metadata

So far, we have been querying the repository directly using our knowledge of its underlying package structure. Normally, you will instead want to capture at least a subset of the repository's metadata in Farrago's own catalog so that it is available in standard format (JDBC metadata calls, INFORMATION_SCHEMA, etc.) for use in third-party query tools such as iSQL-Viewer (or in your own application). You will probably also want to define your own data dictionary views on top of the raw repository tables to transform the metadata into a more useful format. There are a number of ways to go about this:
  1. Use the SQL/MED CREATE FOREIGN TABLE command to import metadata for individual tables into the Farrago catalog, specifying column names and types explicitly.
  2. Use the SQL/MED CREATE FOREIGN TABLE command to import metadata for individual tables into the Farrago catalog, allowing the system to infer the column names and types.
  3. Use the SQL/MED IMPORT FOREIGN SCHEMA command to import metadata for a collection of tables all at once. This is not yet implemented by Farrago, so it won't be discussed here.
  4. Use the CREATE VIEW command to define views directly against the repository.
  5. Use the CREATE VIEW command to define views against metadata imported via one of the first three methods.
Here's a CREATE FOREIGN TABLE example:

create schema mof_schema;

create foreign table mof_schema.exceptions(
    name varchar(20),
    annotation varchar(1),
    container char(54),
    "SCOPE" varchar(20),
    visibility varchar(20),
    exception_id char(54),
    unused_name varchar(20))
server mof_repository
options (class_name 'Exception');
Explanation: Let's query the table via the local metadata:

select name,visibility
from mof_schema.exceptions;

Number of Records :: 2
NameNotResolved  public_vis 
NameNotFound  public_vis 

If this is the only information desired, we can create a view to capture it:

create view mof_schema.exception_visibility as
select name,visibility
from mof_schema.exceptions;
The same view could instead be defined directly against the repository metadata:

create view mof_schema.exception_visibility as
select "name" as name,"visibility" as visibility
from mof_repository.model."Exception";
Note that in this second view definition, the column types would be based on the repository metadata rather than on the overriding types specified when the table definition was imported.

Try This At Home

If you made it through the above walkthrough, you're ready to give it a try with your own repository by following similar steps. There are a few things you should take into consideration first: Let us know how it goes for you.


Show how to use IMPORT FOREIGN SCHEMA once it is working, and also show metadata browsing via iSQL-Viewer once that is working.