Farrago Architecture


Conceptually, an RDBMS is an unusual combination of two systems with very different natures. The low level system is a computation- and data-intensive kernel in which scalability, performance, and reliability are the key factors. The high level system is simply an application server in which the data model defines relational objects, and the "business logic" is SQL parsing, optimization, execution, and extensibility. Many DBMS implementations fail to recognize this dual nature and have serious implementation flaws as a result. Heavyweight commercial systems treat the entire server as a kernel, which makes development of higher level logic unnecessarily difficult as it is bound by constraints only suitable for the lower level system. Lightweight systems (e.g. most Java databases) go to the opposite extreme, focusing on simplicity rather than performance, which necessarily limits their applicability. One objective of the Farrago project is to demonstrate that it's possible to have it all without creating something too monstrous. Another is to build up a modular plugin framework so that other projects can use Farrago as a base for more specialized SQL engines.

Plugin Architecture

In line with these goals, the Farrago architecture defines a multi-language pluggable framework with system-level extensibility in a variety of directions:

The frameworks span a number of programming, scripting, and modeling languages:

Component Stack

The diagram below illustrates at a coarse granularity the various layers involved in the component stack of the Farrago platform:

The Java VM can be a top-level container for a standalone server (with RMI from client JDBC drivers), or Farrago can be hosted by other containers such as J2EE application servers in a multi-tier configuration. The Farrago framework maintains SQL-specific state per connected session. Parsing, validation, and optimization work against the catalog, which combines a local MDR repository with an extensible namespace system. User-defined SQL/MED namespace plugins can be used to "mount" foreign data sources, causing them to appear as additional top-level catalogs. Query execution plans are implemented as a combination of C++ access paths and generated Java code, with access to both local storage and foreign data (via namespace support).


Today's best application server technology is Java-based, and Java support for extensibility through language features such as reflection is excellent, so high-level Farrago components are developed in Java. Kernel-level components are implemented in C++ for efficiency (even java.nio can't make up for the lack of pointers in Java). JNI is used to bridge the top and bottom halves.

Farrago relies on the following independent open-source projects (some of which depend in turn on other projects):

The system catalog model is based on the Common Warehouse Metamodel, with Farrago-specific extensions.

Build/test tools:

In addition, our intention is to define adapters for embedding Farrago in various application servers. For a lightweight configuration, it will be deployable as a servlet in a server such as Tomcat. For a heavyweight configuration (e.g. with distributed transaction support and JMX xmonitoring), it will be deployable in a full-fledged application server such as JBoss. Currently supported containers are a standalone RMI server and direct embedding as a serverless JDBC engine.

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